This aura is deadly

Chapter 198 Gray

Chen Ke held the gun and aimed at the female nurse's heart.

She is an African-American federalist with short black hair, about 1.6 meters tall, and may be over 40 years old.

When they first met, Chen Ke thought she was a nurse, but now that he looked carefully, he thought this woman might be a medical director.

The woman didn't panic because the gun was pointed at her, and seemed calmer than him.

When Chen Ke looked at her, she also looked at Chen Ke. The calmness and calmness in her eyes seemed to be trying to tell Chen Ke that she had seen this kind of scene many times.

"Extend your hand." The woman said calmly.

"Huh?" Chen Ke raised his eyebrows, feeling baffled by this woman's strange request.

Before Chen Ke could react, she grabbed Chen Ke's hand holding the gun and took out a gun-shaped syringe from her pocket.

"Wait a minute! Wait a minute! What do you want to do?" Chen Ke shook off the other party's hand.

"Hey, let him go." At this time, Sam walked out of the elevator from behind Chen Ke, trying to subdue the woman in front of him.

"Wait a minute Sam, she doesn't mean any harm." Chen Ke stopped Sam. He didn't feel the woman's murderous intent. She didn't mean any harm.

"Let's all put down the guns, okay? There's no harm in talking in a civilized way. How about that?" Chen Ke said, slowly putting down the muzzle of the gun.

Sam didn't know why Chen Ke concluded so quickly that the woman was not a threat, but based on Chen Ke's previous performance, he also lowered his gun.

The woman looked at Chen Ke's eyes curiously, let go of his hand, and put the syringe back into her pocket.

"Where did you come from? Is there anyone else up there?" the woman asked.

"Answer my question first, madam. Who are you?" Chen Ke stretched out his index finger and shook it.

"You can call me Jiu Lin, doctor of medicine. Where are you from? Is there anyone else in the city?" Jiu Lin asked, with no emotion in her tone, as if she was asking about the results of some kind of experiment. .

"We started from..." Sam was about to speak when Chen Kebian bumped into him. Sam understood what Chen Ke meant and immediately shut up.

"What happened to Xiaoyao City?" Chen Ke asked.

"Answer a question with a question? You can't get an answer like this." Jiulin shook her head.

"There should be people in the city, but we haven't met them...Okay, now it's your turn to answer me, what happened in Xiaoyao City?" Chen Ke frowned.

"Okay, I understand." Jiulin lowered her head and pondered for two seconds, then turned and walked into the darkness of the passage.

"Hey! You haven't answered my question yet!" Chen Ke said towards her back.

"Follow me, and you will get the answer." Jiulin turned around and said, then turned back again and walked towards the end of the passage with neither fast nor slow steps.

Sam looked at Chen Ke, wondering whether he should follow him. Chen Keze put his gun on his back and followed without saying a word.

The two of them just followed Jiulin, walking about five meters away in silence for several minutes.

There is such a long passage underground in this hospital, with wards on both sides. Chen Ke scanned it with his spiritual vision. Most of the wards were filled with patients. They were lying motionless on the bed, as if they were dead.

There were no lights on in these wards. Only a small office at the end of the passage had some light. Jiulin opened the door and stood in the light at the door, waiting for Chen Ke and Sam.

"Come in." Jiu Lin said, turned and walked into the office.

The two of them followed into the office and saw a folding bed inside, with a pile of cans and food facing the corner.

There were four computers on the desk. On the table on the other side, there were a lot of high-tech experimental tools that Chen Ke couldn't name.

"Okay, stretch out your hands. You two." Jiulin took out the gun-shaped syringe again.

"What?" Chen Ke was confused.

"I just want to see how long you have left to live." Jiulin said coldly.

Chen Ke laughed out loud and looked at the life countdown in the corner of his eye. There were still nineteen hours left.

"Why don't you speak clearly?" Sam said dissatisfied.

"I want to draw your blood to see if there is gray pigment in your blood." Jiu Lin shook her head.

"What?" Chen Ke had never heard of this word and didn't know what it meant.

"Look at this." Jiulin picked up the notebook and handed it to Chen Ke and Sam.

