This aura is deadly

Chapter 151 Scientist Forum

While Chen Ke was thinking about the issue of time travel, in another city hundreds of kilometers away from Opportunity City, a group of people were arguing over different views on the Great Void and psychic energy.

Psychic Research Institute.

Located in Norton City, the capital of the United Federation of States, most of its members come from the Federation of United States Scientists and NASA. It is a group of top scholars and is a scientist organization that specializes in researching supernatural things such as psychic energy, the Great Void, and holy objects.

Every country basically has departments and organizations that specialize in the study of psychic powers, but the Psychic Research Institute of the United Federation of States is undoubtedly the forefront of psychic research.

They have the world's top talents, unlimited funding, and unlimited time investment.

This organization was founded in 1927, and three years after its establishment, it developed the world's first sacred object identification instrument, named "The Eye of God".

The original "Eye of God" was very huge, as high as several floors. Each operation required at least six hours of self-inspection before the analysis and identification of the sacred objects could begin. The process lasted more than ten days.

However, with the advancement of technology, upgrading of materials, and the gradual deepening of psychic research, the current "Eye of God" has become only the size of a mobile phone, and the identification time has been shortened to less than 6 seconds.

This device is currently standard equipment for Psionics Administration agents.

In addition, the psychic firearms, psychic bullets, and black box construction technology used by the Administration are also the results of the institute.

The Psychic Research Institute is the cornerstone for the United Federation of Nations to control powerful psionic power.

At this moment, the senior professors of the Psychic Research Institute all gathered together because of one thing: Parker's body.

Nearly two weeks have passed since Parker's body was transported from the Xijin Building. It was transported from Opportunity City to Norton City in a special coffin from the Administration, and soon entered the special laboratory of the Psychic Research Institute.

Over the past ten days, Parker's body has gradually decomposed, changing from a humanoid corpse to a pile of rotting flesh. As of yesterday, it only has a skeleton with sticky flesh left.

But the incredible thing is that all the vital signs of this corpse are normal. In other words, it is no different from a living person.

And there is an even more bizarre situation, that is, through various cutting-edge sensors attached to the corpse, the brain waves and body surface temperature changes of the corpse can be detected...

Judging from the current readings, the corpse named Parker is under great mental pressure, and the body surface temperatures on the front and back are different. It seems that he was near a campfire...

The institute tried various stimulations on the corpses, such as electric shocks, stabbings, etc., but there was no response.

This was the first time the Psychic Research Institute had encountered such a situation since its establishment, so many scientists gathered together and held the institute's highest-level meeting: the Psychic Research Institute Roundtable Forum. Conduct various academic discussions.

At the meeting, many scholars came up with their own opinions, often quarreling with each other. The meeting lasted for four hours, but there was still no sign of breaking up.

Professor Mensis, 67, is among them. He wears round glasses, a goatee, and a hairline that is almost close to the top of his head.

He noticed that among the scientists attending today's meeting, there were many researchers from the biological world, probably because the corpse issue seemed closer to a biological wonder.

"Is there a possibility? Since Parker has broken away from the shackles of the body and reached some kind of out-of-body state, leaving behind his own body, and then..." a bearded professor from Eastern Europe asked.

"I appreciate your assumption, Professor Rabdu Muhammad, but with all due respect, this assumption has no practical significance..." A bald professor said gracefully.

"Professor Ibrasi, the current condition of this corpse is incredible. I think it can no longer be explained and deduced by scientific theories. Even the best biologists here can't confirm whether it is dead or alive." After the rebuttal, Professor Muhammad was a little unhappy.

"Occam's razor principle, Professor Muhammad, do not add entities unless necessary. Your hypothesis is based on the premise that there is a soul in this world, but we have not been able to prove that there is such a thing as a soul so far. "Professor Ibrasi said calmly.

"Then where do you think individual consciousness and thinking logic come from? How do you explain that creatures with intuition and perception have completely different consciousnesses?" Professor Muhammad asked rhetorically.

"Biological consciousness comes from the radio phenomenon of brain nerves. The molecules that make up the brain cannot be exactly the same, which results in infinite differences among individuals." A female professor on the side joined the discussion.

"I cannot agree with your statement. The wonders of human consciousness and the potential that humans have shown in fields such as creation and art cannot be generalized by radio phenomena... Moreover, the brains of vegetative people also have radio phenomena, so the radio signals of brain neurons only It can mean that the brain organ is still working to maintain the operation of other organs in the body... but it does not prove that vegetative people also have complete consciousness." Professor Pulsatilla next to the female professor immediately retorted.

"The radio phenomenon in the brain brings consciousness. However, the reason why we can stand here to express our opinions and argue with each other is because in addition to the most basic consciousness, we also have the ability to logically think. Radio generates consciousness, but how to explain the logical thinking ability? "Professor Mohammed also retorted.

"The larger the brain capacity, the more complex the brain structure, and the more complex the radio phenomena. The generation of logical thinking requires a very large brain capacity." Professor Ibrasi added.

"Then why are cats not as smart as parrots?" a short professor at the far end of the table suddenly said loudly.

"The prerequisite for developing logical thinking ability is not only brain capacity, but also complex brain organization..." a fat professor next to him said with a smile.

"So what you're saying is that a parrot's brain is smaller than a cat's, but more complex than a cat's? Have you seen slices of these two types of brains?" The unknown professor joined the battle.

"I'm a professor of biology. Do you think I've seen him before?" The fat professor was a little annoyed.

"In fact, different parrots have different levels of brain complexity. Are you the dumbest one?" Professor Mohammed laughed.

The professors around also laughed.

"I don't know if the parrot I saw is the stupidest, but I think its brain slice diagram should be very similar to yours." Fatty Professor counterattacked.

"Where are you talking about your mother?" Muhammad asked angrily.

"Professor! This is a roundtable forum, don't use bad words!" the female doctor reminded.

"He just sprayed that my brain is as big as a parrot!" Mohammed said anxiously.

"I think he is right..." Dr. Ibrasi laughed.

"Your mother is stupid!"

"Who are you scolding?"

"Why are you scolding you?"

"Fuck! Do you have the guts to come to the toilet?"

Mansis sighed. Human beings always repeat the same mistakes. When there are disagreements and disagreements, there is no difference between senior scientists and trolls on the Internet...

He quietly watched the group of gentlemen and ladies in white coats climb up on the table and pull and push each other. He took out a box of Green Arrow chewing gum, poured one out and stuffed it into his mouth.

The cool mint flavor spread from his mouth to his nostrils, making his frown slightly relax. He still had two things to do this afternoon.

Parker's body was first studied by his beloved disciple Wang Aileen, and the agent Diana who handled the case was Wang Aileen's old classmate, so she obtained a lot of first-hand intelligence.

Mansis has decided to help Wang Aileen set up a special research laboratory to study the problem of Parker's body. In the afternoon, he would meet with Wang Aileen to give her a list of potential laboratory members so that she could become familiar with them in advance.

Then, he had to face another problem.

It has to be said that without that trouble, Mansis would not be where he is today, but today, he no longer needs the other party's financial support. On the contrary, the other party's aggressive and greedy demands trouble him even more.

That trouble is Corrigan, the founder of the Smith Consortium.

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