This aura is deadly

Chapter 15 Distortion

7:40 in the morning.

Life countdown: 4 hours and 12 minutes.

A green taxi drove Chen Ke on the First Avenue of Opportunity City. Even by taxi, it took 20 minutes to drive from Pihom's gun shop to Haomai Roof Shop.

The driver was a fat, middle-aged white woman. She was not as talkative as her friend last night, and she just drove silently along the way. Chen Ke sat in the back row and used this time to put the 9 mm flame bullets given by Pihom into the empty magazines one by one.

There is a plastic quick-draw sleeve at the bottom of these empty magazines, which allows the shooter to quickly pull the magazine out of the holster, and to know whether he has held it backwards in the dark.

Chen Ke is very much looking forward to the effect of these flame bullets. If they are as useful as Pihom said, he can save his lifespan to use holy objects at critical moments.

The female driver kept glancing at the rearview mirror, looking a little nervous.

The car passed by the office building last night. I didn't expect the people from the administration to be so efficient. The entire building was surrounded by temporary walls in one night, and one of the four lanes of the road was occupied.

The part below the third floor of the office building has been covered by a black outer wall. The material of the building looks very similar to carbon fiber, but Chen Ke is sure that it is very hard.

Once the black outer wall covers the entire staircase, it will become a so-called "black box space", right?

On the black outer wall, Chen Ke saw a line of white bold letters: Rank D. Thinking of Parker's investigator level, Chen Ke guessed that this represented the strength of this black box space.

It seems that Parker did something illegal last night. When the administration was still making the explosive space into a black box, he entered it immediately...

etc! Something wrong suddenly flashed through Chen Ke's mind.

Why was Parker able to enter the office building where the psychic explosion occurred at about 10 o'clock at night? He would never believe in the situation of "just bumping into each other while passing by after get off work".

It is very possible that Parker was waiting for the psychic explosion effect to occur in the office building from the beginning.

Things were not that simple from the beginning. Chen Ke couldn't help but wonder how many people were in that building that night? What are Pankia and the Sri Lankan consortium planning? How many mysteries are there behind Parker?

Chen Ke put the magazine in his pocket and inserted the Glock 17 into the back of his waist. He took a deep breath and pulled himself away from the whirlpool of conspiracy.

These things have nothing to do with him. He only cares about the life countdown in his head.

Finding Pankia and taking down the countdown is his only purpose.

The car was parked on Avenue 32. Across the street was the Haomai Noodle House, a one-story building with a Chinese flavor, just on the corner of the street. The red roof, the simple signboard with an oil painting of a porcelain bowl and noodles, and the three traditional Chinese characters for "Haomaiwu" next to the noodles, ah, the feeling of hometown.

Chen Ke paid to get off the bus. This trip cost 12 joint coins. I stopped on the street and looked around at the surrounding buildings. They were mainly apartment buildings. It was after 7 o'clock in the morning and the surrounding shops were not open yet. A dirty three-story department store was the most eye-catching landmark building in this area.

A police car roared past, and Chen Ke couldn't help but think of the two bodies in the hiding place. He wondered if the blond man and the mixed-race woman had been discovered by neighbors. Someone should have called the police at this time.

After walking across the street to the noodle shop, Chen Ke pushed open the glass door and felt a stream of warm air blowing in his face. The smell was very similar to the Internet cafe he often visited in junior high school.

The noodle shop was packed with seats. Some diners were munching on noodles, while others were still waiting for their meals. There were customers taking their meals in twos and threes standing at the dining table. Everyone was silent and orderly.

There are not many store clerks. A middle-aged Asian man wearing square glasses is leaning against the corner, and two female clerks in aprons are busy at the front. The kitchen must be very busy.

Chen Ke looked around and curiously observed the noodles that the diners were eating. It was a kind of clear soup noodles in an extra-large porcelain bowl. It looked very bland. The color of the soup was very close to that of water, which made people unappetizing.

He turned to observe the diners.

They were dressed plainly and their clothes were a little dirty. Both men and women looked sluggish and lifeless, with dull skin and messy hair. They looked like homeless vagrants or unemployed people whose job income could not be guaranteed.

Not only that, Chen Ke also noticed that these people had varying degrees of deformity.

The guy on the window seat has bigger eyes than the average person, and it feels like his eyeballs are bulging out. The middle-aged woman waiting at the dining counter had her legs stretched out in an O-shape, and her legs were very bowed. The belly of the man waiting for an empty seat standing diagonally across from Chen Ke has exceeded the "beer belly" category, and his cheeks are also slightly bulging.

At a casual glance, these diners all have these problems, but the difference is in severity.