They took the notebook and saw that it showed the monitoring status of dozens of wards. The green night vision screen combined with the silent patients on the bed made them look panicked.

"What diseases do they have...? Some beds are still empty, why do they need to be monitored?" Chen Ke swiped the touch pad and switched rooms.

"It's not empty, but turned into gray." Jiulin said lightly.

When he heard the words "turn into gray", Chen Ke's mind went blank for a moment.

"What does it mean to turn to ashes? They..." Sam couldn't understand this statement either.

"You are still human one second, but you will turn into red dust the next second. So, I want to take your blood to see. This is very important to you." Jiulin said coldly.

"I don't understand..." Chen Ke couldn't believe it. He didn't know if Jiu Lin had omitted some details, making this statement sound ridiculous.

"I'm surprised. Have you really never seen this kind of situation? I thought such a disaster had happened all over the world." Jiu Lin looked at Chen Ke doubtfully.

Chen Ke didn't speak. He heard a very important message from Jiu Lin's words. According to what she said and the current situation, is humanity finished?

"Where are you from? What kind of thing has a blind spot for observation...?" Jiulin asked while thinking alone.

"What the hell... We are totally confused now. We have no idea what you are talking about." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"Let's draw blood first," Jiulin said.

She grabbed Chen Ke's wrist, put the gun-shaped syringe on his vein and pressed the button. Chen Ke felt like he had been bitten by an ant. After just two seconds, the blood drawing was over.

"Use your thumb to press the wound and keep it there for 5 minutes." Jiulin said as she took out a capsule-sized glass bottle from the syringe handle, which contained several milliliters of Chen Ke's blood.

Hell, nothing will be found out... Chen Ke started to worry, but then he thought about it, this was not the original world, so it didn't matter.

Jiulin put the vial into the high-tech experimental tool on the table nearby and waited for the machine to produce the results.

"Is this a disease? What do you mean by the blind spot?" Chen Ke asked, pressing his wrist.

Jiu Lin stood in front of the table and looked at Chen Ke. She realized that Chen Ke really didn't know anything, so she sighed and told the story.

"That day, something suddenly appeared in the world out of thin air. They were huge and numerous, reaching a height of 2 million meters..." Jiu Lin said.

"Two million meters...Dr. Jiulin...are you wrong?" Sam was frightened by the exaggerated number.

"I won't make mistakes with numbers." Jiulin said coldly.

What is the concept of 2 million meters? Chen Ke only knows two things that are closest to this number.

One is the Earth Telescope Project carried out by the former Soviet Union, which drilled the deepest hole in human history into the ground, reaching a depth of 2 million meters, and the deepest ocean trench is only 15 kilometers.

The other is an artificial satellite. The highest orbital altitude is about 36,000 kilometers, and 2 million meters is 2,000 kilometers. You can probably realize the exaggeration of this altitude by thinking about the difference.

"Deserts, oceans, cities... Judging from the current situation, the landing places of those things are carefully designed. Their purpose is just to be visible to everyone on the earth... However, there are still theoretical blind spots... "Jiu Lin said slowly.

"What happened after seeing it...?" Chen Ke asked.

"That's a memetic suggestion. Most of the people who see it will be given a strong psychological suggestion and think that they are dust." Jiu Lin said.

"Fake..." Chen Ke muttered.

"Once you are infected by the meme, your body composition will be slowly replaced. The replacement speed varies from person to person, but the initial situation is that a brand new element, ash element, will appear in the blood." Jiulin said.

Chen Ke and Sam didn't speak. They seemed to have seen that thing... Chen Ke also took a long video and showed it to Diana for a while...

"When the ash content reaches a certain critical value, people will suddenly turn into dust. Some people will turn gray immediately after just one glance, while others can live for a while longer..." Jiu Lin said.

This world is empty because most people have turned into red ashes...

Chen Ke couldn't help but imagine such a scene. A man had just taken a bite of his hamburger, a female corpse had just started the car, and an old lady was walking her dog on the street...

Quietly, everything turns to ashes...

"Does the thing you are talking about look like two big pillars...?" Chen Ke asked with a sense of luck.

At this time, there was a beeping sound from the machine. Jiulin looked back and saw the blood test results came out.

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