This aura is deadly

Chapter 142 Car Accident

When Lucina drove across the lift bridge, the entire bridge just slowly rose up, and it looked like it would not be lowered for a while.

The police car and S.W.A.T van were forced to stop on the other side and could only watch them leave.

The police radio was repeating the vehicle models of Chen Ke and Lucina, and trying to dispatch new helicopters to support them. However, when they flew over the broken bridge to change vehicles, it was all in vain.

"Hall, how is the situation over there? We are ready to change cars." Chen Ke asked.

"Goddess of luck is looking after us. We have dumped the note and are on our way back." Hall replied.

"Very good, it seems that the police will send a new helicopter to search for us, but after changing the helicopter, they will not be able to find us." Lucina smiled.

With the help of hackers, the escape was extremely smooth. Chen Ke and Lucina, who were used as baits, didn't even help.

The hacker who claimed to be a private law sanctioner controlled the traffic lights and underground pipes on the street, getting rid of many county police for them. At the same time, he also launched an EMP attack on the helicopter, causing it to lose control and crash.

After driving away from Holly Oak, they were out of the range of the hackers' assistance. However, under the current circumstances, there was no police force chasing them, and they could hide calmly.

Lucina and Chen Ke's cars had been locked by the police, so they went to change cars as planned. Hall's side went very smoothly because Chen Ke helped them attract a lot of firepower.

"The bridge is over there, I hope you are fully confident." Chen Kedao.

A few hundred meters ahead was the grove where the second getaway car was located, and the broken bridge could be seen from here.

Chen Ke remembered his previous experience in practice, fastened his seat belt and firmly grasped the handle on the roof of the car.

"I'll just pretend you didn't say it." Lucina said confidently.

She pressed the accelerator to the bottom, and the car's speed quickly exceeded 180 yards. Looking ahead from the windshield, you can feel how amazing the speed is.

In many racing video games, the vehicles controlled by players often start at 150 yards per hour and can easily run to more than 250 to 300. However, in reality, 80 yards is already an astonishing speed.

For ordinary civilian vehicles, without any modifications, if they are forced to turn at a speed of 80 yards, there will only be one result, and that is overturning.

As for the speed of 150 yards, you must be a high-end car or a modified car to allow you to drive smoothly. If an ordinary car is driven above 100, the frame will shake randomly, and there is a great risk of losing control.

The car Chen Ke and the others stole was Brian's Nissan GTR-R35, which was completely controllable at this speed.

A few hundred meters away, in just ten seconds, the four-wheel-drive GTR ran across the curb and rushed into the mud. Lucina gritted her teeth, bulging her arms and muscles, and tried hard to hold the steering wheel, letting the slightly out-of-control car rush forward. Toward the broken bridge.

Chen Ke sat upright, his fingers holding the handle turned slightly white, and he couldn't say a word.

I saw the black GTR leaving crooked tire marks in the mud, kicking up a burst of mud and flying, and then flew from the edge of the broken bridge to the opposite side.

Chen Ke felt that his butt had left the seat and his whole body was hanging in the air. If it weren't for the seat belt, he might have been thrown out of the car.

"+1 hour"

"+1 hour"

"+1 hour"

"+1 hour"

The car was still in mid-air when the life countdown in the corner of my eyes suddenly jumped.

"Oops!" This was the only thought that flashed through Chen Ke's mind. From the corner of his eye, he saw a huge whip blade striking the car in mid-air from outside the window.

With a loud noise, the whip blade cut the GTR in half. The rear of the car fell into the river, and only the front of the car and a section of the driver's seat fell to the other side.

The front of the car hit the mud hard and spun around four times. Finally, it overturned sideways and hit a tree on the shore before coming to a stop.

Lucina and her seat were thrown to the side in the mud, while Chen Ke was head down and tied to the seat of the wreckage at the front of the car.

Chen Ke's head was severely injured, half of his face was stained red with blood, several ribs were broken, his left clavicle was dislocated, and his left arm was fractured.

" much blood...he's actually not dead, I should really post this on Moments..." Chen Ke muttered to himself as he went to unbuckle his seat belt.

