This aura is deadly

Chapter 141 Watchdog

When Chen Ke ran wildly down the street with a broken money bag on his back, Lucina, Hall and Priskin had already started the car. The back seat and trunk of the car were filled with money bags.

"The bag with the painted zipper is in my car, right?" Hall asked over the radio.

"Yes, that's right, but how the hell did you lose Chen Ke?" Lucina cursed.

"He left at the end and no one was covering him," Hall said.

"Chen Ke, can you hear me? You run forward along the street and stay on the left side. I will come out from the next intersection." Priskin said, he stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel to the right, rushed out of the alley and turned. Main street.

"No, no... that's the opposite direction of route A. You can escape according to the planned route." Chen Ke refused.

The green sacred diamond was in their car. If they couldn't escape immediately, the whole operation would be meaningless. Moreover, Chen Ke was sure of getting out of the predicament, and without them being present, he could feel freer.

"Don't be a hero, Chen Ke! I'll pick you up. Hall, you escape as planned." Lucina said angrily.

"Then I'll leave it to you, girl!" Priskin pulled the handbrake, turned the steering wheel to the left, and turned the car into the next fork in the road.

Chen Ke got into the alley between shops and houses, bypassing the S.W.A.T blockade. All targets who had murderous intentions towards him were outlined in red.

The spiritual vision was activated, and Chen Ke's pupils turned blue.

Compared with the murderous radar, the range of spiritual vision is larger.

When more blue humanoid outlines came into view, Chen Ke was suddenly surprised to find that those blue outlines slowly turned red!

Murderous radar can actually produce a superimposed cooperative effect with spiritual vision!

Spiritual vision provides active detection range and murderous radar identifies targets! It really kills two birds with one stone.

The only drawback is that the spiritual vision consumes a lot of life per second and cannot be turned on permanently.

When Chen Ke turned off the psychic vision effect, the target with a red outline within the psychic vision range also disappeared from his sight. It seemed that there was no way to cheat in this way.

But even so, it is enough. Short-term active ultra-wide range detection and permanent passive detection at close range can already meet Chen Ke's needs for sneak attacks and defense against sneak attacks.

"Tell me your location, Chen Ke." Lucina's voice sounded anxious.

"I'm walking down the street and I'll be able to come out from the other end soon." Chen Ke replied.

Gunshots were heard from behind, and the walls on both sides were beaten with bricks flying. He turned his head and raised his gun to kill several S.W.A.T.s who followed from the alley entrance.

Before, Chen Ke always felt that these people were not members of the United Federal Police System, but he couldn't explain the reason, but now, he can finally conclude this.

Although these people were wearing S.W.A.T. uniforms, they held a variety of weapons in their hands. Since they even have AK series, it is difficult to imagine that the NATO alliance would use Warsaw Pact weapons.

Before she ran out of the alley, Lucina drove the modified Nissan car to a sudden stop at the intersection. She opened the passenger door and looked at Chen Ke anxiously.

"What a coincidence you came here!" Chen Ke threw the broken money bag on his back into the back seat through the open window, and then got into the car. There was not much money left in the torn purse, and most of it was scattered on the road.

"I'm always punctual." Lucina said, slamming down on the accelerator, and the car immediately rushed out.

"Have you received Chen Ke?" Hall's voice came from the earphones.

"He sits on my right," Lucina replied.

"Good job, then we will proceed as planned." Hall smiled.

Chen Ke threw his M16A2 into the back seat. The gun was too long and could not be used in a car chase and gunfight. Lucina handed Chen Ke the MP5 next to the seat.

He rolled down the window and was about to stick his head out to shoot when Lucina suddenly made a sharp turn, scaring him so much that he immediately retreated.

"Wait a minute, this is not the correct route." Chen Key realized something and shouted to Lucina.

"It's too congested. There are 6 red lights on that road! I have to go around to another road." Lucina said angrily.

Chen Ke shook his head. The back of the car was already bitten by five police cars. He checked the MP5's magazine, then stuck his head out and fired in the rear.

