This aura is deadly

Chapter 114: Enough Time to Squander

It was already 12 noon when Chen Ke and Pihom returned to the gun shop after bidding farewell to Bain.

Pihom slowly parked the car in the garage, and then came to the safe house with Chen Ke.

Hall and Lucina were away, probably going outside to prepare for the robbery. Only Priskin was humming and holding tools to repair a large drill.

This drill is about the size of a small table. It is equipped with a pump, battery and a small fuel tank. A large drill bit is firmly fixed in the middle by a square iron frame. The attached display shows the drill bit's rotational speed and the remaining oil.

If nothing else happens, this big guy should be Chen Ke's only tool to break through the bank vault door.

"This thing looks really big, Priskin, are you sure we can take this thing out?" Chen Ke asked puzzled.

"This thing can be disassembled into scattered iron pipes and parts, and a travel bag can hold it. Now there is a problem that I can't solve, that is, it may be very noisy..." Pulis Twist the last section of air tube on.

"How noisy will it be?" Pihom asked.

"Probably as good as a gasoline generator..." Priskin spread his hands.

"That is to say...if we drilled through the door in the bank, the donut shop across the street could hear us...?" Chen Ke said with a smile.

"Yes, but there is no way. There is no way to drill open the vault door with a hand-held drill. We have to use this, and I can't do magic to quiet this big guy." Priskin shook his head helplessly.

Pihom frowned in confusion. The security window for this operation was only 5 minutes. When the people in the bank were controlled, the security system would detect anomalies and start a 5-minute countdown...

The door must be opened within 5 minutes, and then you must escape with your belongings.

But now, the sound of this drilling rig has become a new problem. What if people outside are attracted by the sound of the drilling rig and call the police?

"Is there any other way we can fix the door?" Chen Ke asked.

"There is no other way. Bain may be able to hack the program of the vault door remotely, but that would be equivalent to sounding the alarm in advance." Pihom said.

" just said that the sound of this thing is similar to that of a gasoline generator?" Chen Ke had an idea.

"Yeah, what's your idea?" Priskin asked.

"It's too simple. Let's bribe any shop and let them use a gasoline generator to power their shop that day. Maybe we can get the people around us used to this sound," Chen Kedao said.

"You are a fucking genius, Chen Ke!" Priskin touched his head and smiled. Pihom also clapped his hands and his brows relaxed.

Pihom opened his notebook. Bain had already sent the bank blueprint through the private network. There were many symbols drawn on it and various advantages. What Pihom had to do next was to turn these advantages into reality. .

Chen Ke took advantage of this time to check out his customized rifle, which was called "Countdown to Life" and was a precision shooting rifle modified from M16A2.

He fired a few rounds at the shooting range of the safe house and found that Priskin had calibrated it for him. Compared with the sniper rifle designed for an engagement range of 500 to 1,000 meters, Chen Ke used this sniper rifle for an engagement range of 200 to 400 meters. Precision shooting rifles that are calibrated for distance are more comfortable.

He placed the gun back on the rack with satisfaction, and there was even a note with his name on the side.

On the table next to it, there is a mask with paint that has not yet dried. It was made by Lucina for herself. It has a skull face, an hourglass and a crosshair cluster on the forehead, and the eyes are indeed an exaggerated mask with sunglasses.

The entire mask is based on white. Lucina painted the skull's teeth black, which looks very intimidating. She wears a pair of black sunglasses on the white skull's face. The countdown and crosshair patterns are inspired by thick blood. Moribai and Youhei add a ferocious spirit to the mask that focuses on vision.

"Sue Death Angel." Lucina wrote down the name of this mask on the notebook next to her.

"It's really good. She's quite talented." Chen Ke bent over and admired while observing the mask closely. It was hard to imagine that one day he would actually get such a gift.

It's less than 1 o'clock now, and there are still at least 5 hours until dusk.

5 hours... Chen Ke looked at the life countdown in the corner of his eye. Before that, 5 hours was his entire lifespan. With nothing to do, he turned on Hall's PS3 and inserted the "Assassin's Creed" disc.

"Don't you want something to eat?" Pihom came over with a box of pizza.

"Thank you." Chen Ke nodded. Although he didn't need to eat, it was better not to act too weird. Pihom threw the pizza box on the PS3 and then went to do other things. He should have gone out to prepare for the plan.

The pizza was a very ordinary fast-food pizza, sweet and greasy, with large chunks of meat and dried vegetables piled up in an aesthetically pleasing way, dotted with white salad dressing and red tomato sauce. Chen Ke took a bite. I don't want to take another bite.

The title background music of Assassin's Creed sounded on the TV. Because it was the first generation work in 2007, the title music at this time did not have the classic "ezios family" as the main theme.

It was half past six in the afternoon as soon as we started playing.

Seeing that he had less than 10 hours left to live, Chen Ke was not particularly panicked. He was already used to it...

At this time, Lester suddenly sent a text message.

"The suit is ready. Do you want to pick it up or have it delivered?"

Chen Ke put down the handle and looked around. In the safe house, only Priskin was working on the drill.

"I'll come." Chen Ke replied quickly.

Without saying anything, he went out and stopped a taxi. Half an hour later, Chen Ke appeared in Zio Suit Shop.

"Are you ready for the assassination tonight?"

When Chen Ke put on the clean suit again, Lester asked with a smile.

"He's dead Lester, don't worry." Chen Ke replied.

He didn't know why Lester wanted to kill these three people, or even their specific identities. However, as long as Lester was willing to pay, Chen Ke would not ask.

A professional killer would not ask unnecessary questions, nor would he kill unnecessary people. The target is the target. Even if there is no grudge, he has to complete the task after taking it.

"Go in quietly, kill the target, and then come out quietly, with no expression on his face, huh!" Chen Ke thought while tying his tie in front of the mirror. His technique was not yet skillful.

"I still want to remind you, try to disguise the cause of the target's death as an accident, and don't make any big trouble. If you are wanted by the whole city, I will not contact you again." Lester rubbed his hands and reminded kindly.

"Okay, Lester. But you have to help me prepare a few more suits and provide free cleaning services as a small extra reward for my cooperation with you." Chen Ke suggested.

He has a great demand for clothes. Every time he fights with people or monsters, blood, flesh and vomit will splash all over his body, and his clothes will burst. It's really unbearable.

"That's no problem. Of course, I will give you a discount on the cost of custom-made suits... Hehe..." Lester pushed his glasses.

Chen Ke and Lester don't know each other's details, but as long as this cooperation can be successfully concluded, Lester should also be a potential long-term ally.

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