This aura is deadly

Chapter 17 Alienated Objects

"Well, let me ask much did you spend to hire that female investigator?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

Li Bo was stunned and didn't know why Chen Ke was interested in this.

"The employment introduction fee first costs 10,000 joint dollars. After the investigator is in place, the daily cost is 3,000 joint dollars. The investigator is D level, so it is cheaper... She investigated for a total of 8 days, and I spent a total of 34,000 joint coins.”

Chen Ke took a breath, Damn Pihom cheated on me...

Li Bo didn't know why a trace of disappointment and expression flashed across Chen Ke's face. Said: "In fact, the investigators themselves don't get much. I heard that the share between a D-level investigator and the company is 1:9, and this share does not include the introduction fee."

When Chen Ke heard this, he made secret calculations in his mind.

Excluding the 10,000 introduction fee, the female investigator's eight-day employment fee totaled 24,000 joint dollars. After splitting the account with the company, she only had 2,400 joint dollars in hand.

Calculated in this way, Pihom's compensation was not low, and he also provided weapons and ammunition for free. But Chen Keren didn't think that Pihom was looking for him just to save money. He must have his own reasons behind it.

After all this trouble, Li Bo's noodle shop completely lost its customer base, and he didn't know why he was entangled by monsters. When Li Bo was at a loss, a mysterious note was suddenly inserted through the crack of the door, telling him that if he did not want to be invaded by monsters, his noodle shop would provide free food to the poor people in Xiacheng District, and repeatedly warned that if Li Bo Keep asking for help from any force and these monsters will take action.

Just like that, from that day on, the noodle shop welcomed customers.

Most of these poor wanderers in the lower city are illegal immigrants who smuggled themselves to the United Federation of States from the Entente Alliance or the Scarlet Phoenix Republic. There are also some local residents who lost their jobs during the era of factory closures.

They couldn't even smell the smell in the noodles, and they didn't care that the noodles were getting worse and worse. After all, Li Bo wanted to save money, and of course he couldn't let these poor people eat in vain according to the standards on the menu.

When Chen Ke stepped into the noodle shop, Li Bo had some expectations. However, when he realized that Chen Ke couldn't smell the smell, he regarded him as a homeless man who came to eat free noodles.

It seems that there is something not simple behind this matter. Chen Ke has not been exposed to many extraordinary things and phenomena since he came to this world, so he cannot judge whether the note threatening Li Bo was written by a human or a monster.

It is a habitual behavior of human beings to achieve their goals through coercion. Under the inertial thinking, Chen Ke prefers to believe that there is a person or force behind the scenes controlling these monsters. But if these behaviors were purely caused by monsters, then Chen Ke would really look at them with admiration.

Regardless of whether the initiator of the incident is a human or a monster, at least judging from the current results, the motivation behind it actually comes from a certain degree of justice and kindness. However, as the victim Li Bo, this kind of justice is almost the same as evil. .

No one has the right to do good deeds in a way that damages the legitimate interests of others. The cost of doing good deeds should be paid by oneself. Chen Keshen agreed.

Moreover, Li Bo honestly opened a noodle shop to make money and had no obligation to help these poor people. After Li Bo loses all his belongings, he will also join the ranks of these homeless people.

Therefore, regardless of the motivations of these monsters or the controllers behind them, these behaviors are just fishing in the river.

"I feel like I'm helping the federation raise a bunch of trash now. I even paid protection fees! Look at my current situation. Every night, those things will be watching near my house. I've wanted to leave for a long time..." Li Bo was indignant.

"Those diners started to become deformed after eating your noodles. Those monsters had done something in your kitchen." Chen Ke said.

"I also think they were affected by the noodles... But neither the county police nor the investigators could find anything wrong." Li Bo said helplessly.

"I want to go into your kitchen and take a look. Take me there quickly." Chen Ke said as he put away the Colt Python.

"So, you're here to help me? Are you really from the Investigation Bureau?" Li Bo asked expectantly.

The two of them walked towards the back door of the noodle shop one after another, from where they could avoid the diners and enter the back kitchen directly.

Faced with Li Bo's questions, Chen Ke pretended to be sophisticated and told him his fabricated identity.

"No, but it's almost the same. I'm a... witcher."

The two of them entered the back kitchen. There were only two cooks cooking in the entire kitchen. Counting the two waiters working in the store, the scale of this noodle shop was really small.

A large pot was boiling with boiling water. Stacks of noodles were piled in a bucket on the side. The cook used a slotted spoon to put the noodles into the boiling water and scooped them a few times. Then he skillfully poured a handful of noodles into an empty bowl filled with half-boiled water next to him. Pour, another cook sprinkles some salt on the noodles with a small spoon, and a bowl of noodles is ready. Even fuel is saved.

Chen Ke glanced at the kitchen and found nothing strange for the time being. Through the wall, he saw more than a dozen red human silhouettes. It seemed that anyone who had ever been hostile to him would be permanently marked on the murder radar.

The two cooks looked at Li Bo in confusion. No one else was allowed to enter the important area of ​​the kitchen, but Li Bo waved his hand and asked them to continue working.

The kitchen was not big, so Chen Ke checked it like a rummaging through the cabinets. He didn't know what he was looking for, but as long as it was something suspicious, he could always see it at a glance, right? For example, an inconspicuous amulet, a line of incantations with unknown meaning carved on the wall, and other things that do not belong in the kitchen are likely to be the source of the curse.

But unfortunately, Chen Ke couldn't find anything.

At this moment, Chen Ke caught an orange glowing outline out of the corner of his eye. He looked towards where the outline was, a cauldron of boiling water.

Chen Ke came to the big pot. It turned out that the light was coming from the colander used to scoop noodles. He looked back at the two cooks and Li Bo and realized that only he could see the strangeness of the colander. He held the long handle and took out the colander. , a line of text appeared in the corner of his eyes:

"Unidentified alien substance"

"Identification requires 20 minutes of life"

Alienation? Chen Ke guessed that it was something completely different from a holy object, but it still required a lifespan to identify it. Maybe this was the source of the strangeness in the noodle shop.

Identify it! If you can find monsters, your lifespan can be restored!

"-20 minutes"

"You have 3 hours, 29 minutes and 52 seconds left to live..."

The orange outline on the colander gradually disappeared, and an information box appeared in front of Chen Ke...

[Alienated object level: ordinary]

[Alienation effect: The food materials that have been in contact with the alienation object will emit a putrid smell that only the poor can't smell. 】

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