This aura is deadly

Chapter 194 Parallel universe?

"Then you stay here and help them keep the bullets." Chen Ke said towards Ying Baiyi's back.

No matter what Ying Boyi knows, the problem at hand exists objectively. What is the problem... Chen Ke's lifespan is running out...

The countdown in the corner of his eye reminded Chen Ke that he would die in ten hours.

After spending a peaceful night, Chen Ke will die when others are dreaming. Moreover, following Ying Boyi's actions during the day, it is basically impossible to absorb the murderous aura.

Because the purpose of their actions is to avoid fighting, even if a fight occurs, Ying Boyi will be responsible. So Chen Ke had no chance at all.

Of course, in addition to the urgent need to survive, the current situation of Diana and a room of survivors is indeed not optimistic.

Chen Ke is not a cold-blooded person. He is still willing to help if he has spare power and does not endanger his own interests and life.

Diana is a very tough woman, worthy of being an agent of the Administration. When the subway crashed, she did not panic and scream like other women. Even though she was injured, she did not cry out. She also gave her arm bag to other injured people.

The most important thing is that she is an agent of the Administration Bureau that Chen Ke finally got to know. In the future, as their friendship deepens, he may be able to get some information from her.

Chen Ke didn't want such a woman to die in a place like this.

There are also those innocent survivors. Although Chen Ke has no friendship with them, he is not so cold-blooded that he can ignore them. He has no interest in being a hero, but it does not mean that he is the kind of extreme egoist with excessive self-awareness.

Ordinary people will protect themselves, but they also have compassion. Chen Ke is just such an ordinary person.

The survivors who were assigned firearms suggested that they go with Chen Ke and others. The more people there are, the more strength they have. If more people go, they can carry more things back.

Although this is said in theory, in many horror movies, this means that ten people go out and only the protagonist comes back...

Chen Ke rejected their kindness, and he and Sam were enough.

After all, Sam was a ranger, with very high combat qualities. He knew when to keep quiet and when to resist the urge to pull the trigger, but others did not have such good psychological quality.

But they still have some uses.

There are many convenience stores with simple structures near the hotel. Food stores with glass windows on all sides are extremely low-risk and close to the hotel. It is not too difficult for Diana to take them to search for resources.

Diana is happy to do something. Although she has basically lost her combat effectiveness now, as an agent of the Authority, her experience and knowledge will inspire the survivors around her.

After everyone discussed it, they took some time to empty out three bags containing bullets, and put several empty magazines into bullets. Orange-yellow rifle bullets were piled into a hill on the side.

"I wish you good luck, Chen Ke, Sam, and... what Ying Boyi said makes sense, you'd better listen."

Diana, symbolically carrying an M14 on her right shoulder, took four survivors to say goodbye to Chen Ke and others outside the hotel.

"I know, we will act as soon as possible and try to come back before dark." Chen Kedao.

After saying goodbye to Diana, Chen Ke and Sam walked towards the hospital. Although Ying Boyi refused to participate in the operation, he still told them the direction of the hospital in the end.

If they walked there, it would take an hour. According to Ying Boyi, the continuous sound of the car's engine would attract something, so Chen Ke and Sam also gave up driving.

Although he didn't know what he would be attracted to, if he didn't dare to provoke even the ninth-level agents of the Administration, then Chen Ke didn't want to commit suicide.

"That level 9 agent, Chen Ke, I can see that you don't believe him." Sam said on the way to the hospital.

Now that only he and Chen Ke were left, they could finally say something.

"He concealed a lot of things, and more than that, he may have provided false information." Chen Kedao.

"He knows a lot, but tells very little. What do you mean by false information?" Sam was confused.

Chen Ke motioned for Sam to look at the abandoned vehicles all over the street, the empty buildings around him, and the ubiquitous red dust all over the street.

Even the most stupid person can understand what Chen Ke means.

"Mirror world?" he asked.

"I don't believe this is a mirror world at all, Sam. No matter how I look at it, I feel that something has happened here. Look at everything around you and imagine what kind of situation would lead to large-scale vehicle abandonment and rear-end collisions on the streets..." Chen Kedao.

Sam frowned and nodded. He had participated in peacekeeping missions in some Gulf countries and had seen such large-scale exodus of people.

The long streets were filled with vehicles, and there was a sea of ​​people in the gaps between the vehicles. They carried their belongings on their heads, took their wives and daughters, and fled all the way to the edge of the city...

"Is this... a parallel universe?" Sam looked at Chen Ke doubtfully.

Chen Ke has no conclusion, and he doesn't know what is going on here. Could it be that apart from Parker, the entire world will also have paradoxes? Is this the past or the future of Xiaoyao City?

Thinking of this, he remembered the big black pillar far away in the horizon... What on earth was that thing? Ying Boyi probably knows, but he won't tell Chen Ke.

Chen Ke shook his head and said that he didn't know where this place was, but he didn't deny Sam's guess.

Chen Ke has always thought that the concept of the multiverse is nonsense. If after traveling through time and space, you enter not the past and future of the original timeline, but into other worlds, what kind of time travel is that?

For someone in the present, traveling to the past of this timeline, for him, it is not a return to the past, but to his future, he has gone into the history of the world.

For the world, that is a period of time in the past, but for the time traveler, it is his future.

Of course, the universe will not change according to human will. If the timeline is really equivalent to a parallel universe, then Chen Ke has nothing to say. After all, humans are meaningless in front of the universe.

As a soldier, Sam's footsteps were relatively fast. Coupled with Chen Ke's unlimited physical strength, it only took the two of them more than 40 minutes to reach the hospital Ying Boyi mentioned.

This hospital should be regarded as the leading large hospital in Xiaoyao City. According to Chen Ke's knowledge, it must be a proper tertiary hospital in the country. It occupies the entire block, like a large park.

The hospital is not a place to feel good anytime, especially when you have to go inside.

"Are you ready?" Sam loaded the gun.

"Go in and find the pharmacy. We need more bandages, painkillers, antibiotics and some cotton balls..." Chen Ke said, turning on his spiritual vision, and walked into the square of the hospital with Sam.

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