This aura is deadly

Chapter 140: Throwing Money Around

"Don't worry about these diamonds, pack up the money quickly, we are leaving!" Hall threw a bag of money to Chen Ke, signaling him to carry it to the rooftop.

Priskin used a circular saw to cut open more than a dozen lockers, and the two spare blades were also scrapped, with some worthless things inside.

Hall packed eight bags of money, each of which was stuffed full. Priskin stopped his work and rushed to the office area to take over Lucina's work. Lucina rushed out of the bank door and ran to the getaway car across the street.

"Use the zipline to transport the money from the rooftop to the getaway car." Hall said.

Chen Ke picked up a few orange-yellow holy diamonds and put them in his pocket, then carried a bag of money on his back, and carried another bag in each hand and ran to the rooftop.

Just after he got on the rooftop, he saw a few S.W.A.T cars rushing to the bank on the street in the distance.

"Guys, they are coming." Chen Ke reminded with the radio and hung the money bag on the zipline.

Bags of money were slid across the street, and Lucina unloaded the bags and stuffed them into the back seats and trunks of two cars. Hall did not forget to remind Lucina that the zippered bags contained what they wanted.

The distant sound of sirens reached Chen Ke's ears. Three black S.W.A.T vans and six police cars blocked the street in front of the bank. S.W.A.T special police in black combat uniforms pulled up spiked belts at the intersection and set up obstacles with vans.

Chen Ke squatted on the edge of the rooftop and saw a group of people using the car as a cover to fire tear gas bombs into the bank with rifle grenades.

These people are definitely not S.W.A.T. The special police will not launch an attack directly without regard for the safety of the hostages. They don't care about the civilians in the bank at all.

Seven or eight tear gas bombs penetrated the window, spinning on the floor of the hall and releasing yellow smoke. Through the skylight, Chen Ke saw that the first floor hall was soon filled with smoke.

"They threw tear gas. My God, aren't they afraid of choking civilians to death?" Priskin, who was guarding the lobby on the first floor, was surprised.

"They are not S.W.A.T., I bet." Chen Ke shook his head.

The SWAT surrounded the bank. Some of them even went around from the parking lot to the side and set up a ladder to the roof. Chen Ke raised his gun and shot the first SWAT who climbed to the roof.

The M16A2 three-round shooting mode has strong kinetic energy and was modified by Priskin. Even if the SWAT was wearing a bulletproof vest, three rounds from the front of the chest at a distance of 30 meters would make him disabled if he didn't die.

When Chen Ke opened fire, the situation changed. He had just exposed his position, and more than a dozen automatic rifles were aimed at Chen Ke and fired at him.

Chen Ke was lying on the rooftop and couldn't raise his head because of the shooting. He crawled forward a little distance to avoid the flying stone chips.

At this time, Priskin and Hall on the first floor also began to fight back. Baba Yaga began to roar, and Hall actually took out a grenade and threw it out.

The grenade flew out of the broken door and rolled across the street. The enemy who was shooting at Chen Ke immediately put away his gun and rushed to both sides.

The firepower across the street was suppressed for a moment, giving Chen Ke a chance to breathe.

He raised his head and quickly looked at the situation below. More police cars and S.W.A.T vans were coming this way.

"Hurry up, we can't afford to waste time with them. More people are coming." Chen Ke said.

Lucina was sitting in the car at the moment, and no one noticed her for the time being. Before the county police arrived, Chen Ke had transported nine bags of money. At this moment, she was sitting in the car, waiting for the three of them to evacuate together.

Hall and Priskin also went up to the rooftop. They each carried a bag of money, and Hall was holding another bag in his hand.

He threw the bag of money to Chen Ke and took out a handheld zipline hook.

"Slide over from above." Hall said.

There was a small low wall where the escape car was parked, which just blocked the sight of the county police. The two cars were behind the small store across the street from the bank.

"There are too many people down there. If you slide over from above, you will be shot into a sieve halfway through!" Chen Ke said.

"I'm prepared!" Hall took out three smoke bombs from his pocket.

Chen Ke suddenly remembered that he had seen Hall bring a pack of grenades when he set out...

"Three, only three?" Priskin asked.

"Three is enough. If the speed is fast enough, this zipline can only slide one person at a time. I will throw the grenade later, and then you slide over." Hall said to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke shook his head, took the smoke bomb from Hall, and said, "I am a precision shooter. You slide over first. I can ensure that you will not be shot halfway through."

"Okay." Hall nodded and waited for Chen Ke's signal.

Chen Ke pulled out the safety pin of the smoke bomb and threw it downstairs. The green smoke quickly spread, hiding the area at the entrance of the bank in the thick smoke.

"Green? Why is it green?" Priskin asked.

"Don't worry about it, slide over." Chen Ke urged.

Priskin also took out a handheld zipline hook, hung it on the zipline, and jumped out of the roof.

Chen Ke threw another smoke bomb, and then he and Hall conducted cover shooting. Under the cover of the smoke, Priskin carried the money and successfully landed on the other side.

"Can this rope bear this weight?" Chen Ke looked at the fixed part of the zipline worriedly. Priskin was carrying a total of 200 kilograms of money. It was a miracle that he didn't break the zipline head just now.

"No problem, I'm going over!" Hall said, handing Chen Ke a hook, and then hung the hook and jumped out of the roof.

Chen Ke threw out the last smoke bomb, and the 100-meter range was filled with green smoke. A blue halo emitted from his eyes, and he saw a human silhouette on the roof of the building opposite, aiming towards Hall.

Chen Ke raised his gun and fired. He adjusted the single-shot mode and hit the opponent's abdomen directly with one shot, knocking the SWAT officer off the roof of the building. He was like a tomato falling from a high altitude, and fell to the ground in a pool of blood.

The surroundings became a little quieter. He hung up the hook and jumped out of the rooftop with a curse.

The short distance of more than 20 meters became extremely long at this moment. Chen Ke was sliding down in mid-air with his money bag on his back, unable to use the spear in his hand.

Suddenly, a bullet hit the money bag behind him from the side. Chen Ke was hit by the inertia of the bullet and spun around in the air. Dozens of feet of banknotes scattered like snowflakes.

With a bang, the fixed head of the rope finally couldn't bear the weight and broke apart. Chen Ke fell on his back at a height of 3 meters from the ground.

"Rua!" Chen Ke groaned after falling to the ground, but quickly forced himself to get up.

"What's wrong, Chen Ke?" Lucina and Hall's voices came from the earphones.

"I was shot down..." Chen Ke replied, surging murderous aura rushed towards him from all directions, the life timer increased to the limit, and the green smoke was full of red humanoid outlines.

Murderous trigger!

This time, Chen Ke had no reservations and released all his murderous intent. All six special police officers around him were temporarily incapacitated.

The more ruthless the person, the harder it is to be scared. If the murderous intention just now was used on those people in the bank, they would probably be dead.

The murderous intent rushing towards Chen Ke was immediately interrupted. Only these six people found Chen Ke in the smoke screen. He raised his gun and shot the nearest one, and then ran away with banknotes flying from the broken money bag behind him. .

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