This aura is deadly

Chapter 199 In 2006, humankind perished

The machine's readings were quickly transmitted to the computer. Jiu Lin took the computer from Chen Ke and switched the interface to a certain graphical software interface.

This software has complex curves and a lot of buttons that Chen Ke can't understand. The six curves of different colors have different trends, and the red one is almost in a straight line.

Jiu Lin, who had always been very calm and calm, was a little surprised. She looked at Chen Ke and looked at his face carefully.

"What?" Chen Ke asked confused.

"The red line represents blood pressure. Now it is a straight line with no fluctuations at all..." Jiu Lin looked at Chen Ke, her eyes full of suspicion.

"You probably want to tell me that I'm dead?" Chen Ke smiled.

"Are you kidding, Doctor? He is standing next to me. Is there something wrong with your equipment?" Sam also laughed.

What Jiulin said just now frightened Sam. Will that thing turn gray after just one look? Then I didn't just take a look...

Now her equipment scanned Chen Ke into a dead person, which obviously gave Sam a sense of luck. Maybe Dr. Jiulin was an amateur and what he said was not entirely correct.

"Impossible..." Jiulin looked at the machine on the table in confusion, muttering in her heart.

"Let's just talk about the results. Is there any such thing as gray in my blood?" Chen Ke took the opportunity to change the subject.

Jiulin sighed and pointed to a blue line in the chart. This line was the lowest among the six lines except for the red ones, and showed a slowly upward trend.

"It's very unpleasant. There is already ash in your blood." Jiulin sighed.

"That means I'm about to die?" Chen Ke asked, but he didn't take it seriously.

"Hey, man, don't curse yourself. Look, we are all still alive now. Either the ash content is unreliable, or we are lucky and still have time for treatment." Sam smiled.

Chen Ke's casual tone gave Sam a lot of encouragement, as if there was nothing to fear from the catastrophe in front of him.

"It sounds like you all don't care. This is the reaction of most people who are told that they have gray syndrome." Jiulin said.

"Let me guess, what's going to happen next? You have a way to treat this terminal disease, but you don't have enough resources, and we have to risk being killed by monsters outside to help you collect materials. , save yourself, and save other patients by the way?" Chen Ke spread his hands.

Many movies and games are like this. Even if they are in a desperate situation, the protagonist is always able to turn the tide and find a chance to survive. Players and audiences also understand that the protagonist cannot die.

"I have good news and bad news here. Which one do you want to hear first?" Jiu Lin smiled rarely.

"I have never heard good news. You are the first person to tell me good news. Tell me first." Chen Ke spread his hands.

Jiulin closed the notebook and placed it on the table. Then he looked at Chen Ke.

"Do you know how long it takes for human blood to circulate in the body?" Jiulin asked.

"I'm not a medical student, so of course I don't know, but it should be extremely fast, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"Very fast. After the liver creates blood, it is transported to all parts of the body through the muscle pump of the heart. It flows through the large arteries, medium arteries and small arteries to the capillaries of the body, and then returns to the heart through the veins. This cycle only It takes 20 seconds." Jiulin said.

"Oh, considering the height of an adult, that's pretty fast." Chen Ke nodded.

"Everyone's physical condition is different, or in other words, a person's internal environment will vary greatly in different emotional and physical states, so the blood circulation speed is not constant. Some people are fast, some are slow, and all of this will It’s reflected in blood pressure,” Jiulin explained.

"So...?" Chen Ke looked at Jiu Lin.

"Judging from the test results just now, your blood pressure is 0, and there is basically no blood circulation in your body... The diffusion of ash is achieved through blood circulation, which means... it takes longer for you to turn into ash than others. Much slower..." Jiulin said.

"This is nonsense. If the blood does not circulate, dark spots will appear on the body surface, but if you look at him, he is no different from a living person." Sam laughed.

"Whatever you say, in the past I might have thought of ways to slice him up and study it, but now I have no interest in that." Jiulin said coldly.

"You just said that some people turned to ashes instantly, why didn't I?" Chen Ke asked doubtfully.

"Let's put it this way, judging from the phenomenon of most people in the world, it is normal to turn to ashes instantly, and not turning to ashes instantly is an individual deviation. There are 7 billion people in the world, and there will always be tens of millions who are different, you know I mean." Jiulin explained.

"I understand, but even so, you can't escape the fate of turning into ashes, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"This is the bad news I want to tell you. This disease...or this phenomenon is incurable," Jiu Lin said.

"Hmm...are you kidding me?" Chen Ke said.

"Look at the world, Mr. Unknown. When a mutation occurred, top medical institutions and all psychic institutions in all countries in the world conducted research. This is not Ebola or AIDS. This is the global indiscriminate erasure of 100 people. % of the population is a disaster for all mankind. In order to develop an antidote, the remaining mankind has begun to cooperate regardless of nationality, religion, politics, race and other factors, not to undermine the strength and determination of mankind. But this time, There is really nothing we can do." Jiulin stared into Chen Ke's eyes, her tone a little urgent.

Chen Ke and Sam were speechless for a moment, they were only now beginning to realize the seriousness of the disease.

"Almost 70% of the world's population evaporated in one second, and the rest gradually turned into ashes. This is the current situation. Did you really not notice at all?" Jiulin looked at them doubtfully. .

Even Sam realizes that this world is not a so-called mirror image, but a world that does exist but where humans are on the verge of extinction.

Chen Ke suddenly thought of something, and his eyes searched for something in the room.

"It's your turn, let me see your blood." Jiulin stretched out her hand towards Sam, gesturing for him to show his wrist.

"No, I refuse. Death is not terrible. What is terrible is waiting to die. If I have that thing in my body, then so be it." Sam said.

"May I ask, what year is this...?" Chen Ke asked. He did not find a clock in the room.

"Why do you ask this suddenly?" Jiulin looked at Chen Ke.

"Our mobile phones are out of battery and we haven't checked the time for a long time." Chen Ke said.

Jiulin opened her laptop and double-clicked the time area in the lower right corner of the system bar with the mouse to pop up the calendar.

Chen Ke went over to take a look and saw that the time was fixed on February 22, 2006.

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