This aura is deadly

Chapter 116 Pale Moon

Even from a distance of more than ten meters, Chen Ke could see the big "XO" on the bottle. It was a bottle of top brandy.

Lester said that these targets were protected by many bodyguards, but judging from the current situation, Chen Ke did not encounter any bodyguards, nor did he feel any murderous intent.

We can only guess what great setback he encountered. Taking advantage of XO's drunkenness, he came to the office and roared at his incompetence in the air.

Chen Ke cautiously opened the door slightly to see if there was any ambush in the office. Well, the empty office confirmed Chen Ke's guess. He was really the only one here.

There are some oil paintings hanging on the walls on both sides of the office. Rich people like to do this. They spend money to hang something they don't understand to enhance their style.

There was a painting that caught Chen Ke's attention. The painting was very huge. It was roughly estimated to be more than three meters high and nearly one meter wide. Mount the mask in the center of the left wall, taking up most of the wall.

The content of the painting is a beautiful woman wearing a blue sleeveless cheongsam, with a semi-transparent black tulle on her head. Only half of her face can be seen. She has a sad expression, a mole at the corner of her mouth, and an attractive squirrel on the chest of the cheongsam. Hollow out, a pair of slender white legs are elegantly placed side by side. On her feet are a pair of high heels of the same color as her cheongsam.

This beauty in cheongsam is sitting on a small stool, facing outside the painting, with the corners of her mouth slightly lowered, as if she is sighing at the people outside. Although this painting feels very exquisite and expensive, it always makes people feel shuddering.

I didn’t expect this guy to like Fei Huangfeng’s stuff. That painting must be worth a lot of money.

Chen Ke didn't hide anything. He walked in the door openly and closed the door. The other party sat on the ground drunkenly and was not surprised to see Chen Ke coming.

"Would you like a drink, friend?" The man raised the bottle.

"This is the last night of your life, do you just want to say this?" Chen Ke asked.

"Ah... the last night, why not? I have everything and nothing. I should have died long ago." The man said, lifting the bottle for a while...

Chen Ke suppressed his strong curiosity. He really wanted to ask what happened to this man, but he also knew that the other person's affairs had nothing to do with him.

"Would you like to accompany me to see the moon, friend?" The man stood up with difficulty holding on to the table and threw the empty wine bottle on the ground.

Chen Ke subconsciously took a step back and wanted to take out his gun, but held back.

"Ah... the moon... only the moon can't lie..." The man walked crookedly towards the helicopter pad, saying words that Chen Ke couldn't understand as he walked.

Chen Ke followed closely and did not stop him. The wind was very strong on the rooftop, and there was a small helicopter parked on the helipad.

"This world... is full of madmen... Only the moon can't lie to people. There is only... vomit!!..." Halfway through, the man vomited out all the contents of his stomach.

I saw several unknown black thumb-shaped strips, mixed with bloody undigested juice, spurting out of his mouth. Those things were still curling and shaking slightly on the ground, as if they were alive...

What followed was a nauseating, pungent smell mixed with alcohol and an indescribable taste. Chen Ke covered his nose and looked at the man's vomit in surprise. It was hard to imagine what he had eaten...

"The moon...the moon...the pale blood..." the man muttered in a daze, walking towards the edge of the roof with a strange and weird pace.

Chen Ke also subconsciously looked up at the moon. He didn't know if it was because he was standing on the top of a building more than thirty stories high. In the abyss-like black sky, the pale moon looked much bigger than usual.

Chen Ke came to his senses and saw that the man was no longer visible on the rooftop. He frowned, walked around the man's vomit, and ran to the edge of the building to look down.

Looking down from a height of 100 meters, the traffic and pedestrians on the street are like ants. At this moment, a large number of people gathered on the steps of the first floor of the building...

Chen Ke sighed. He didn't know what evil possessed the man. Although he didn't do it himself, the target did "die in an accident."

Chen Ke took out his cell phone and dialed Lester's number.

"Lester, the target jumped off the building." He said calmly.

"Well done, no need to tell me the details, I know you will always find a way." Lester said with satisfaction.

"Well... let's wait and see." Chen Ke said.

After hanging up the phone, he was still curious about the man's strange behavior, so he walked to the man's vomit, suppressed his nausea and resistance, and studied the black strip.

Originally, Chen Ke thought it was some kind of bug, but when he looked closer, it wasn't that, but more like a section of intestines... Could it be that this guy just vomited out his intestines?

He never believed that the buddy's vomiting just now was caused by excessive drinking. It was more like some kind of physiological rejection...

Looking back at the huge moon, under the quiet moonlight, the colors on the top floor of the building are completely different from the busy commercial street downstairs. If the bustling world below the 20th floor is orange-red, then the top of the building is cold blue. The Netherland is like two worlds.

Chen Ke couldn't help but shudder. He didn't know if it was an illusion. Under the lingering moonlight, unidentified hoarfrost rose all around, like a mist that would never dissipate, making the entire rooftop hazy.

Letting out a breath of hot breath, the temperature here has slowly dropped since just now. There is a feeling that he has entered the inhuman realm. There is no point in staying here. Chen Ke turned and walked into the office.

"+10 hours"

"The life span has reached the upper limit..."

"+10 hours"

"The life span has reached the upper limit..."

"+10 hours"

"The life span has reached the upper limit..."

Just as he was holding the door handle with both hands and preparing to leave, Chen Ke suddenly felt a huge murderous aura, which actually added 10 hours to his life every second!

He turned around suddenly, took out the PPQ45, and looked for the source of the murderous aura in the empty office. However, at this time, the murderous aura suddenly disappeared.

The office was very quiet. The empty XO wine bottle was on the floor, as if it had been blown by the wind and rolled half a circle.

The moonlight shines into the room through the floor-to-ceiling windows. The oil paintings of cheongsam beauties hanging on the wall lose their bright colors and become a little pale under the moonlight. The black cheongsam sets off the fair skin, and the face covered with black gauze looks like a smile. Not smiling, the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

This painting must be valuable.

Whatever was here before, it is either no longer of interest to Chen Ke or has left. Chen Ke looked at the indescribably weird moon through the window again, shook his head, put away his gun, and left.

When he came to the bustling street again and looked up to the top of the building, the lights on the floor where overtime employees used to be were also turned off. Well... when did they leave?

Chen Ke looked up and looked for the moon through the light pollution of neon lights, advertising signs and large screens. However, he could only see a shallow crescent hanging in the night sky as black as ink...

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