This aura is deadly

Chapter 14 Psychic Bullets

This is the face of those skinny things! The two small holes are actually eyes! The cheeks are sunken because of extreme thinness.

It is very clear. Pihom's subordinate first took a photo of the group of things coming out of the noodle shop and sent it to Pihom. The flash attracted the attention of those things. The subordinate was obviously attacked. In a panic, he took a photo of the face of the monster approaching rapidly.

No matter what the reason, Pihom did not ask the Psychic Enterprise and the Administration to intervene in this matter, and the noodle shop owner did not either. Maybe they have their own concerns, which made Chen Ke more wary of Pihom.

"The reward is 5,000 Lianbi. When you finish this matter, I will pay cash directly. At the same time, I can see that you are short of weapons and ammunition. As an investment in you, I am willing to provide weapons and ammunition." Pihom said.

5,000 Lianbi? So little? Damn, I help you kill monsters, and I only give you this little?

Chen Ke hesitated for a moment. Seeing Pihom's style and attitude, he thought he would be very generous. He would give at least 100,000 or 80,000 yuan, right? Of course, Chen Ke was not clear about the consumption level of this world. Compared with his own experience, 5,000 yuan in 2018 was only his monthly salary. After deducting the five social insurances, one housing fund, provident fund and mortgage, there was only about 1,100 yuan left in his hand. He had to deal with the commuting and food expenses for a whole month. There was no need to say how twisted his life was. In this world, time was still in 2009. Taxi only charged 7 Lianbi for 12 kilometers, and Internet cafes only charged 2 Lianbi for two hours. He just saw a Glock 17 on the shelf, and the price was only 510 Lianbi. 5,000 Lianbi is not a large amount of money, but it is not a small amount. Of course, the Lianbi should be pegged to the US dollar. After thinking about it, Chen Ke felt that the remuneration was not low. It was his unrealistic psychological expectation of the remuneration for a job like "Witcher". Besides, Pihom also provided guns and ammunition for free, which was very generous.

"Do you have the courage to take this job? Make up your mind!" Pihom knocked on the glass counter.

"They are dead." Chen Ke took the job. Under the current situation of running out of ammunition and having no clue, there was no reason to refuse the conditions given by Pihom.

And based on the experience of using holy objects to kill dogs last night, Chen Ke thought that he should have a great chance of winning against these monsters.

The two sides reached a consensus. Chen Ke and Pihom shook hands symbolically. Both sides could feel the calluses on each other's palms. Knowing that they were both experts in using guns, Pihom looked at Chen Ke with a little more approval.

Pihom accompanied Chen Ke around the gun store and let him choose a good one. When Chen Ke's eyes stopped at the rows of automatic rifles on the side wall, Pihom shook his head.

"I can see that you know nothing about psychic weapons. I won't ask you how you got that gun, but I have to tell you some common sense first." Pihom said.

He turned around and pulled out a drawer from the container full of bullets. Inside was a whole page of brown bullet boxes. Looking at the mimeographed label, it was .357 Magnum bullets.

Pihom took out a box and took out a bullet to explain it to Chen Ke in detail.

The bullets of the psychic pistol use psychic ammunition specially made by the Administration. Neither the gun nor the bullet will flow into the civilian market. They are exclusively used by the Psychic Administration and the Psychic Industry Company.

The modified psychic firearms do not have a firing pin. The operating principle of the firearms is a device called a "psychic ejector". It can infuse the psychic energy injected into the firearm by the investigator into the bullet, just like shooting a rubber band to eject the bullet.

The reason why psychic ammunition can have a huge lethality to monsters is that these ammunitions have six categories and eighteen attributes. The most common ones are three elemental ammunitions, namely freezing, fire and lightning.

Only these three types of bullets can be imitated by the public through various tricks. The .357 Magnum bullet in Pihom's hand is a homemade psychic bullet with flame attributes.

The white primerless bullets used by Parker's gun are the most expensive and rare discipline-attribute punishment bullets! If you are not an investigator or an agent of the Administration, you can't use them.

