This aura is deadly

Chapter 138 Just waiting for your signal

"Ha! Man!" Lucina's voice came from the earphones, sounding a little angry.

Chen Ke slowly put down the magazine and could only say hello to Diana. He never thought that he would meet the swordsman he met in Golden Arthur in the bank.

Diana looked at the dispute in front of the counter. A black guy was entangled with the white girl at the counter. Through his hip-hop accent, it was probably about the social security fund.

She sat next to Chen Ke and spoke to him: "You didn't go to Golden Arthur yesterday?"

"I haven't been there much recently." Chen Ke replied, thinking rapidly in his mind about how to persuade Diana to leave.

"Are you free tonight?" Diana leaned back in her chair and asked with a smile.

"I'll go with you, I want to meet this bitch." Lucina said harshly.

"No, no... forget it tonight..." Chen Ke shook his head.

Diana looked Chen Ke up and down and seemed to find something special.

She suddenly grabbed Chen Ke's wrist, raised his hand, and asked: "Why are you wearing leather gloves? And there are headphones around your neck. Are you trying to rob a bank?"

The companions in the headphones suddenly stopped talking.

Chen Ke retracted his hand and looked at Diana with squinted eyes, his expression very subtle. The two were silent for a few seconds before Diana suddenly laughed.

"I was just kidding, are you serious?" she laughed.

At this time, the door to the manager's room opened, and Shreli walked out with the manager. She chatted with the manager for a few words and looked at Chen Ke who was sitting in the seat.

"Then, that's all for today." Shreli nodded towards the manager and walked straight towards Chen Ke.

When Chen Ke saw Shrili walking towards him, he suddenly felt a severe headache. He closed his eyes, pinched his forehead, and thought about the next countermeasures.

In the eyes of the postmen, Shrily and Diana, Chen Ke's identity is completely different. He cannot fabricate a lie to deceive three parties at the same time.

Especially Shrili, she knows too many secrets about herself, and even calling her name is completely different from others. More importantly, Shrili is an investigator, and in her eyes, Chen Ke is too.

He must not let others know that he had done something in Xijin Building, let alone being caught by the contract demon and trapped in the crack of light.

As soon as Shrili opened her mouth, Chen Ke had to reveal her secret, and he had to control Shrili.

"Who is this?" Shreli held her chest, stood in front of Chen Ke, and looked at Diana.

Diana looked at Slyli and raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"A swordsman I met at...HEMA Sword Hall." Chen Ke answered.

"Hello, my name is Diana, what is your name?" Diana said with a smile.

"My name is Shrili, and I am his girlfriend." Shrili replied with a smile.

"Ha! That bitch finally said it!" Lucina said angrily.

"Oh, that's it. Are you coming to the bank with your girlfriend today?" Diana looked at Chen Ke.

" long have you been in contact with him at the sword hall?" Shrili asked seriously.

"Why do you ask this?" Diana said with a smile.

"This is very important to me." Shreli said.

"Do you like this type? I thought you preferred the one with a bit of strength." Diana looked at Chen Ke and asked.

"He'll love it," Lucina agreed.

"It's nice to meet you all..." Chen Ke sighed, his mind a mess.

"You know nothing about power Diana, the things he and I have faced together are beyond your imagination. Right?" Shrili sounded a little proud and looked at Chen Ke.

In fact, what she said is true. Investigators in this world have indeed seen more extraordinary things than ordinary people. However, since the investigators have to sign a confidentiality agreement after joining the job, they cannot reveal even a little bit.

"Oh? Really? It sounds like you are all from the Authority?" Diana laughed.

"Chen Ke, is what she said true?" Lucina asked.

"Chen Ke deceived this girl quite badly. How could he be from the Administration? He has no psychic powers at all in his body." Hall commented.

"That's not necessarily true..." Chen Ke made three key points in his words. He was very worried about Shreli pronouncing his name.

"It seems that I have to go about my own business. If you are free tonight, I will wait for you at Golden Arthur." Diana stood up.

"Lin..." Just as Shrili was about to speak, Chen Ke stood up abruptly, grabbed her waist, took her aside, and turned around and nodded to Diana.

Slaili's heart beat rapidly, and she naturally put her hands on Chen Ke's waist, letting him lead her towards the corner.

Diana waved to Chen Ke and walked towards the counter.

Chen Ke took Slaili to the corner, pinched the microphone of the headset, and said: "Listen, I will find time to come to you and tell you what happened, but I have some things to deal with during this time, so I I don’t want you to mention that to anyone else.”

"No problem Link, no problem...but I don't even have your contact information." Shrili looked up at Chen Ke.

"This is my number..." Chen Ke told Slaili his number.

"Then I'll wait for your call. All you need to do is call me, and I can handle the rest." Shrili smiled.

"So, have you finished your work?" Chen Ke asked.

Shrilie nodded.

"Very good, you can go." Chen Ke said, letting go of Slaili.

"That's it? Won't you have lunch with me?" Shrilie asked.

"If we have a chance to have dinner together in the future..." Chen Ke hinted.

Shrili understood what Chen Ke meant and left with satisfaction.

Looking at Shreli's back, Chen Ke breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at Diana. She was handling her own affairs at the counter and was almost done.

During this period, other civilians walked into the bank one after another. Chen Ke activated his spiritual vision again and counted carefully. There were 19 people in the bank at the moment.

"Chen Ke, the woman drove away before. She drove a pink Porsche." Hall said.

He sat outside and could see Shrilie driving away from the bank parking lot in her car.

Chen Ke was stunned. The salary of an investigator was not low, but it was not enough to drive a car like a Porsche. It seemed that Shreli's family was very rich, and being an investigator was just a hobby.

"When will the other one leave?" Lucina asked.

"Soon." Chen Ke promised. He saw Diana packing her things, so he moved behind the pillar, pretending to get the investment guide on the bookshelf, but actually to avoid Diana's sight.

After Diana packed up her things, she looked around again and couldn't find Chen Ke, so she shrugged and left the bank.

"The other one left too, driving a red muscle car." After a while, Hall said.

"Can we start?" Lucina asked.

Chen Ke looked at the wall clock on the wall of the bank. At this time, it was already 11:30.

"Let's get started. Lucina goes to secure the control room. There is no one there now. Security is concentrated in the hall." Chen Ke said, his pupils turning blue.

The bank's small vault is in a relatively narrow area opposite the passage in the work area. That passage is only open to staff, so when Priskin sneaked in, no one noticed him.

Chen Ke also saw through the wall that Lucina invaded the control room and knocked out the security guard with a knife. He couldn't help but touch the back of his neck.

At this time, Hall also walked in from the front door and stood by the bookshelf to pick up the magazine.

"You know what we are waiting for." Priskin said. After the control room was secured, he placed the bag containing the drill next to the vault door, with Baba Yaga wrapped in a strip of cloth behind him.

Lucina, on the other hand, was hiding in the monitoring room with Chen Ke and Hall's guns on her back and an MP5 in her hand.

"Just waiting for your signal." Hall looked at Chen Ke.

As long as he gives a signal, Priskin will start installing the drill, and Lucina will rush out and throw the gun to Chen Ke and Hall.

Chen Ke observed the people in the bank hall again, and a murderous aura emerged from behind, and he rushed towards the four staff members at the counter.

"Put on the mask!"

I have been wandering for two days on May Day, and I have become a fool. The card is so powerful...I will upload the VIP chapter at 12 o'clock the day after tomorrow. I will see how much I can write tomorrow...

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