This aura is deadly

Chapter 157 Big Brawl

Lucina seemed to understand something and slowly closed her eyes.

The Silent Witch looked at Chen Ke and then at Lucina, showing a surprised expression.

A murderous aura rose from Chen Ke's back, and the light red mist that only he could see surged toward Lucina.

Lucina suddenly felt an inexplicable fear spreading from her heart, making her limbs cold, her body stiff, and her scalp numb.

After a little resistance, she was still shattered by indescribable fear, and her mental defenses were broken. Her eyes turned white and she fainted.

The two weirdos holding Lucina felt their hands sink. As soon as they let go, Lucina rolled her eyes and fell face down on the ground motionless.

"Is this...she was frightened?" a weirdo asked.

The Silent Witch looked at Chen Ke, who only raised the gun slightly and had not yet pointed it at Lucina.

"What did you do? Did you kill her...? How did you do it?" The Silent Witch glared at Chen Ke. She originally wanted to blackmail Chen Ke, but she never expected that Chen Ke would have such means.

"You freaks, tonight I will show you the real extraordinary." Chen Ke smiled and raised the gun to the light bulb above his head.



The terrifying gunfire of the psychic M1911A1 rang out, and the disciplinary bullet penetrated the cheap light bulb with a white flash. Not only the position where he was standing, but also everything that could shine around him dimmed.

The surroundings suddenly became pitch black, not only that I couldn't see my fingers, but it was also dark enough that I couldn't see anyone ten steps away.

"Where are the others?"

The Silent Witch and the weirdos had just been attracted by the sudden blackout around them. When they looked back at Chen Ke, they could no longer find anyone.

All the surrounding weirdos entered a fighting state and looked around cautiously. A dim purple light emitted from the purple runes on the Silent Witch's forehead.

"He's still here. I can feel the marks left on him. Take that bitch back to the office building. The rest of you don't let him escape." The Silent Witch turned around and said.

But the two weirdos next to her looked at each other and said ashamedly: "That woman is gone too..."

Lucina, who should have been lying on the ground, was left with only a pair of bloody handcuffs.

"He is a psyker. We don't know what extraordinary skills he has yet, nor do we know what sacred objects he has. So, don't underestimate it. Use all your strength to attack. It doesn't matter if you kill him." The Silent Witch shouted .

She stretched out her hands and her pupils turned purple. Say softly and silently: "Dagon...Anado...Mhaa'alu..."

Her hands ignited with purple flames as she whispered unnamed spells, and a hole opened in the palms of her hands, from which flowed a purple-red whip that looked like a snake letter.

The whip was wrapped with purple flames, as if it were alive. It was wrapped around the witch's forearm, and its head was bent upward, looking around like a snake letter.

More than 46 Asura's monsters all entered a battle-ready state. Their limbs transformed into various strange weapons. They did not use sacred objects at all. They were simply humanoid monsters.

And these changes were all seen by the killers of the consortium through sniper lenses.

"Did you see it?" came the companion's voice from the earphones.

"46 of them, all of them are Asra's deformities. The target just disappeared. It seems they want to ambush us." The sniper replied.

"He took refuge in Asra?" Questions from other killers came from the earphones.

"No matter who he surrenders to, Mr. Blueberry said that he will die tonight." The sniper said.

"46 of them, how to act?" other killers asked.

"Kill his allies first, and then force him out. I will cover from a high place, and you enter from below." The sniper said.

The killers emerge from their hiding places, use their extraordinary skills, and run towards the factory.

Not long ago, in a high-end apartment far away in the Lafite Road area, Diana was lying on the bed and already fast asleep, with a copy of the New 52 Wonder Woman comic covering her face. The fierce ringing of the phone woke her up from her dream.

"Diana, that gun... was fired. It was at the Brilliant Biscuit Factory in the Rolling Iron District." It was a call from a colleague in the Firearms Management Department of the Administration.

"I'll be there soon." She suddenly became energetic, put the comic book back on the bedside table, lifted the quilt, and rolled out of bed wearing only her underwear.

Diana drove towards the factory and her phone vibrated. She took it out and saw that it was Badr.

"Have you heard?" Badr said.

"I'm on my way," Diana replied.

"We must catch that bastard this time." Badr said.

"Whatever you say, I have a hunch that this is our last chance." Diana said.

"They said there was a power outage in the three blocks over there, and the circuit maintenance department is sending people there." Bader reminded

"Let the county police worry about those people," Diana snorted.

While she was talking, two P.W.A.T troop carriers passed her and headed towards the factory.

Diana looked at the Wonder Woman doll sitting on the bridge, and unconsciously stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The Silent Witch felt something strange. She felt a large amount of spiritual energy gathered around her.

A blue flying knife was shot at the monster from behind. The eyes on the back of its head saw the direction of the flying knife and bent down to avoid it.

The flying knife flew past the strange man and then disappeared into thin air in mid-air.

More than thirty heavily armed killers appeared on the roof and corners of the factory. They said nothing. They were all equipped with mini submachine guns. At the same time, the golden, blue and white halos spread out from their bodies, summoning various holy objects. .

"The killers of the consortium...are here to take back the Holy Diamond. Don't let them succeed." The Silent Witch said.

The monsters spread out and rushed towards the killers with strange screams. The killers' submachine guns also spurted tongues of fire, and the lights of various holy objects reflected each other.

A weirdo rolled up his sleeves, his right arm exploded, the skeleton opened, the tendons were used as strings, and the bones were used as arrows, aiming at the group of people.


Terrifying gunshots rang out from a distance, and after only a second, the weirdo's head exploded like a crushed tomato.

"Snipers! Disperse!" the Silent Witch roared, and the purple fire whip suddenly penetrated into a killer, pierced into his body from his side, entangled and stirred his internal organs, and then passed out from his neck.

The purple flames began to burn the killer's body. He screamed and watched as his flesh melted into dregs, disintegrating from his bones and falling to the ground.

The Silent Witch drew her whip and looked for her next target.

At this time, Chen Ke carried the unconscious Lucina on his back, put his suit jacket on her body, and slipped into a nearby workshop while crouching.

He stuffed Lucina into an abandoned low cabinet, closed the door, and put on his suit again. His vision penetrated the wall and saw a large group of red humanoid silhouettes fighting in a ball outside, accompanied by the sound of Barrett's gun. ring.

Pankiah spent a lot of money this time, sending so many killers and even using anti-material sniper rifles to deal with him.

He couldn't leave now. The silent witch who had looked at him must be killed.

He didn't want to always have a tail with him in the future.

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