This aura is deadly

Chapter 18 Attack

"Where did this colander come from? Didn't it exist before?" Chen Ke picked up the colander and looked at Li Bo.

Li Bo stepped forward, took the colander and looked at it for a long time in confusion. Said: "I don't know... all the things used for noodles look like this. Suddenly I can't remember..."

"How many colanders do you have here? Just count and see if there are too many." Chen Ke suggested.

Li Bo slapped his head, rummaged around in the kitchen, and counted the cooking tools. Sure enough, there was an extra colander.

"Damn, you're so awesome! How did you know there was something wrong with the colander?" Li Bo said in surprise.

"We witchers have special tools. We can sense anything that's not right when we get close to it." Chen Ke said seriously. He took out the Nokia 1208 cell phone that had been charged with battery and shook it. "This thing was in my trouser pocket just now." If it keeps vibrating, I know there must be something wrong with the colander.”

"It's amazing...much better than the Administration!" Li Bo praised.

Combining Li Bo's statement with the photos on Pihom's cell phone, Chen Ke already knew the general appearance of the whole thing.

The scrawny monsters coerce the noodle shop owner to help the poor. This colander that makes the food smelly is a kind of target filter.

But there are still two things that don't make sense.

One is distortion. Noodles have a curse that slowly turns people into monsters. This power does not exist on the colander. Where does it come from?

The second is the result of distortion. Based on the current state of distortion among the diners, it is difficult for Chen Ke to imagine that they will transform into skinny monsters. On the contrary, it is more likely to become another species.

The biggest doubt in the whole matter ultimately fell on the motive.

Why do extraordinary monsters do this? Is their purpose really just to help the poor?

Chen Ke knew that things would not be that simple, but now, at least the source of the odor had been found. As long as the colander was no longer used, Li Bo's noodle shop could operate normally.

Now those monsters are the only trouble.

"What should I do now? Although you have found the source of the smell, those monsters will not give up..." Li Bo was a little worried.

"Let's talk about remuneration. Demon hunters are not free." Chen Ke said, hugging his chest.

"Of course...but you won't charge on a daily basis..." Li Bo asked worriedly.

Chen Ke shook his head and said: "Pay in one lump sum, receive cash, no transfer."

Li Bo pondered, lowered his head and thought for a moment. It was like a psychological struggle. Finally, he said: "If you can solve this problem once and for all, I will give you 5,000 joint coins."

Chen Ke was very satisfied with the price. Counting the 5,000 given by Pihom, he would have earned 10,000 after completing this job.

"Deal. I will come to you to get the money after the deal is completed." Chen Ke nodded.

"Great! How are you going to find them?" Li Bo was very happy when he heard this.

Chen Ke picked up the colander and said, "They will come to me."

He walked out of the kitchen hall, and under the surprised looks of the waiters and diners, he took a colander and pushed open the door of the noodle shop, leaving only his back.

At the same time, a strong murderous aura rose from Chen Ke's back, and he knew that the thing had taken the bait. It turns out that it has been hidden among the diners.

The streets were still very empty at 8 o'clock in the morning. Chen Ke crossed the road and deliberately went into a remote dark alley with his little tail behind him. Between the dilapidated residential buildings that were not high, there was a dirty alley that was only three people wide. Sewage flowed across the street, trash cans were overturned, and rats walked among the garbage from time to time.

He suddenly stopped, and the follower behind him was only a dozen steps away from him.

The murderous aura changed from one to four. Chen Ke looked up and saw three red outlines hidden in the dilapidated residential buildings on both sides.

"If you refuse to accept charity, why don't you leave quietly?" the female diner's voice came from behind.

"This is not charity, this is robbery." Chen Ke turned around, turned the colander into an L shape and threw it into the trash can next to him.

"No one cares about their life or death. If you do this, these people will only starve to death." The female diner complained.

"You can't care less about the life and death of the noodle shop owner." Chen Ke said with a smile.

"+30 minutes"

"+30 minutes"

"+30 minutes"

"+30 minutes"

"The upper limit has been reached..."