Chen Ke thought of the white flash that burst out after the bullet was fired, and the power of a bullet to disintegrate the body of the human-faced dog, and he couldn't help but sigh secretly.

"Psychic firearms are strictly controlled. Every shot is equivalent to sending a coordinate signal to the Administration and the company to which it belongs. This anti-theft mechanism is simply unsolvable. You haven't used that gun, right?" Pihom touched his beard and looked at Chen Ke and asked.

"Do you think I look like an investigator?" Chen Ke asked back.

Pihom laughed, patted Chen Ke on the shoulder, and took him to a display case with many revolvers.

He took out a large-caliber revolver with a black body and brown grip from the display case and handed it to Chen Ke, exclaiming: "Colt Python. Paired with .357 Flame Magnum, it is simply the nightmare of all freaks. I recommend you to take this gun. Its large-caliber bullet has a great braking effect, and the accompanying burning can make it impossible for the bastards who are not dead to survive." Chen Ke held the gun in his hand, which was heavy, but very smooth. This is a brand new Colt Python revolver. The barrel and the cylinder are still smeared with gun oil. There are Picatinny rails above the cylinder and below the barrel, which can be loaded with various tactical accessories. It can be seen that Pihom is a gun lover, although Chen Ke thinks that opening a gun shop is just Pihom's side job.

Chen Ke accepted Pihom's suggestion. He packed at least six boxes of Flame Magnums and inserted the Colt Python into his holster to replace the Glock 17 he had been carrying.

When Pihom saw Chen Ke's 9mm bullets scattered in his bag, he shook his head repeatedly: "The way you treat these babies is too ungrateful."

Pihom asked the black bodyguard to take out five brand-new Glock 17 quick-draw magazines from the pistol counter and give them to Chen Ke, and also gave Chen Ke two additional boxes of flame 9mm bullets.

Chen Ke glanced at the various automatic rifles and shotguns hanging on the wall, but quickly gave up the idea. Although those weapons were more powerful, Chen Ke could not carry them.

After all, this is a modern society with a sound legal system, not a medieval fantasy world where you can carry a sword and wear armor and swagger through the city. It's not like he hasn't considered a sawn-off shotgun, like the Super Shorty. But thinking that in the future, I might mainly fight with a left-handed pistol and a right-handed sword, weapons such as automatic pistols and revolvers are undoubtedly more suitable for my needs.

With everything ready, Chen Ke left the gun shop with his bag and headed towards the "Haomaiwu" noodle shop.

Watching Chen Ke's leaving figure, the gun shop owner looked at Pihom in confusion and asked: "BOSS, do you trust him too much? What if he just leaves with the gun?"

Pihom smiled and took out a newspaper from under the counter. The headline read "Opportunity City is in big trouble: the 429th Avenue office building is turning into a black box!". Under the headline was a line of small words: "One civilian has been confirmed. One investigator is dead, the psychic firearm is missing, and the Bureau is investigating!”

"Do you suspect this kid did it? Did he dare to kill the investigator?" the gun shop owner asked.

"If he is really that talented, I don't mind pulling him into our small group. You know, we need new blood now." Pihom replied.

"What if it's not him?" a black bodyguard next to him suddenly asked.

Pihom glanced at the black man, who was so frightened that he quickly lowered his head.

"It won't be such a coincidence. Opportunity City is not a small place. It's hard for you to meet someone on the road who carries a psychic pistol but doesn't know what bullets to buy. What do you think, Hall?" Pihom commented. , looking back at the red door.

A man in a brown suit stood at the door. He was probably in his early 30s, with short dark chestnut hair, a large scar on the left side of his face, and a shuddering look in his eyes.

"I don't know. If that kid is not a coward, I will talk to him after solving the noodle shop matter." Hall said, "But now, old man, let us return to the previous topic. The people of the Si Group yesterday I seem to have gotten a lot of good stuff tonight..."

"Don't worry, we will take care of everything when they come back..." Pihom lit a cigarette, turned around and walked into the red door with Hall.

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