This aura is deadly

Chapter 139 Blasphemous Dagger

Crimson murderous aura rushed towards the four staff behind the counter glass. The manager Qian Yi was chatting and laughing with the teller one second, and covered his chest the next second.

When any creature is extremely fearful, it will produce a physiological reaction called the "freezing effect". It will stop all movements instantly, not make a certain sound, the body will be cold, and the attention will be highly concentrated on the source of fear.

When reason is finally consumed by fear, people's will will collapse and let fear devour themselves, resulting in reactions such as vomiting, paralysis, and incontinence of urine and feces.

Of course, Chen Ke controlled the heat. He didn't want to scare people to death, and he couldn't make the four people at the counter faint before he rushed in. Even if he pretended, he still had to use a gun to show off. , for those of you who have deceived the postman.

Hall and Chen Ke put on masks. At the same time, Lucina also rushed into the hall from the direction of the control room wearing a mask, holding an MP5 in one hand and two long guns in the other hand.

"Everyone get down! Get down!" Lucina shouted loudly. After throwing the gun to Chen Ke, she kicked the security guard next to her to the ground and stepped on his back.

These security guards only had batons and it was impossible to resist Lucina who was holding a gun.

"Hold your head with your hands and lie on the ground! Just do as we say and no one will be hurt!" Hall grabbed his repeating shotgun and aimed it at the four clerks at the counter.

They had already been hit by Chen Ke's murderous trigger, so their faces were pale and their bodies were a little unruly.

Chen Ke released the safety of the modified M16A2, quickly ran to the wooden door behind the counter, and kicked it open. While raising the gun and shouting, he used the murderous trigger again.

The first one to fall was the purple-faced manager. Chen Ke was really worried that he would be scared to death by him. He went up and hit the manager with the butt of his gun. The manager fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

The other three clerks were lying on the table, holding their heads and shivering. One female teller actually peed, and the yellow urine flowed down the thighs wrapped in black socks and under the stool.

Chen Ke frowned and didn't dare to use the murderous trigger anymore. The murderous intent was not enough, so he simply kicked her and left her lying in the corner shivering.

"You all, lie down on the ground and don't move." Chen Ke ordered.

The remaining tellers all crawled to the corners and did not dare to say anything.

Once the counter and monitoring room are under control, the entire operation is half successful. At least, the alarm will not sound in advance now.

Lucina and Hall had already controlled the civilians outside, and together with the security guards in the control room, they rushed everyone to the office area and sat against the wall. This prevents pedestrians outside from seeing anything strange inside the bank.

Lucina stood on the table and scanned the controlled crowd to ensure that they would not touch the alarm. Hall came to the hall and hid inside the pillar to monitor the door so that he could deal with the new customers who came in as soon as possible.

Chen Ke slipped to the vault door, which was as big as a wall. Priskin had assembled the drill and was installing the final drill bit.

This big drill was the one Chen Ke saw in the room when he joined the postman. A large drilling rig engine is fixed on the square frame made of iron pipes, and there is also a display screen showing the temperature and power of the drill bit.

After the entire bank is shut down, a 5-minute countdown begins. S.W.A.T will notice something strange about this small bank in 5 minutes and take 5 minutes to rush over.

Chen Ke and the others only have 10 minutes.

The drill was aimed at the space under the iron door handle of the large vault. Puriskin gave Chen Ke a thumbs-up sign and then pressed the switch.

The bank was suddenly filled with the noisy sound of drilling machines. Chen Ke, who was standing aside, couldn't bear it, as if a rodent was grinding its teeth at high speed.

"This sound is really annoying... How long will it take to open this door?" Chen Ke covered his ears.

"If nothing happens, about 4 minutes is enough, but if the drill bit is overheated or damaged, it will take more time." Priskin said helplessly.

"Then just pray that it won't break." Chen Ke sighed.

"Who's going to go up there and check out the zip line?" Hall radioed.

"I'll go." Chen Ke replied. He walked up to the rooftop of the bank through the small corridor in the monitoring room. The bank only had one floor. The zipline on the rooftop was set up next to the distribution box. You could slide directly to the residential building opposite by following the rope. In the alley between them, behind a low wall, two cars were parked.

He tugged on the rope and it felt very strong. It was about 7 meters above the ground, but it could only withstand one person sliding over it at a time, not counting the weight of the purse.

Across the street, there was a fuel-fired generator in front of a small shop. The noise was far greater than that of a drilling rig, which immediately made Chen Ke feel at ease.

He turned back downstairs and returned to the drilling rig. The bank was well controlled. Except for the noise of the drilling rig, everyone else was huddled quietly in the corner.

