This aura is deadly

Chapter 152 Wait and see

When Mansis left the conference room, half of the sun had sunk into the western skyline. Regarding Parker's body, the great scientists in the room had not discussed any meaningful conclusions.

In the corridor on the 12th floor of the Great Void Research Building of the Institute, Mansis met his female student Wang Irene.

This Asian girl is young. At the age of 27, she has shown that she is as capable as the top psychic scholars of her generation. She is one of the most powerful brains on the planet. It must be said that even Mansis is a little envious of her.

Wang Aileen was wearing a black business suit with a white research robe on top, and she was holding a thin laptop in her left hand.

"Professor, what a coincidence." Wang Aileen waved her hand towards Mensis.

"The Institute of Psychic Energy covers an area of ​​120,000 hectares. The areas where each research group is located are several kilometers apart. If you happen to meet a researcher from another project group here, the probability is negligible." Mansis said with a proud smile. .

He straightened his tie, pushed up his glasses, and walked elegantly to Wang Aileen.

"But it's not equal to 0. You know why I came to you." Wang Aileen smiled mysteriously.

"Of course I know, you are my best student." Mansis smiled.

When other researchers were at Wang Ailin's age, they were still running around doing odd jobs in various laboratories. In fact, being able to join the United Federal Research Institute as a formal researcher at the age of 27 is already a very remarkable achievement.

This means that your intelligence is superior, crushing other humans in this era and on this planet.

And Aileen Wang is not just a researcher. She studied under Mensis, but she quickly stood out and became the main person in charge of a certain topic.

The Psionics Research Institute has many research institutions under it based on different research topics, all based on "buildings". Each building represents a research institution. There are countless such buildings in the huge research institute.

In every building, the lower 20 floors are full of basic scientific research dogs, while the people on the upper 20 floors are the main core personnel of this subject.

Wang Ailin is currently the only researcher known to have become a core staff member on the 20th floor at the age of 27.

She looked around to make sure there was no one around, then slowly opened the notebook and presented her research results to Mansis.

Mansis's expression changed from a cynical old man to a rigorous scientific madman. He pushed up his glasses and stared at the complex charts on the screen over and over again.

"You really...did it?" Mansis felt more and more incredible the more he looked at it, and he looked up at Wang Aileen again and again.

"Based on the changing values ​​of these constants and the changes in the spiritual energy density around the Great Void Door, I came to a conclusion. As we all know, as a kind of elementary particle, quarks cannot be observed, but we can use quark collapse and We can use other phenomena caused by quark closure to judge their changes... My experiments have led to a conclusion, that is, the vectors inside and outside the big void are consistent..." Wang Aileen said.

"We have always believed that the Great Void is a kind of quantum tunnel, which shows us another world and is the entrance to another universe... But obviously..." Mansis nodded.

"Obviously we are all wrong. The opposite side of the Great Void is still our world...but the time is earlier..." Wang Aileen said with a smile.

"No wonder, the more we adjust the readings, the more we deviate from the coordinates... This discovery helps improve and upgrade black box technology, making it easier and more stable to close and maintain the door leaf..." Mansis commented.

"Of course, you and I both know that we are not studying this for some black box space. Professor, what you and I want is the ultimate knowledge, the truth of the world... If we can master the time coordinates, we can even do whatever we want. Open the Great Void," Wang Aileen said.

"I understand what you mean, Wang, I understand... If we can make a breakthrough in this direction, we can achieve real time travel..." Mansis said.

"But the difficulty is that we don't know any time coordinates, including our timeline, and we have no way to search them. Time is flowing, and the coordinates should not be a constant..." Wang Aileen shook her head.

"We still need to rely on the blasphemous dagger to open the door, and the government provides us with sacrifices every year..." Mensis reminded.

"But...the research direction they require is how to close and control the door, rather than freely opening it to explore greater mysteries. Think about it, what is the true history of mankind? What kind of information did our ancestors once master? Power..." Wang Aileen sighed.

"We will always find a way. I think Parker's body is a breakthrough... You did not participate in today's meeting. I want to hear your opinion." Mansis said.

"I think Parker is in a paradoxical state now. He is still alive and is probably in the Great Void." Wang Aileen said.

"You mean...he became two?" Mansis asked.

"Yes, time is continuous, that is to say, Parker's previous moment and next moment are connected to each other, but his continuity may be interrupted by something that is not bound by time continuity, forming a Paradox..." Wang Aileen said while thinking.

"Not bound by time? Will anything be able to escape from the torrent of time?" Mansis looked at the sky outside the window.

"I think that's God..." Wang Aileen closed the notebook and said calmly.

"Siri! How is the weather today?!"

Chen Ke stood at the counter and yelled at the iPhone 3G. The clerk at the counter looked at him confused, wondering what he was doing.

"Sir, have you decided to name your phone Ciri? You can type text in the Bluetooth menu, so that when other iPhones connect to you, they will be able to see the name. There is no use yelling... "The clerk reminded.

Chen Ke scratched his head and looked at the unresponsive phone, wondering which step had gone wrong.

"Siri! Tell me a joke!" Chen Ke roared again, and suddenly he realized something. This voice intelligent assistant seemed to have a function that was only available when Apple launched iPhone 4S.

"There is no voice function, and there is no fingerprint unlocking. Let me tell you, in 10 years the iPhone .

"A very good idea, sir, fingerprint unlocking... it's too sci-fi. What's the notch?" The clerk laughed in agreement, but he didn't believe it in his heart.

"The notch is a mobile phone with a bit of the center cut out at the top and only a display screen on both sides." Chen Ke gestured on the phone screen with his hand and told the clerk.

"Apple doesn't design like this. You probably don't know Apple's design style. They pursue a natural aesthetic." The clerk spread his hands and smiled.

"Ha! Yes, this is Apple's aesthetics!" Chen Ke laughed.

"I bet you that the iPhone in 10 years will not look like that." The clerk is a senior Apple fan, so naturally he dismissed Chen Ke's statement.

"Wait and see!" Chen Kexin said, grabbed the mobile phone packaging box and left Wal-Mart.

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