This aura is deadly

Chapter 123 Increase the stakes

Chen Ke made a phone call and briefly told Pihom about the car theft and told him where the three cars were currently stored.

Pihom was still a little hesitant, but the deal was already done, the car had been stolen, and there was definitely no way to get it back.

In desperation, Pihom could only push things along, asking Chen Ke to leave there as soon as possible, and arranged for someone to drive the car to the postman's garage.

Those three cars looked like Boss Tang's cars, so they had to be processed.

Chen Ke never knew that the postman had his own modification factory. After all, he had only been to the safe house after staying there for so long. Counting Pihom himself, he had only met four members...

Chen Ke once thought that the postman was a mountain gun organization... If they had not decided to rob the Si Group, they would not have wasted time on them.

However, after going back and forth like this, I have to say that Chen Ke also developed some feelings for them. After all, after coming to this world, there were not many people who talked to Chen Ke well. The ones he dealt with most were monsters, or The enemy killers who pulled out their guns and shot them.

If nothing else happens, robbers who will become postmen in the future will be active in this city...

In fact, this is quite good... After he removes the life countdown, can he really return to the life of an ordinary person? After experiencing this, Chen Ke has already entered this rhythm, and he himself cannot guarantee what kind of person he will become in the future.

He had thought that after everything was settled, he would find a way to leave the United Federation and go to the Phoenix Republic. After all, it was more like his motherland, but it was still too early to consider this now.

Now, he is still a weirdo who can only survive for 20 hours, a killer whose mind is filled with killing skills.

From 12 noon to 6 pm, Chen Ke soaked in the Golden Arthur to practice HEMA basic swordsmanship. Diana did not come today. Brigitte practiced with Chen Ke and praised Chen Ke for his remarkable progress. Only then did he pass. Just two days.

However, Chen Ke alone felt that it was not enough. Without experience in actual combat, it would be a fantasy to master a killing technique. After all, as a coach, Brigitte had no intention of killing.

Bridger was only fighting Chen Ke on a technical level, which made no sense to Chen Ke who had already acquired the entry-level Meyer swordsmanship.

This is the first skill that he needs to actively acquire and improve. One can imagine how many people Lin Mo killed after mastering those three killing techniques...

During the chat, Chen Ke also asked when Diana would usually come over, because that girl was really fierce, and sparring with her was like competing with an outstanding swordsman.

Chen Ke had no doubt that even if he was crushed by the opponent, the opponent was actually letting off steam. In terms of strength, speed and experience, if it was really a matter of life and death, Diana might not be able to use three swords against Chen Ke.

Of course, if she fought with bare hands or used a gun, Chen Ke would still be sure to kill her.

Brigitte seemed to understand something, but didn't say it out loud. Chen Ke probably realized what Brigitte was thinking and shook his head helplessly.

"She usually comes three times a week, Thursday and Friday afternoons. She stays longer on Saturdays. You're out of luck. It's Sunday today, but seriously man, she's hard to get. A lot of people try Passed." Bridge said.

Chen Ke smiled and did not explain. Instead, he continued to make plans. For some reason, Chen Ke felt that Diana's identity must be extraordinary. Only those who have truly fought for their lives can feel the difference.

Chen Ke had seen the look in Diana's face when she suppressed her inner fear and mustered up the courage to strike hard when faced with an inhuman thing.

At 6:30 pm, Chen Ke left Golden Arthur and came to the Zio suit store in Leicester.

Lester was very satisfied with Chen Ke's actions last night. Although Chen Ke actually didn't do anything, he didn't tell what happened.

But what happened on the top floor of that building puzzled Chen Ke.

That eerie full moon was definitely not normal. Chen Ke had the illusion that he had entered another world when he was on the rooftop.

There is also the murderous aura that suddenly appears and disappears... What exactly is it that is preparing to hunt him, and why did he give up the target?

What did the target mean by those words? Why is there intestines in his vomit?