Lucina looked at Chen Ke and gestured for him to come over. She thought Lucina would say something, but the other party just turned her back to him and asked him to open the large backpack on his back.

Chen Ke took out a dozen rolled dark blue cylindrical cloth bags from his backpack, which were used to wrap money. After wearing masks, members will not call each other by their first names. This is to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed and leave evidence.

He slung the M16 across his waist and walked toward the vault door with a pile of money bags in his arms. Just as he turned around, Lucina hammered Chen Ke on the shoulder with her left hand.

Chen Ke looked back at Lucina, who didn't want to pay attention to him.

"Good news, the drill is open." Priskin looked at Chen Ke, who was approaching, and began to disassemble the drill.

"It's really rare that there was no accident." Chen Ke said happily.

"It took 3 minutes and 42 seconds. This is the fastest time." Priskin laughed.

The two of them worked together to open the heavy door of the vault. The thick iron door made a creaking sound. They saw piles of cash on the shelves in the vault. Lockers were placed against the three walls. There were boxes of dimes on the table in the small room.

"Someone will pay for it." Priskin said. He had many more important things to do. He placed Baba Yaga against the wall, walked out of the vault, and brought in a hand-held circular saw from the outside.

Hall followed in, rubbed his hands and looked at the banknotes on the shelf, shook his head and said: "It's a pity that there are no gold bars.".

"Gold bars are harder to launder than money," Priskin said with a smile.

Hall picked up the bag Chen Ke brought and stuffed the bundles of banknotes into it.

Chen Ke took out Pazzi's key and searched for locker No. 209 from top to bottom, from left to right, and finally found this small locker on the right wall.

He inserted the key into the keyhole and turned it gently, fearing to break the key. The sound of metal cutting filled his ears. Priskin was cutting open the doors of other small lockers with a circular saw.

"Creak, creak..." Chen opened the small door of locker No. 209 and found a brown paper envelope inside.

He took out the envelope and felt a small hard bump inside. It was about the size and thickness of an adult's thumb. It looked like a sacred diamond...

"What is it?" Priskin asked curiously, and Hall on the side also came over.

Chen Ke tore open the envelope and poured it into his hand. A small sacred diamond fell into his palm.

"This is... a holy object? Just to hide a holy object?" Hall said in disbelief.

Chen Ke frowned slightly. He had not seen many holy diamonds, but even so, Chen Ke was still convinced that this holy diamond was definitely different. It exuded a faint green halo in Chen Ke's hand. It was a color he had never seen before.

Chen Ke wanted to spend his life for identification. After all, it was just a glance. Hall and Priskin would not know it unless he summoned it.

But no matter how hard he concentrated, he could not successfully pop up the information box like other holy objects.

At this time, a line of small text prompts appeared in the corner of the eye:

"Insufficient lifespan to identify"

Chen Ke was stunned. Generally speaking, it only takes 20 minutes to identify a sacred object. He currently has 10 hours left in his lifespan, but it actually says that his lifespan is not enough?

"Give this to me and I'll mix it with the money." Hall stretched out his hand.

Chen Ke hesitated for a moment and looked at Hall, who nodded towards him.

Chen Ke stuffed the small diamond into the envelope and handed it to Hall. The other person rolled up the envelope, threw it into a bag full of money, and took out a marker to color the zipper.

"Six minutes, guys, hurry up." Lucina's voice came from the earphones.

Hall and Priskin continued to work, and Chen Ke's eyes fell on the cylindrical bag beside them.

He walked around the shelves filled with bundles of bills and pulled open one of the cylinder bags. Chen Ke was shocked at first when he saw that it was filled with diamonds, but then he calmed down because these diamonds were just artificially polished stones. At first, he thought they were all holy objects.

He opened several cylindrical bags one after another, and they were filled with diamonds. To Chen Ke, they had no value.

In fact, diamond itself is a worthless stone. It is not rare, and its hardness is too high to be used as raw material. However, under the deliberate efforts of women's vanity and capital power, this shining stone only needs to be Paired with a copper ring, it can be sold for a sky-high price.

"Chen Ke, please help with the money. S.W.A.T should be on the way already!" Hall urged.

Chen Ke responded and turned towards the nearest shelf. His gun was too long. When he turned around, he swept a cylindrical bag off the table and scattered the diamonds on the floor.

He looked down at the ground. Among the white diamonds on the ground, a few were emitting orange light. His eyes lit up, and he bent down to pick up one and put it in front of his eyes to examine it.

This orange diamond is a sacred object that has been identified. When the information box appeared in his field of vision, Chen Kesheng took a breath.

Blasphemous dagger!

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