This aura is deadly

Chapter 193 What you don’t know…

The three of them returned to the county police station lobby along the same route.

Ying Boyi put away the hammer and opened the way with his psychic pistol. He had three M14s hanging on his body, a bag of bullets on his back, and two bags in his left hand.

Forget about Sam, he has completely transformed into a humanoid self-propelled weapons arsenal. The guns and bullets hanging on his body are enough to arm two squads of soldiers.

Chen Ke only carried a bag of .45 pistol ammunition, and it was not full. He felt sorry for himself and helped Sam share two bags of bullets.

After opening the door and walking into the sunshine again, away from the dark underground building, the three people's tense emotions relaxed.

It only takes 20 minutes from entering to exiting, but including the time to walk back, it takes an hour to go back and forth. It is almost 5 o'clock now, and it still takes half an hour to go back. Fortunately, there is nothing on the street. It was dangerous, so the three of them kept silent and dragged their equipment to the Rumi Hotel.

After only walking for five minutes, Ying Boyi and Sam were already sweating profusely. They threw their bullet bags and guns on the ground to rest.

Sam stretched his knees and sweat dripped down his chin. He looked up at the cars on the street and looked at Chen Ke strangely.

"I said... why don't we drive? There are cars all around..." he wondered.

"I'm going to see if I have the keys." Chen Ke said as he walked to the nearby SUV.

This SUV, a Volkswagen, was parked in the middle of the street and rear-ended another car. However, as an SUV, the damage was not significant.

The door was locked. Chen Ke looked at the driver's seat through the window and found red dust accumulated on the seat, and the key was still inserted on the right side of the steering wheel.

Chen Ke looked around, picked up an M14, hit the car window several times and smashed the window. The huge noise was very abrupt in the quiet street, but he had no time to think more.

"Damn careful not to attract those ghosts here..." Ying Boyi cursed.

"If you come, please continue to throw lightning." Chen Ke smiled, opened the car door, dusted the dust on the seat, and sat on it.

He twisted the key and tried to start the car, but there was no response. Chen Ke got out of the car with a frown, looked around the car, and lay on the ground to check the chassis.

It was found that the car's water tank had been smashed, and there was a hole in the fuel tank. Because it had been too long, the leaked oil had dried, leaving only a large pool of dark yellow marks on the ground.

"It's better not to drive. It's better for us to walk. It's safer to keep quiet." Ying Boyi suggested.

"If we can drive and run fast, they can't catch up. There must be a place without those disgusting things, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's not as simple as you think..." Ying Baiyi said. He wanted to say something else, but after thinking about it, he still didn't speak.

"You seem to know a lot. It feels like you have been here for a long time..." Chen Key said in a half-joking and half-serious tone.

"The archives of the Administration have records of places like this that are more detailed than you can imagine... Don't question me with your shallow knowledge... It's better for us to go back quickly now." Ying Baiyi snorted coldly. said one voice.

"Then it's up to you, Mr. Agent." Chen Ke chuckled. He gave up looking for other cars and picked up the bullet bag and gun.

They rested a total of four times along the way. Both Sam and Ying Boyi were sweating from exhaustion, but Chen Ke, who had unlimited physical strength, didn't feel much. However, in order not to arouse suspicion, he still pretended to be struggling.

The three of them returned to Rumi Hotel and saw Diana alone in the lobby, sitting on a chair at the front desk, with her feet up on the front desk and taking a nap with a revolver in her hand.

Chen Ke made a shushing gesture and gently placed the bullet bag and weapons on the floor. Ying Boyi and Sam also relaxed their movements.

Although she is an agent of the Administration, Diana is also considered a wounded person. Her condition is not very good, so she needs to rest.

However, she still woke up, and even though she was asleep, she still maintained a certain level of vigilance.

"It seems that I am not a competent doorman... How long have I slept? Oh... so many guns..." Diana sleepily put the revolver on the front desk, rubbed her face with her right hand, and saw more than ten people on the floor. When I held the M14, I looked a little surprised.

"Do you need..." Chen Ke asked.

"If you dare to tell me to have a good rest, I will take off my shoes and throw them away to you." Diana said.

"Okay... okay..." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"You don't look well, Diana." Ying Boyi said.

"I usually wouldn't be like this. If something hadn't happened at the Breland Biscuit Factory last night..." Diana patted her forehead and stood up as she spoke.

Chen Ke frowned, was she there last night?

"Let me see what you got back..." Diana looked at the bullet bags and firearms all over the floor and squatted down to rummage through them.

There were a total of ten M14 semi-automatic rifles on the floor, five bags of rifle ammunition, one bag of psychic pistol bullets, and sixteen empty rifle magazines.

Two psychic M1911A1 pistols and six empty magazines were kept privately by Chen Ke, so he did not take them out.

It is definitely impossible to count how many rifle bullets there are, but the quantity is definitely more than enough. Semi-automatic weapons do not consume much ammunition, so these are enough.

"The four of us each have one gun, each has three magazines, and there are six remaining. We select a dozen people from the survivors to take turns on duty." Sam said.

