This aura is deadly

Chapter 150 What is time?

Chen Ke finally figured out the source of his ability.

After the blasphemous dagger pierced Lin Mo's heart, Chen Ke traveled through time. The soul that was supposed to be taken away by the contracted demon was sealed in Chen Ke's soul under the influence of the travel through time.

The blasphemous dagger's own "travel through time and space" and "murderous connection" entries were also absorbed by Chen Ke. This coincidence can't happen again.

The ability to absorb murderous energy replaces the normal life span of humans. In other words, Chen Ke's life span is actually psychic energy. He is a blasphemous dagger that needs to be constantly charged.

The subsequent improvement and opening of the murderous energy series of abilities must be unique to the dagger. Chen Ke guessed that these abilities came from some kind of psychic mutation, combining the characteristics of humans, holy objects and psychic energy, and produced unique and strange characteristics.

Of course, this is just his own guess, and it is still uncertain whether the fact is true.

From ancient knowledge, it can be seen that these seven blasphemous daggers came from the Kingdom of Vanhede and originated from the evil magic of Pope Mazwell. And the Blasphemous Dagger seems to be a mass-produced product...

Chen Ke took out a pen and paper from the drawer and wrote down his analysis and inference.

He drew a little man and wrote his name in Chinese characters next to it.

Then he drew a dagger next to the little man, and drew three horizontal bars next to the dagger to represent the entry.

Then he connected the entry and the little man with a dotted line. This is the relationship between himself and the Blasphemous Dagger.

The Blasphemous Dagger comes from the Kingdom of Vanhede. From the knowledge information, the dagger itself is not the focus, but the layer of enchantment on the dagger - evil magic.

Mazwell's words revealed that this evil magic is older than the Kingdom of Vanhede itself, and it is extremely eager for this power to conquer all time and space.

This sentence means that Vanhede is not a different world, but a part of human history...

And a new term appears here: the Dark Witch.

The enchantment technology left by the Dark Witch can grant objects to perform rituals of traveling through time and space, and modern silent witches can hold such rituals. Is there any connection between them?

Chen Ke guessed that the Dark Witch could travel through time and space without relying on this enchanted sacrificial vessel. If she could really do it... where would she be now... would she come to the present?

Suddenly, Chen Ke thought of Parker again, the person who was teased by time.

It is known that in the current world, there is a dead Parker, and in the Kingdom of Vanhede, there is another Parker sitting in the church warming himself by the fire...

Chen Ke couldn't help but think of many movies about time travel. Could the Parker in the church be someone from another parallel universe?

Now that time and space travel has been confirmed, what is the matter with the United Federation in 2009 and the United States in 2009 that he knows?

Chen Ke was almost confused. If he really traveled to 2009, why was this country not called the United States, but the United Federation?

Multiverse? Parallel time and space? He couldn't be sure of the answer.

Chen Ke wanted to become a normal person again, and this goal would not change, but now, the breakthrough has become the Dark Witch.

However, how to find a woman who only appeared in the holy item?

He didn't even know if the witch still existed, not to mention that she could travel through time and space.

The recorded history of mankind is as long as 5,000 years, and the history that existed can be traced back to the ape-man era a million years ago. Even if we only calculate from the civilized era, Chen Ke will have to search the earth 5,000 times...

This is too unrealistic.

The information knowledge of the dagger comes from the Kingdom of Vanhede, so it is better to fix the search range there first, maybe we can find some clues.

Since the dagger was found by the S Consortium in the Kingdom of Vanhede, Chen Ke wanted to ask Pankia.

After all, he had been in there before, except for a lampstand, a straight sword, and some white and blue clothes, but he had never seen a blasphemous dagger.

Chen Ke put away the papers with key information. When writing down this information, he used Chinese characters. Even if these papers were picked up by others, they could ensure that the other party would not understand the content in the first time.

Chen Ke thought that maybe he should get a small notebook to carry with him so that he could record some information at any time. Although mobile phones can also record, they are not as flexible as paper and pen.

Speaking of mobile phones, Chen Ke suddenly remembered that his red Nokia E63 had died.

Chen Ke did not plan to go to Pihom and Lester in person before the transaction was completed, which would only cause trouble in the future, so he could only contact them by mobile phone first.

Besides, the alien suit was still with Lester, and he needed to call Lester to send someone to deliver it...

Well, it's time to get a new phone...

Chen Ke looked at the time in the lower right corner of the computer desktop. It was 6 o'clock in the afternoon. It was still bright, and Asra and the others should not come to him during the day.

So he put on his clothes and went out to the nearest large shopping mall.

In the United Federation, people usually go to the operator's specialty store to sign a contract model when buying a mobile phone.

For example, if you sign a 2-year contract with the operator, a high-priced mobile phone like the iPhone, which costs 400 Union coins, can be taken away for 150 Union coins.

Chen Ke now has a forged certificate, but he still doesn't want to apply for a phone card, but chooses to continue using the anonymous prepaid phone card.

At least, using this kind of card would make it difficult for the county police and other official departments to locate and search for him, and this was exactly what Chen Ke wanted.

Very few people in the United Federation go to Wal-Mart and Metro to buy mobile phones. Most of them are old ladies who are too lazy to go to carrier stores and don’t know how to shop online. They buy mobile phones in the mall.

Therefore, the cell phone counter at Wal-Mart was deserted. There were only two old men holding newly purchased cell phones and asking the store clerk how to use them.

Although Chen Ke hates touch-screen mobile phones, this time he chose to buy an iPhone 3G.

In fact, Apple will release the latest iPhone 3GS after June, but Chen Ke does not have two months to wait for its new model.

If there is Apple in this world, then what time and space is it that I live in... While the store clerk was telling Chen Ke endlessly about the many improvements of the iPhone 3G compared to the old model, he was thinking about this question.

In Chen Ke's perception, time rolls forward continuously, like a river. Time travel is only a scientific idea where he lives.

He has always felt that the crux of the time travel paradox is not the reversal of cause and effect, but the fact that there are countless people traveling through time.

If a person can travel through time, it is equivalent to having almost infinite mirror images of him in this universe, ten years ago, one year ago, one minute ago, or even one second ago...

No matter how far he goes forward or backward, he can encounter another self.

Extending this thinking, what do creatures in the three-dimensional world look like? In the eyes of advanced creatures that transcend the dimension of time, does a creature trapped in time look like an infinitely long caterpillar?

From his birth to his death, countless him are stacked on top of each other, extending infinitely to both ends...

If the current Chen Ke goes back to a week ago, go to Xijin Building. So, can he see Lin Mo still lying on the ground?

If he traveled back a little further... he would arrive just before Lin Mo was pierced through the heart by the blasphemous dagger and stop him.

Does he still exist now? Do what happened during this period still stand? !

People in the past could only think about it, but now Chen Ke can try it!

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