This aura is deadly

Chapter 19 Tracking

Chen Ke put the gun back into its holster and turned to look at the body on the ground.

The three corpses were in pieces, and even so, not even a drop of blood was shed, as if there was no blood on them at all. And on a certain corpse, a white light spot slowly condensed.

"Holy object?"

Different from the white light ball condensed by the human-faced dog corpse, the light spots condensed by these three monsters are not that big, they are real light spots in the true sense.

Chen Ke stretched out his hand to hold the light spot in his palm. At this moment, several visual clips suddenly passed before his eyes...

Chen Ke's consciousness seemed to be attached to another man.

In front of Chen Ke's eyes, a 4-year-old child wearing a blue tattered sweater was held in the arms of a middle-aged woman. They were sitting in a small nest made of corrugated cardboard boxes.

The woman's face was haggard, her eyes were lifeless, and her hands seemed withered. The child in her arms is also very thin, but slightly stronger than her mother.

"Dad, I'm hungry..."

The child was talking to himself, his voice was very soft, and he seemed to have little strength.

"Dad is going to find some food... You and mom can occupy the sleeping area here..."

The sky was gloomy, and Chen Ke saw that he was rubbing his hands, which were a pair of bony hands.


Squatting on the street, stretching out his hands to the empty street, as if begging to the gods. Opportunity City, no opportunities. After the wave of factory closures, everyone in Xiacheng District was overwhelmed with self-care.

In front of a bakery, a man stared blankly at the bread in the window. He hesitated for a long time before summoning the courage to go in.

"Welcome light... Sir, please come out."

The female clerk who thought she was welcoming a customer looked disgusted when she saw her and ordered her to be kicked out.

"Give me a... no, half a loaf... my child is hungry..." the man begged.

"Please leave sir...or I will call the police." the female clerk said.

"Please... just give me the expired bread... my child hasn't eaten for a long time..."

"Hey! You're so annoying!" The female clerk was a little impatient. At this time, a tall black man came out of the door.

"what happened?"

"The store manager is a homeless man."

The black man took a large piece of bread from the window and handed it to the man.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you very much! I will definitely repay you..." The man took the bread and cried with joy, turned around and ran out of the bakery.

The man held the bread in his hand tightly and kept running in the direction of "home", his heart beating violently.

Walking through the alleys between buildings, the man gasped for air. Suddenly, he fell to the ground.

I'm so hungry... I haven't eaten for many days, and coupled with the intense running just now...

"I can't do it...I need to take a rest..."

His eyes slowly closed and his hands dropped...

"I overslept...I want to go back!"

The man opened his eyes suddenly, it was already night. He didn't realize that the bread in his hand was moldy.

Suddenly he was walking quickly, as if he had endless energy. This feels good.

"I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry!" The man's tone was full of surprise and surprise.

He rushed into the street and met many passers-by. The passerby looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"Fuck! What is this! Oh my God!" The passerby screamed in horror, turned around and ran away.

Other pedestrians were attracted by the shouts and looked at him. Suddenly, there was chaos in the streets, everyone screamed and ran away in different directions.

"What's wrong with these people? Am I too dirty?" The man was surprised.

No matter so much, the man continued to run in the direction of "home", jumping over vehicles and newsstands, running quickly on walls, and jumping across the road with a light jump. The speed is very fast and the body is very light, as if the whole world is weightless.

"George! Edela! I'm back!"

The man ran back to the place where he was sleeping, and his wife and son were lying in a corrugated box hugging each other.

"George, daddy brought you bread. Lorna, you and your son will get half of it each."

The man happily came to his wife and children.

"Don't sleep Lorna, George, wake up too..."

The man pushed the two corpses, took out the moldy black bread, and stuffed it into the little boy's mouth.

"Eat quickly, you can survive if you eat, eat quickly..."

"Why are you sleeping so soundly..."

"Who are you...?"

At night, the man wandered alone in the dark alley, asking himself a question.

"Who am I...who am I...?"

A burst of white dazzling flash brought Chen Ke back to reality, but in just five or six seconds, Chen Ke felt as if a long time had passed. It turned out that these monsters were transformed from people who died of starvation...

It seems that things are not simple. It is impossible for those deformed diners to become such monsters.

Through the memory light spots, Chen Ke also roughly understood something. He guessed that human-faced dogs and skeleton men are two completely different types of monsters. Holy objects can only be obtained from monsters in the spirit explosion space...

He stood up. In front of him, a faint red silhouette was stumbling and running more than sixty meters away from him. The female diner hadn't run far yet.

She can run more than 60 meters in five or six seconds, which is quite fast for a woman. If you follow that woman, you might be able to find out the truth.

Chen Ke followed him all the way. With the help of murderous radar, he could move parallel to the female diner across a building, and it was almost impossible to lose track of the target.

The female diner deliberately walked through various alleys, twisting and turning, and looked behind her, but she was relieved when she found no sign of Chen Ke. Little did they know that Chen Ke was standing on the same line as her across a building.

Although she thought she had gotten rid of Chen Ke, the female diner was still cautious. She deliberately took some remote routes, avoiding crowds and main roads, and finally came to an abandoned residential building.

The female diner looked around for a while, then opened the door and walked in.

Chen Ke walked out of a small shop on the corner and looked up at the residential building the female diner had just entered. It was a large building that had been demolished in half, with a total of six floors. There were cracks in the dilapidated walls, and a large hole was demolished on the right side of the building, but for some unknown reason, the demolition was stopped.

It seems that this is also a wasteland bought by a psychic company.

There seemed to be some kind of tacit understanding between the enterprise and the administration. The behavior of the psychic enterprises directly squeezed the development space of other industries. Enterprises that could have provided a large number of job opportunities could no longer buy land in the lower city, resulting in a large number of people. Local residents cannot find jobs.

More and more abandoned buildings will also provide nests for monsters that have been alienated by psychic energy. The downtown area of ​​Opportunity City will become increasingly uninhabitable in the future. By then, the entire downtown area may be filled with black boxes. Become investigators hunting ground.

Maybe, this is what the psychic capital wants, and this is what the management authority acquiesces to.

The windows on the first and second floors were boarded up, and the double-open apartment door was tightly closed. Chen Ke pushed it and locked it. Looks like we need to find another way in.

He walked around the building and finally found a window with a weak board at the back of the apartment building. After prying open the board with a bloodletting dagger, he jumped and got in.

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