Order a bowl of noodles.

Chen Ke walked to the counter and looked at the menu. I found that this store actually has a lot of types of noodles, and the pictures are very appetizing, but why are these diners eating clear soup noodles?

"Is this brother also from the Feihuang Republic?"

While Chen Ke was looking at the menu, the middle-aged man wearing square glasses walked up to him and started talking to him.

"Huh?" Chen Ke was stunned.

"Huh? Not from Scarlet Phoenix? From Risheng?" The man with square glasses was also stunned, and then asked.

Chen Kehui regretted it. It turned out that Scarlet Phoenix Republic and Rising Sun were both country names.

"Feihuang's." He replied in Chinese.

The man with square glasses beamed with joy and said with a smile: "Fellow, fellow. How long have you been here? I haven't seen you here before?"

"Only a few hours. Your business is good," Chen Kedao said.

The bespectacled man smiled, lowered his head, adjusted his glasses, raised his head, and approached Chen Ke. With an indescribable strange expression on his face, he asked in a low voice: "Do you smell the stink?"

Chen Ke was stunned, what do you mean? He actually smelled it subconsciously. Except for the slightly turbid smell caused by the lack of ventilation in the room, there was no other disgusting odor in the air.

But in other words, he didn't ask about the aroma of the noodles. After all, the noodles were boiled in water, so how could there be any flavor left?

"I didn't smell it." Chen Ke answered truthfully.

The bespectacled man sighed, with a disappointed expression on his face. He shook his head and asked, "You're here to eat noodles too, right?"

"Do you only have clear water noodles?" Chen Ke asked back.

The man with glasses rolled his eyes at Chen Ke, ignored him, and walked to the counter to play with his mobile phone.

Although I don’t know why there is such a big contrast in the attitude of the man with glasses, there must be something wrong here.

"I want beef braised noodles." Chen Ke said to the waitress.

"There is only clear water. Eat it if you like." The waitress choked Chen Ke.

"Tsk...let's have a bowl!" Chen Ke didn't expect this shop to be so bad.

He took out a few coupons and put them on the counter. There was no clear noodles on the menu. Chen Ke didn't know how much he should pay, but at the price of 4 coupons for beef braised noodles, clear noodles shouldn't be too expensive.

"What are you doing?" the waitress asked looking at the banknotes on the counter.

"What are you doing? You don't have to pay for noodles?" Chen Ke asked.

The waiter looked at Chen Ke in surprise, leaving him confused as a monk. He suddenly felt a strange atmosphere. Looking back, some diners in the store were also looking at him inexplicably.

what happened?

Chen Ke could only take back the coins to resolve the embarrassment. He knocked on the counter and urged: "Hurry up."

Holding the noodles, he found a seat near the corner and sat down. The buddy opposite had just finished eating and was wiping his mouth and was getting up to leave. Suddenly he sneezed and sprayed out the noodles and saliva that he had not yet swallowed. The table looks disgusting.

Chen Ke frowned, picked up the bowl and moved it to another place, broke open the disposable chopsticks and stirred the noodles.

The noodles were quite chewy, but they seemed too bland. Chen Ke picked up a few noodles and sniffed them. There was no smell except the faint fragrance of flour.

There might be something wrong with this noodle, but with my current physique, I’m not afraid of the noodles being poisonous, so I’ll give it a try!

Chen Ke picked a chopstick into his mouth, sucked the noodles into his mouth with a "swish swish!", chewed it, and swallowed it. It's not delicious. It only tastes like flour. It's not as good as Tongyi Laotan Pickled Cabbage Instant Noodles.

At this time, a line of small words suddenly popped up from the corner of Chen Ke's eyes:

"-10 minutes of lifespan to resist the curse of distortion"

He frowned, and sure enough, thinking of the monster in the photo Pihom showed him, he was probably not a victim of this noodle shop! Chen Ke stood up suddenly and walked towards the man with glasses angrily.

"What...?" The bespectacled man looked at Chen Ke walking over and slowly put down his phone, looking a little frightened.

"Are you free to go out and talk?" Chen Ke grabbed the bespectacled man's left wrist and said coldly.

"Are you from the Administration?" The man with glasses lit up his eyes and asked in a low voice. He was actually a little overjoyed.

"We'll find out when we get out." Chen Ke grabbed the man with glasses and was about to walk out. But at this moment, he suddenly felt a murderous intention rushing towards him from behind.

"+1 minute"

"+1 minute"

"+1 minute"

"Murderous: 50/50"

When he turned around, he saw all the diners in the noodle shop looking at him, and their bodies were all wrapped in a red outline...

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