Three enemies hidden in the building are slowly approaching him. They come out of the window and crawl down the external sewer. Of course Chen Ke didn't see them, but he could feel the murderous movement.

"You are a heartless man. There are too many heartless people in this world..." The female diner looked at Chen Ke coldly and snapped her fingers.


Three shadows jumped down from the wall and rushed toward Chen Ke. At the same time, a broad-bladed sword suddenly appeared on Chen Ke's right hand!

He turned around and dodged the attacks of three knives with a sliding step.

Only then did Chen Ke see the appearance of the three attackers. They were holding fruit knives in their hands. They were about the same height as him. They were wearing black sportswear and a white mask under their hood.

Without taking a breath, Chen Ke slashed at the nearest monster's left arm with his sword. The force of the collision with the hard object was transmitted from the hilt of the sword to the palm of his hand. The monster's left arm was chopped off with both bones and flesh. Chen Ke continued He took the second sword and chopped it into the monster's neck. The broad-bladed sword chopped off the monster's head without any hindrance. The mask fell to the ground and split in half. A hairless humanoid head rolled on the ground without bleeding.


Two other attackers attacked Chen Ke. He dodged to the side, took out the Colt Python with his left hand, pointed at the head of one of the monsters and pulled the trigger. Exaggerated gunfire sounded in the alley, and flame magnum bullets were fired. Breaking the mask and getting into the monster's head was like stuffing a spring thunder into a watermelon.

The monster's head exploded, and at the same time, a burst of flame suddenly burst out and ignited the monster. The flesh and clothes burned together, and the burning sticky meat splashed onto the wall. Even if it was broken into pieces, not a drop of blood was shed. .


This flame magnum bullet is really powerful, and it is only at the level of private imitation. If it is a genuine product from the Administration, and coupled with the blessing of a psychic pistol, it will definitely be even more powerful.

Just look at Parker's .45-caliber M1911A1. Its power is actually not much different from the large-caliber revolver that Chen Ke holds that shoots Magnum bullets. It would be great if there was a way to avoid the location and tracking of psychic firearms by the Bureau. .

The last monster's mask fell to the ground in panic. The pale face and sinister eyes under the mask made people shudder.

Although Chen Ke, who had been baptized by the human-faced dog, was a little embarrassed by the Sadako-like gaze, these monsters would not harm his sanity, and he was already familiar with the feeling of fighting monsters.

"Murderous trigger!"

Chen Ke poured murderous intent into the last attacking monster, but was unable to shake its movements at all. These monsters have no emotions and don't know what fear is!

But even so, Chen Ke still dodged the monster's attack, then looked at the opening and cut off the monster's knife-holding arm with one sword, and then cut the monster in half with another sword.

"The third one." Chen Ke said.

More like a monster than a wild dog, but much weaker than a human-faced dog. Chen Ke said this about these scrawny things.

The battle process was not long, only less than six or seven seconds. The female diner did not expect Chen Ke's fighting power to be so amazing, and was actually speechless at this time.

"Are you... from the Administration...?" The female diner's voice revealed fear, but no emotion could be seen in her cloudy and dim eyes.

"Whatever you say." Chen Ke flipped the hammer of the revolver.

The female diner thought Chen Ke was going to shoot her and was so frightened that she quickly turned around and ran away.

"Yes, that's it, take me to your lair."

Chen Ke took back the bloodletting dagger. At this time, he found that the luster of the diamond became a little dim.

what happened?

He took a closer look, and an information box popped up:

[The Executioner's Bloodletting Dagger]

[Durability: on the verge of damage]

[Tearing wounds: The wounds caused never heal]

[Blood drain tank: Puncture causes massive blood loss]

When the sword was first acquired, its durability was not high enough. After another night of killing dogs, its condition became even worse. After this battle, the entire sword was actually on the verge of disintegration.

Although this sword is a powerful weapon against monsters, you should use it sparingly. In the future, you should consider using Glock 17 and Colt Python first.

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