This aura is deadly

Chapter 197 Female Nurse

The white van slid down the street like a bar of soap. Chen Ke stared at the rearview mirror and drove with all his strength.

Trying to avoid the abandoned cars on the street, he backed onto the sidewalk, smashing wooden benches and street restaurant tables to pieces.

After driving no more than 100 meters, I heard a muffled sound coming from the roof of the car, and then the car began to shake.

Chen Ke knew that something from the sky had fallen on them, so he didn't care too much and continued to focus on driving.

Sam held the gun and didn't know whether he should stick his head out of the car window and shoot. He didn't even know what he was going to shoot.

"Get ready Sam," Chen Ke yelled.

"What are you getting ready for? What am I going to cum?" Sam asked nervously.

Without waiting for Chen Ke to answer, he found the answer himself. The things in the sky were attracted by the white van, and a stream of water flowed from the sky and swooped towards them.

That thing had wings as black as ink and a white humanoid body. There were thousands of them, gliding towards the windshield of the car.

These non-human birds were humming as they flew, as if they were the screams of people being tortured.

"Uh oh... huh... uh huh..."

"Ahahaha... vomit..."

"Uh oh...oooo..."

The sound was upsetting, distressing and palpitating, as if you were actually seeing someone undergoing cruel torture in front of your eyes.

"Madefak! What is this?" Sam had never seen such a thing before and was so frightened that his hand holding the gun trembled slightly, as if he was remembering something.

"Shoot them like turkeys! Don't listen to those sounds!" Chen Ke yelled and turned on the car radio in the car.

I wanted to use the sound of the radio to interfere, but only the sound of dense snowflakes came, which sounded more permeable.

Sam gritted his teeth, tensed all the muscles in his body, mustered up the courage to kick the front windshield of the car, stretched out the M14 and kept pulling the trigger.

Chen Ke noticed that when the bullets hit the monsters, white powder spattered from them, but no blood was visible.

"Bang bang bang!"

In the silent night sky, the sound of gunshots, screams and the flapping of wings caused by a large number of birds flying in groups mixed together, bringing a little restlessness to the city.

There are so many of these things that they form a black pillar that can be easily shot even if you don't aim.

Even in this situation, Sam plays Ranger

They fell faster than the car, but Chen Ke deliberately twisted the front of the car to avoid it, causing many strange birds to hit the ground and fall to death. The sound of their heads cracking when they fell to the ground sounded annoying.

A strange bird luckily jumped on the roof of the car, stretched its claws into the cab, grabbed Chen Ke's collar and tried to pull him out.

I saw its long neck turning and its face coming towards it. It was a human-like face, but without facial features.

To be precise, he has facial features, but they are covered by a membrane growing on his face.

Chen Ke grabbed the birdman's arm with his right hand and felt a touch like a wax figure in his hand. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't squeeze it in. The limb had no elasticity.

Sam took out a large dagger from somewhere and plunged it into the birdman's arm. Sam rotated the handle of the knife downwards with his forearm, and completely removed the birdman's arm.

Even Chen Ke had to look at Sam with admiration. Sam was the first person Chen Ke had ever seen who could remove monster limbs with an ordinary dagger.

The birdman's amputated limbs were white, without any musculoskeletal tissue inside. They were really just wax figures. Chen Kedou doubted whether this thing was a living thing.

Moreover, the wax-made broken arm slowly grew a new arm from the wound at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"I knew it wasn't that simple." Chen Ke's eyes flashed, he pulled the handbrake and turned the steering wheel, turning the front of the car 180°. Then shift into 3rd gear, step on the accelerator, and drive the car into a small road.

"Fuck... there's no windshield, I feel like I'm going to die!" Sam yelled.

The car was driving at high speed, and the wind blew hard into the driver's seat, making Sam unable to open his eyes.

"Don't be picky." Chen Ke shouted, slightly protecting his eyes with one hand and holding the steering wheel tightly with the other hand.

Sam looked back worriedly. The group of birdmen were still flying behind the car. He looked around again and found a familiar building suddenly appeared in front of him: a hospital.

"Where are you driving?! We're back to the hospital again!" Sam asked loudly.

"There are a bunch of monsters behind me, do you want me to take them to the hotel to kill them?!" Chen Ke replied.

Sam had nothing to say. Night had just fallen, and the sky was full of bird people. It was impossible for them to drive all night. Running into the hospital to hide was the best option.

The car broke through the large iron gate of the hospital, climbed up the stairs, and sprinted towards the glass door of the main building.

Sam knew that Chen Ke wanted to drive the car into the waiting hall of the hospital, so he grabbed the armrest on the roof and waited for the impact.

The white van used all its strength to jump up from a dozen steps, smash through the glass door, rush into the hall, and slide sideways into the service desk on the first floor.

"Jump! Jump! No time to wait!" Chen Ke yelled as soon as the car stopped.

He didn't even fasten his seat belt, and immediately urged Sam to get out of the car. From the window on his side, he could see that dozens of birdmen followed the van and rushed into the hall, breaking their arms and legs.

But they will always grow back, time waits for no one.

Chen Ke and Sam grabbed the M14 and ran towards the elevator together without forgetting the bag full of medicines.

The elevator was still running, and the two of them didn't even think about which floor they were going to. They just held M14 and stared at the birdmen who had regrown their arms and legs and slowly climbed up.

"Quick, quick, quick!!!" Chen Ke urged, staring at the floor indicator of the elevator, and saw the numbers slowly rising from the 5th floor underground.


The elevator door opened slowly, and the two people quickly squeezed in. Chen Ke punched the -5 button on the panel with his fist.

"Uh oh... huh... uh huh..."

"Ahahaha... vomit..."

"Uh oh...oooo..."

The limbs of the birdmen had grown back, and they swarmed toward the elevator. Two M14s kept firing until the elevator door finally closed, and the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

Sam collapsed to the ground, the tension and fear of the unknown released all at once, exaggerated sweat suddenly burst out from under his skin, instantly soaking his clothes, and his face seemed to have been washed Same, all sweat.

"This is much more exciting than the Ileko war..." He sat back and muttered silently while putting a new magazine on the gun.

If nothing else, Sam should have run out of spare bullets, but instead of throwing away the empty magazines, he kept them.

Chen Ke had to admire Sam's psychological quality. You must know that these birdmen have the ability to attack the mind. Even an investigator like Parker has to wear headphones to compete with them.

And it's amazing that Sam can stay sane and fight through it.

"Where are we going?" Sam then noticed that the elevator was going downwards and was almost at the end.

"We are going underground. Do you want to go up to the 20th floor and stand shoulder to shoulder with those birdmen?" Chen Ke replied.

He activated his spiritual vision and wanted to explore the underground situation to see how bad his luck was and whether he would encounter swarms of maggots.

The blue pulses were washed out with him as the center, and Chen Ke found that there was a blue humanoid outline at the elevator door.


Chen Ke raised his M14, preparing to fire a shot at close range when the door opened.


When the fifth underground floor arrived, Chen Ke immediately stretched out his gun and was about to pull the trigger, but his eyes widened in shock at what he saw.

The person standing at the elevator door was not a maggot man, but a short-haired female nurse in a white uniform.

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