This aura is deadly

Chapter 124 Taboo Seeker


The villa area in the outskirts of Holy Oak is a gathering place for the wealthy in Opportunity City, but not every villa is occupied.

Many big bosses with properties in Opportunity City will not live in this increasingly depressed city.

They have real estate here, but more often than not, they see it as part of a portfolio, or simply as a place to do business.

Rows of white three-story villas have their lights turned off, and only the street lights on the streets emit pale light. From a distance, they look like the fire of wandering souls floating in the air in a dark world.

"Well, Mr. Punxer, we're going on patrol." Several sturdy bodyguards in suits and black ties bowed slightly toward a lean, red-haired middle-aged man in the study.

"Remember my instructions, anyone who tries to get close to here, anyone who can move, will be killed directly." Punxer said coldly.

The bodyguards walked out of the study quietly and closed the door.

This house is one of Punxer's properties. Compared with the luxurious residences, manors, and seaside villas he owns in the states of the United States... this humble villa can only be described as poor.

The area on the first floor is only 200 square meters, which is too small. Compared with his manor in Xiaoyao City, it can only be described as a prison. The study room is not as big as his previous toilet.

But there is no other way. The price of this villa is only 3 million joint dollars, and Ponxer can't ask for too much.

He had planted this property unintentionally. If he hadn't accidentally seen it when taking inventory of assets, Punxer himself wouldn't have remembered that there was such a set of assets in this depressed city.

And this is exactly why he moved here. If he doesn't even remember it, then no one will know that he is here.

The best place to hide from a killer is to stay in a place that you can't even describe or remember.

Punxer picked up the goblet and poured himself a glass of red wine. Under the orange lamp light, he stared at the red liquid in the glass with hatred in his eyes.

His consortium was originally a member of "Asra", but he found that his colleagues had gone too far on the road to exploring extraordinary taboos.

That's not something humans should master.

But it is impossible for the people of "Asra" to tolerate betrayal. Over the years, he has avoided many man-made "car accidents", "air crashes" and "accidents", and then withstood several secular killer attacks with security forces.

But then, they sent those things to get him.

Punxer couldn't tell whether those guys were still human beings. Punxer raised his head, swallowed the red wine in one gulp, and looked at the BlackBerry on the table.

He couldn't always hide, but fortunately everything could turn around. As long as the man keeps his promise, he still has a chance to return to normal life.

"Buzz buzz..." The phone vibrated in circles on the table.

Seeing the name of the caller displayed on the screen, Panxer seemed to have seen a savior. He put down the goblet, grabbed the phone tremblingly, and pressed the connect button.

"Li? Oh my finally called." Punxer said excitedly.

"You're still alive? Right?" A man's voice came from the other side.

"That's right, Li, I really should have listened to you back then... You must save me this time. Asra's people will not give up so easily. You must save me!" Punkse held the phone tightly and said, As if that was his life-saving straw.

"It depends on how much you are willing to give me in return, Punxer." The Asian man named Li smiled.

"I've told you everything I know!" Punxer said nervously.

"That's not the case in my opinion. You still have reservations, right?" Li smiled.

"Li, I promise you, I have told you everything I know..." Before Punxer could finish speaking, the other party interrupted him.

"If that's the case, then you are no longer valuable to me... Why should I help you?" Li said.

"Wait! Li... I do have something to hide, but! That matter has nothing to do with what you want. I can tell you some other things... Trust me!" Panxer said hurriedly, his forehead slipping. Beads of sweat.

"Ponkers, I'll call again tomorrow. I hope you decide to tell me about it by then." Lee's tone was expressionless.


"Lee...Lee! Hello?!"

The other party hung up the phone. Pankser gasped and looked at the phone. Thousands of emotions surged in his heart. He held the phone high, squeezed it hard, and then put it down feebly.

He shook his head, turned on the phone screen to find the call history, and pressed the dial button.

"Sorry, you don't have permission to call this number."

His familiar reply came from the other end of the phone.

"Fake! Fake! Fake! You Asian bastard! Go to hell! Go to hell all of you! Shet! Shet! Fake! Day! Grass!" Punkser cursed and grabbed the table The desk lamp fell towards the corner.

The electric plug of the desk lamp was pulled out of the socket, hit the wall, and the glass cover shattered on the ground.

Without the orange lamp source, the study suddenly became dark. Thick curtains blocked the outdoor street lights and moonlight. In order to prevent snipers from killing him, Punxer had all the windows in the house closed and the front door locked. .

People immediately become calmer in the dark.

Punxer lit up the screen of his mobile phone and opened the door to the study.

"Joseph! Joseph!"

He called out into the hallway, where his security adviser was.

No one answered.

He leaned out and looked downstairs, hearing the sound of leather shoes walking on the floor.

"Hey! Come here!" Punxer shouted towards the stairs.

"Dong dong dong dong..." A bodyguard ran up.

"Sir, what's the matter?" he asked.

"It's nothing... go down, it's okay..." Punxer sighed.

The bodyguard bowed slightly, turned around and ran downstairs.

Punxer returned to the study, picked up the desk lamp, and plugged it back in with the help of the light from the phone screen. The orange light lit up the room again.

With a soft breath, Punxer picked up the goblet and bottle, filled himself up, and drank it all in one gulp.

Just as he put down the cup, a hand wearing black leather gloves suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

"You..." Punxer was startled and wanted to turn around. But the other party immediately covered his mouth.

Then, he felt something pressed against his back, which felt like the muzzle of a gun.


The PPQ.45 with a silencer made a dull gunshot, and two bullets shot into Punxer's body from behind, rolling and smashing his heart to pieces.

Punxer's hands dropped weakly, and his whole body was gently placed on the desk.

The two bullet casings on the ground were picked up, and the hand wearing leather gloves pressed the switch of the desk lamp. The whole room became dark again. The door of the study room was slowly pushed open, and a figure slipped out quietly...

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