This aura is deadly

Chapter 115 The Wrong Soul in the Office Building


Lafite Road District Commercial Street, in front of a high-end office building.

This building is like a sky pavilion where an otherworldly emperor lives. The forty-odd floors above it are inserted straight into the dark sky, leaving the hustle and bustle of the streets and the light pollution emitted by colorful advertising signs on the ground.

The rows of windows near the roof were still lit. Chen Ke took out the target's photo and looked at the address left on the back.

If Lester's information was correct, the mean-looking man should be there.

Chen Ke stuffed the photo into the inner pocket of his suit and put on black leather gloves. He didn't want to leave his fingerprints in the building.

There was no architectural blueprint, so he didn't know the specific structure of the building. In order to avoid making people in the building suspicious, Chen Ke didn't go in to investigate in advance. Tonight was the first time he set foot here.

However, as a modern office space, this building must register everyone entering and exiting. Without employee tags, people cannot enter at will.

It is already night. Paul, a security guard in his 50s, is sitting lazily at the front desk. The flashlight and stick used for patrolling are placed on the table. He is concentrating on his small portable TV. There is a chance to watch tonight. The football match between the team and the winning team of Xiaoyao City

In order to watch this game, Paul persuaded his night shift colleague Jack to help patrol the field at the cost of a pack of cigarettes. Being a security guard in a building is a boring job, especially in a high-rise office building like this. Except for programmers who work overtime until late at night, You hardly see anyone.

Without this small TV, Paul was afraid that he would be frightened by the things he came up with.

Outside the opposite glass door is a busy commercial street. No thief would want to steal anything in this building. Every elevator in the building is equipped with cameras.

The stairwell was pitch dark, and the sensor lights would automatically turn off at night. No one would want to stay in that place for even a second.

Paul finally let his small TV show a clear image. The Opportunity City Goodfellas team had kicked off, and quarterback Macy was running fast with a football in his arms, skillfully avoiding the opponents who rushed towards him.

Paul felt a gust of wind blowing against his cheeks. He held up his hat and looked up at the door. He felt that the door had just moved...

Paul looked around. There was no one in the lobby. The elevator waiting area was quiet. The gap in the wooden door of the stairwell seemed to be a little tighter than he thought...

Paul picked up the flashlight and stood up, but an inexplicable feeling of fear came into his heart. He hesitated for a moment, and finally put down the flashlight and sat down again.

"It's just the wind, it's just the wind..." Paul said to himself while continuing to watch the game. On the TV, Macy jumped with the ball in his arms and crossed the opponent's goal line.

The elevator indicator light showed 27, and Jack walked out of the elevator into the dark corridor of the office building.

During the day, the lights here are brightly lit, and the large office space can accommodate more than 500 office workers. But at night, the place is as quiet as a tomb.

Jack once heard a scary story about an office building. It is said that some office workers who died of overwork will turn into ghosts and wander around the office building late at night. They will try to make everyone who works overtime until late at night become their companions...

But Jack didn't know that the friends of these ghosts did not include people working the night shift.

In the corridor, only the floor lamp close to the floor emits a faint light, which is enough to illuminate the night watchman, but not enough to dispel the fear in the hearts of those who are in the dark.

Whether it was dazzling or an illusion, Jack always felt that he was not the only one in the passage in front of him.

In the shadow of the corridor, there seemed to be a man in a black suit walking slowly forward. He swept his flashlight forward and saw the back of a man emerging where the light source passed by. But as long as the light source moved away, the man would disappear. Just disappear...

"Oh shit..." Jack's heartbeat accelerated and his legs were trembling. He involuntarily pressed the elevator button lightly. There was nothing in the empty corridor in front of him.

Chen Ke squatted on the ground and crawled on his hands and knees. He had just been illuminated by the security guard's flashlight, and his darkness concealment instantly dropped from 80% to 0. He was so frightened that he quickly fell down.

Fortunately, the security guard didn't seem to see anything, so he pressed the elevator button and hurried downstairs. What a stroke of luck! Chen Ke wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He almost overturned the car just now.

The dark concealment effect of this suit does not bring about invisibility, but "passive ignorance".

It's like there are a lot of items piled on your table. You can definitely see them all, but in a blink of an eye, you only remember the ones you use most. Others that are not commonly used will be ignored by you.

Chen Ke will become the ignored one in a dark environment. This is a kind of perception deception.

The 27th floor is not the top of the building, but the employee elevator ends here. If you want to continue going upstairs, you must take a dedicated elevator or continue climbing the stairs.

Chen Ke didn't want to be caught by the camera in the elevator, so he chose to continue climbing the stairs.

While going up, Chen Ke secretly glanced at the corridor through the crack in the stairwell door out of curiosity.

There are actually people working overtime on these floors. Through the frosted glass wall, you can vaguely see several figures sitting in the office, keyboards clicking.

He leaned against the dark edge of the corridor and looked into the office. The people who were working had sallow faces and tired looks. There were people of all skin colors. They were all wearing plaid shirts and thick glasses. They were either bald or hairy. The line is close to the top of the head.

Chen Ke shook his head. He didn't find the target, but after thinking about it, he knew how the boss could type the code himself...

Finally, we reached the top floor. There was only a simple corridor on this floor. Next to the workbench for the secretary to work was a luxurious wooden double door.

This reminded him of many scenes in European and American movies. As long as the boss presses a button in his magnificent office, the secretary's phone will ring. In addition to routine office matters, he can also do some things that make people daydream.

At this moment, a man's voice came from the door, his tone was hysterical, and he seemed to be complaining and pleading to someone.

Chen Ke put his ear against the door, but the door was too thick, and it was difficult for him to hear clearly even in such a quiet environment.

He simply held the door handle carefully, tensed up his whole body and quietly twisted, opening the door a small crack.

"I have done everything I can do, and you got what you want! Why don't you give her back to me?! Why! I don't want to pay for you anymore, you monster! You are too greedy! You Like a vampire! Why not just kill me! You could easily do it...but you refused to face me took her away, you took her away forever..."

The man's voice came from the crack in the door. It sounded like he had made a deal with a certain woman, and the chips were heavy.

Chen Ke looked at the room through the crack in the door. It was a large, luxurious office with an indoor golf course and a helicopter pad outside the floor-to-ceiling window. A man in a white shirt was sitting at the desk, holding a bottle of wine in his hand. .

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