This aura is deadly

Chapter 156 Sorry, Lucina

Chen Ke removed the battery from the phone and threw the two phones into the water glass. This time, he really couldn't use them anymore.

Chen Ke stood up and packed his clothes.

Lester's younger brother had delivered the suit over an hour ago. It was ironed very smoothly and professionally dry-cleaned. It felt like a second skin when worn on the body.

He straightened his tie, put on his holster, checked the PPQ magazine, and loaded the unfull magazine with a few rounds.

There was another pistol on the bed, which was Parker's Psychic M1911A1, with only the last round of disciplinary ammunition left. He picked up the gun, loaded it, and put it in the holster under his right armpit.

The small wallet with a zippered pocket was filled with all the holy diamonds Chen Ke had obtained so far. He stuffed the wallet into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and buttoned it up.

Most of these holy diamonds are of little use against humans. Only the shield that can stand up automatically can be used as a cover.

The main reason is that the holy diamond in his hand is not very good. Most of the special effects attached to the holy objects are for attribute damage reduction, and there are no active offensive special effects.

Chen Ke now needs better, more offensive holy objects, as well as more extraordinary skills that can proactively attack. It seems that these can only be obtained by constantly entering various large voids to swipe.

After bringing everything he could use, he finally picked up his iPhone 3G and dialed an unknown number.


Chen Ke waited patiently, waiting for the other person to answer the phone.


After a long time, the other person finally spoke.

"I knew you would call." He was the hacker who helped escape the bank robbery at noon today.

"I know this is abrupt, but I need your help now." Chen Ke said.

"We only have a friendship for a few minutes. So, this help is not free." The hacker said.

"I can afford it." Chen Ke smiled.

"It seems that one vote has gained a lot." The hacker also smiled.

"Do you know Brilliant Biscuit Factory?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's hard not to know that Opportunity City is just a factory, and it has been abandoned for a long time. Do you want to buy it?" the hacker asked.

"No... Judging from your performance this afternoon, you can remotely control the circuits and transportation systems in some areas of the city, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"Uh-huh," the hacker replied.

"Very good, I need you to put out all the things that can emit light, such as street lights, houses, roadside billboards near the factory at ten o'clock tonight," Chen Kedao said.

"It's not difficult, but it only lasts 30 minutes." The hacker said.

"That's enough, as long as you can ensure that the factory is dark enough at that time." Chen Ke smiled.

"I can't control the moon." The hacker said.

The City of Opportunity at night is like a ghost town. The animals infected by psychic energy, entrenched in various man-made wastelands, occasionally let out one or two howls that penetrate people's hearts, echoing in the night sky for a long time.

Chen Ke put his hands in his pockets and strolled through the quiet scene. The street lamps cast white lights on the road, extending straight ahead.

The biscuit factory was not too far from where he rented, and he didn't want to involve other people in this incident, so he chose to walk instead of taking a taxi.

At 11:59 midnight, Chen Ke arrived at the gate of Breland Biscuit Factory.

Next to this factory is a large residential area, and opposite is an old large shopping mall. Although it is not a commercial street, this large shopping mall can be regarded as the only shopping mall in this remote corner.

There was a crack in the factory's big iron door. Before he could enter, he could already feel tons of murderous aura rushing towards him. Because it was beyond the detection range of the murderous radar, Chen Ke did not see any red outline in his eyes.

He entered the factory sideways and patted the dust on his suit.

There is no big difference in the architectural layout between the biscuit factory and the abandoned car factory where he killed the dog at the beginning of his time travel.

The factory is not big, only about the size of a school playground. An office building is located alone in the northeast corner, with four L-shaped production workshops facing each other across an open space from the office building.

Around the open space, there are nine decorative lampposts for lighting. The huge light bulbs are like fruits on the trees. And tonight, these lights are actually on.

Chen Ke's eyes glowed slightly with a blue halo. With him as the center, a blue pulse rippled out, and within a radius of 100 meters, all humanoid living creatures could be seen.

Workshops, office buildings, and various places where people can hide are all filled with Asra's deformities, and their outlines slowly dye from blue to red.

Chen Ke counted, almost more than 40.

These freaks never thought about trading, and just as Chen Ke planned, he never thought about using the Holy Diamond to replace people.

The green holy diamond is now lying in the postman's safe house, being well kept by Pihom.

He sighed and leaned under one of the lamp posts, waiting for the other party to appear. The white light hit him, leaving dark, twisted shadows on the ground.

This was the first time Chen Ke saw his own shadow. There was no human form, but instead it looked like a burning black flame...

I don't know when a black cloud appeared in the sky, covering the moon tightly, and the surrounding area suddenly became much darker. The corners of Chen Ke's mouth raised slightly, God was really helping me.

He saw three red silhouettes and a blue silhouette walking out of the office building. He knew without guessing that it was the Silent Witch and her men, taking Lucina with them.

Chen Ke looked at the countdown in the corner of his eye. It took them almost 2 minutes to walk to where Chen Ke was, about 20 meters away from Chen Ke.

The two weirdos grabbed Lucina's arms. Judging from their posture, Lucina seemed unable to stand still on her own.

"You came, and I thought you would run away like a coward." The Silent Witch mocked.

"I think you don't understand that the things used for exchange should be in good condition, otherwise it will anger the person being traded and cause the transaction to fail?" Chen Ke looked at the bruised route and spread his hands.

"Chen shouldn't have come..." Lucina looked at Chen Ke and said.

The weirdo next to her punched her in the abdomen, leaving Lucina speechless.

"Where is the Holy Diamond?" asked the Silent Witch.

"Let her come here first," Chen Ke said.

"If you don't want to hand it over, we can search it from your body." The Silent Witch said with a smile.

Chen Ke shook his head and reached into the inside of his suit. The Silent Witch smiled proudly.

"What if I tell you that I don't actually have the Holy Diamond with me?" Chen Ke said with a smile. What he took out was not the holy diamond, but Parker's psychic M1911A1.

The witch clapped her hands, and the weird people hiding in the shadows came out.

"Then let's play a game. Before you bring the holy diamond, I will let my men tear your little girlfriend's body apart bit by bit to see how long she can wait for you." The witch smiled.

The weirdo holding Lucina stretched out another scissor-like palm from his sleeve and pressed it against her cheek.

Chen Ke looked at the countdown and found that 7 minutes had passed.

"Lucina, I'm sorry." Chen Ke said, slowly raising the gun.

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