Also, when Chen Ke went downstairs, he found no trace of employees working overtime leaving, but when he went down to the first floor, the whole building seemed empty...

Lester made coffee, brought it to Chen Ke, and slid an access card in front of Chen Ke.

"What is this?" Chen Ke picked up the magnetic card and asked.

"An access card for a high-end villa in Holly Oak. Rich people generally don't need keys in their residences," Lester said.

"It's hard to imitate this kind of thing, right?" Chen Ke looked at the card. It was no different from an ordinary credit card. A blue ribbon pattern ran through the entire card body, and it said "Milliles Senior Residential Service" center".

"This is not a counterfeit, it's real." Lester smiled mysteriously.

"It seems like all I have to do is open the door, go in and kill him, and then come out again. It's so simple. How did you get this card?" Chen Ke joked.

"I have my own way, Chen Ke, sometimes don't ask too many questions." Lester took a sip of coffee.

"If this card is the only one, he must be very anxious now... Aren't you afraid of alerting others?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, it won't be, because the guy himself doesn't enter the house through the front door..." Lester seemed to feel that there was something he couldn't say, and he only spoke halfway.

"Lester... I need more accurate information to understand the target's status so that I can better carry out the assassination mission. It's not wise for you to be so secretive." Chen Ke knocked on the table.

Lester will definitely not tell himself what those three goals are, but at least Chen Ke must know what potential dangers he has to face.

What if the murderous aura didn't disappear last night on the roof? Then Chen Ke must face an unknown enemy unprepared. Killers hate the unknown.

"You're right Chen Ke, I shouldn't let you face unknown dangers. This is very uncontractual... but I can't say too much." Lester took a sip of coffee and pondered for a while.

"Tell me about Lester, tell me what you think you can say." Chen Ke said.

"Okay Chen Ke, before I reveal some information, I would like to assure you that these three tasks are definitely not beyond your capabilities. No matter how potentially dangerous it is, as long as you are professional enough, you will not touch it. I encountered those things." Lester seemed to be covering up something.

"What did you touch?" Chen Ke asked.

"Extraordinary." Lester said bluntly.

Chen Ke paused and looked at Lester with eyes containing complex emotions.

I’ve seen everything before, and you just want to say this?

"They are all people who have had contact with the extraordinary level, or are in contact with it, but they themselves do not have extraordinary power. Therefore, Chen Ke, with your skills, as long as you are not too curious, nothing will happen." Lai Ste said cautiously, fearing that improper wording would cause ambiguity and scare Chen Ke away.

Chen Ke originally wanted to ask Lester, what level of transcendence did those three people touch? Was it the possession of the sacred diamond? Or can you enter the Great Void? But then I thought about it, asking this was tantamount to confessing that I was aware of the extraordinary, so I changed my question.

"How did they come into contact with the extraordinary?" Chen Ke asked.

"I don't know this kind of details. But I can assure you that their death is something that people who are really involved in the extraordinary level are happy to see. There will be no extraordinary power to retaliate. You just need to let them die professionally. Just drop it, and don't touch what they have." Lester said.

"Even so, this assassination mission is beyond the scope of what I have discussed before. Lester, you know what I mean." Chen Ke said.

Lester clasped his hands together and did not refute. He knew that Chen Ke wanted to increase the reward.

"No problem Chen Ke, no problem... We should all abide by professional ethics, right... Your request is very reasonable." Lester nodded.

Lester thought for a while, as if he was settling accounts in his mind.

"The previously agreed reward was 100,000 joint coins plus a 20% dividend. Now I'm willing to offer 150,000 joint coins and a 30% dividend... and you've already killed one, so I'll pay you 50,000 joint coins first. What do you think? Sample."

150,000, plus 30% dividend. Although I don’t know how much the dividend will be, 150,000 joint coins is not a small amount.

In order to show his sincerity, Lester took out his mobile phone and immediately transferred 50,000 joint dollars into Chen Ke's offshore account.

The phone in his pocket vibrated, Chen Ke smiled and put the access card in his arms.

"make a deal."

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