The people in the police car also started to fight back, several MP5Ks sprayed flames, and the two cars started a car chase and gun battle on the street.

"Pihom said a hacker would help. How do you think he would help?" Hall asked.

"I don't know, don't count on it. If he could really help, the note wouldn't have come so early." Priskin said.

A black S.W.A.T van hit Chen Ke and Lucina from the left. Lucina pulled the handbrake and quickly turned right into another avenue.

"Look, it's a green light." Chen Ke pointed to the front and said.

The car quickly passed through the intersection. When the police car behind it followed, the street lights at the intersection suddenly turned red, and the horizontal vehicles began to drive. Several police cars slowed down sharply, almost hitting civilian vehicles.

"Hall, what's going on over there?" Chen Ke asked.

"It went smoothly, but there are a lot of policemen following us. There is a way..." Halfway through Hall's words, an explosion came from the earphones.

Lucina and Chen Ke were shocked. Was it possible that they had been shot? Money is secondary, but the green holy diamond is still in their car!

"Hall! Hall! Did you hear that?" Chen Ke pulled out his earphones and grabbed the radio and kept calling.

"It's okay, we're okay." came Priskin's voice.

"What happened with the explosion just now?" Lucina asked.

"The cock exploded. We were so lucky. The underground gas pipeline exploded and all the people behind us overturned." Hall laughed.

Chen Ke breathed a sigh of relief. Regardless of whether it was a coincidence or not, luck was on their side. Just when everyone thought they had a chance to win, the sound of propellers came from the sky. It was the county police helicopter.

Chen Ke poked his head out and saw a blue and white helicopter with a sniper on board.

"Can we shoot him down? With the helicopter in the sky, none of us can escape." Lucina asked.

"The MP5 can't shoot that far. The M16 is too long and can't be used in the car." Chen Ke shook his head.

He tried to use the murderous trigger to attack the helicopter pilot, but the distance was too far and it was simply wishful thinking.

Just when Chen Ke was at a loss what to do, the helicopter suddenly seemed to be out of control, spinning in circles and falling, before hitting the roof of the store.

"What happened?" Lucina asked after hearing the explosion.

"I think someone is helping us secretly." Chen Ke took a deep breath.

"What?" Lucina glanced at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke's cell phone suddenly vibrated. He took it out and saw that it was an unfamiliar number. Who would call him at this time?

He pressed the answer button and heard a strange man's voice.

"I hope I helped you just now." The man said.

"Who are you?" Chen Ke asked.

"Don't ask for the name, it's not important." The man said.

"Are you the hacker Bain was talking about?" Chen Ke guessed.

"Not just hackers," the man laughed.

"Aren't you afraid of exposing yourself when you call me?" Chen Ke asked.

"Feel free to come to me." The man's tone sounded confident.

"You're not calling here just to show off, are you?" Chen Ke asked.

"There is a lift bridge ahead, go that way. That's what I want to say." The man said.

"I understand." Chen Ke said.

"By the way, I did some searching for information about you and found that you are a very interesting person. Maybe we have a common goal." The man smiled.

"What...did you see?" Chen Ke hesitated and asked.

"You have left less information online than me, and your recent actions have been targeting various extraordinary organizations. Am I right?" the man said.

"How do you know this?" Chen Ke frowned.

"In the Internet age, as long as you master a few tricks, all information is at your fingertips. This information has been abused by various large consortiums and entangled with a series of criminal activities." The man said.

"And you tracked down this information, used your own methods to exchange violence for violence, and gave yourself the nickname Private Law Punisher... It's like..." Chen Ke stopped talking.

“It’s like a watchdog standing between personal privacy and public safety,” the man said with a smile.

"I will remember you." Chen Ke said.

"I can, too. By the way... Just a reminder, the lift bridge is coming soon." The man hung up the phone after saying that.

"Who was it just now?" Lucina asked.

"That hacker, let's go in the direction of the lift bridge." Chen Ke replied.

Not far away, a red lift bridge is rising slowly, which is the road leaving Holy Oak. After crossing the bridge, you will reach the countryside between Holy Oak and Lafite Road.

There is another update in the evening

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