Chen Ke nodded in agreement and had no objection to this.

"I don't need it. You can't use this kind of gun with one hand. I still have a revolver... Oh... I use .357 bullets, and there are only six rounds left..." Diana looked at the M14 on the ground and sighed. He said with a breath.

"I should have known we should have brought an M9 pistol back, but look at you, you missed Diana." Ying Baiyi said helplessly.

"We all assumed that she was a psychic agent and ignored that she would need ordinary firearms..." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"It's okay. If the monster rushes in and you happen to be away, I can use my right hook and knee." Diana looked at Chen Ke with one hand on her hip.

"Let's give her an M14... Although it's not easy to use, it's better than empty-handed..." Sam suggested from the side.

Diana looked sideways at Sam, who hid behind Ying Boyi.

"Then again, I don't need ordinary firearms." Ying Baiyi said.

"That's can throw lightning with your bare hands, and you can also conjure cold weapons." Chen Ke nodded.

"That means you can give away 8 M14s." Sam counted them.

"Give me one...I'll put it under my arm and use it as a pistol..." Diana said, holding her forehead.

"Okay, let's divide out seven handfuls." Sam counted.

Chen Ke noticed that Diana frowned slightly and curled her left arm in his arms, as if she was in severe pain. She fell asleep at the front desk just now, maybe to relieve the pain.

Ying Boyi and Sam went from room to room to recruit volunteers. They screened out those who were too old or too young and had serious injuries, and finally found 20 survivors who were suitable and willing to join the defense team.

These people have more or less minor scratches, and they are the only ones willing to stand up when others have not yet gotten over their negative emotions.

The duty of the survivor defense team is very simple. They only need to guard the lobby on the first floor of the hotel to prevent monsters from invading the hotel. After all, Chen Ke and the others do not want these people to risk their lives.

Seven M14s were assigned to these survivors, and they decided when to change shifts. Next, Sam began to teach them how to load bullets into the magazine, as well as basic rifle shooting skills.

Some people had gun licenses but had only ever shot pistols and had no knowledge of gun care, so Sam had to teach him from scratch.

And as a soldier, through the room-by-room visits, Sam noticed that the morale of the survivors was low. The main reason was because everyone's injuries were not treated and there was a problem with food and water.

"We have guns now, and it's still early. I suggest we go to the hospital immediately. The survivors' wounds need to be treated, and Diana also needs painkillers. There is also food and drink, all of which are indispensable." Chen Ke said.

With guns, even if they leave for a short time, these survivors will not be helpless, and with guns in hand, they will be more courageous.

"Don't worry about me, Chen Ke. There is a little girl, and her left arm is also broken... I gave her my arm bag." Diana said.

Chen Ke nodded and looked at Ying Boyi.

He is someone who can openly use psychic powers. Taking him out can save a lot of trouble. Sam now has a gun in his hand, has high self-confidence and desire to fight, and is also a good helper.

"It's 6 o'clock in the afternoon. The fastest trip from here to the nearest hospital is an hour, and it takes two hours to get there and back. Not counting our search in the hospital, it will be dark by then..." Ying Baiyi shook his head.

"It's dark? Are you really afraid of the dark?" Sam laughed.

"I suggest that everyone be patient tonight...and then go out at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning." Ying Baiyi said.

"This is unrealistic, Ying Boyi, look at them, the injuries on their bodies are still bleeding, and as Diana said, a little girl has a fracture. Their wounds need to be treated now, and they also need water and food. "Yes." Sam said.

"Yes, when people are in a low mood, many injuries will be magnified. Let's set off now and find a car to drive there. It won't take more than two hours." Chen Keye nodded.

"I only have two pieces of advice... Gentlemen, first, don't go out at night, and second, don't drive here." Ying Boyi flatly refused.

"If you know something, it's best to make it clear now." Chen Ke stood in front of him and said.

"If you don't believe me, just go out and see for yourself." Ying Baiyi showed no sign of weakness.

"That's enough for you two, don't force me to shoot one of them." Diana shouted from the side.

Everyone present was a little embarrassed.

"Ying Boyi, it is very important to keep the information of the Administration confidential, but now is an extraordinary moment, and you should tell what you know. Chen Ke and Sam's suggestions are correct. The injured need treatment, and people need food and water to have a good rest. ." Diana stood between the two of them.

"I can't say too much...I just tell you that the continuous noise of the vehicle engine will attract something, and if it comes, we won't be able to deal with it. If you want to shoot, it's best not to keep firing..." Ying Baiyi said.

"What about tonight...what will happen tonight?" Chen Ke asked.

"I can't describe it in words, Chen Ke. If you are lucky enough to see it, you will be like me... Then you will agree with my current decision. Instead of running out to die as a hero now, it is better to let them endure the pain." All night long..." Ying Boyi replied.

After Ying Boyi finished speaking, he turned around and walked up the steps. He firmly refused to go out.

I finished a chapter of 3k tonight and I’m stuck. I’m going to work on the details... Sigh...

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