The life countdown repaired Chen Ke's injuries in an instant. As the upper limit of life span increased, the time required to restore the body also increased. It took Chen Ke 1 hour of his life to recover from the injuries all over his body.

"Lucina...Lucina!" Chen Ke was hanging upside down, looking around for Lucina, and found her lying in the mud more than ten meters away.

She slowly got up, and the blood on her head stuck her long black hair to her face, but other than that, she was not as miserable as Chen Ke.

Maybe it was because after being thrown out, the injuries suffered by falling into the soft mud were less severe than being tied to the seat.

"Chen are you?" Lucina limped towards Chen Ke.

The murderous aura has not disappeared, and is still continuously increasing Chen Ke's life span. Behind Lucina, a red humanoid silhouette slowly climbs up from the river.

The man was nearly 2 meters tall, with a slender build. He was wearing a black hooded windbreaker. The chain blade retracted from the sleeve of his right arm with a "swish", and a thin palm with only a skeleton stretched out.

That guy is not a normal person... Chen Ke pulled at the seat belt irritably, but the metal buckle seemed to have a welded wire at the bottom and could not be pulled open no matter how hard he pulled.

"Chen Ke, let me help you." Lucina quickened her pace, unaware that a lanky monster was approaching her behind her.

"Lucina, be careful behind you!" Chen Ke warned.

Before Lucina could turn around, the weirdo rushed towards Lucina, clamped her throat tightly with his skeletal hands, and forcibly lifted her up.

Lucina is 170 centimeters tall, covered with tendons, and weighs a bit more than an average woman. The weirdo actually lifted her into the air with one hand without any effort, which shows that her strength is far beyond that of ordinary people.

The weirdo lifted up his hood, revealing his weird face and bald head. The whole head was like a ball of flesh without human skin, with only a pale human face attached to the front, with no lips, no eyebrows, and just teeth. Exposed outside, it looks horrifying.

Lucina had never seen anything like this, but under the influence of her survival instinct, she still used all her strength to hit the weirdo in front of her with her knees and elbows.

The weird man's lipless mouth was split at an angle, as if he was taunting him. No matter how much Lucina resisted, it was to no avail. Her hands tightly held the other man's arm, her muscles tensed, trying to break the other man's hand away.

The weirdo's palm was like a shelf, and with a sudden force, he strangled Lucina's neck tighter. Lucina let out a whimper, her tongue slightly sticking out, her eyes turned white, and her body seemed to have been drained of strength and stopped moving.

The weirdo turned to look at Chen Ke, who was still struggling to unbuckle his seat belt. The weirdo laughed, grabbed Lucina's foot with his other hand, raised it face down, then stretched out his knees and slammed He knocked Lucina onto his knees.

"Oh...!!!" Lucina's abdomen was pushed out by the weirdo's sharp kneecaps, making a terrifying dent. She groaned and vomited out bloody gastric juice.

If it weren't for Lucina's strong physique and strong abdominal muscles, the blow just now would have been enough to kill her. However, even though there was still life left, Lucina was knocked unconscious by that blow.

The weirdo threw Lucina aside, turned around and walked towards Chen Ke.

Seeing Lucina fainting, Chen Ke no longer had to cover up anything. The blue light on his right hand flashed, and the training stick appeared in his hand. The green dagger was extremely sharp. The seat belt was cut in one fell swoop, and Chen Ke fell down. to the ground.

"Psychic? Interesting..." the weirdo laughed.

"You can actually speak human language?" Chen Ke was surprised. He always thought that the other party was a pure monster.

"Mortals won't understand Asra. Hand over your things and I might let you die happily." The weirdo smiled.

"Hehe... you tell me about Asra, and I might be able to leave you a complete body." Chen Ke mocked.

The smile on the weirdo's face faded. He put his right palm back into his sleeve and threw out a long whip blade. He raised his right hand high and swung the whip at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke's eyes flashed, here he comes!

Today’s third update, thank you to Mao Zhao oOo for 1500 points, Zuopai Thought for 200 points, book friend 20180306104657155 for 10500 points, busy informant for 500 points, just chatting for 1100 points, catching a young woman for 100 points, and the sky is clear and the rain is over. 500 points reward.

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