This aura is deadly

Chapter 204 Homeless

"The projects studied by the Psychic Research Institute are all very dangerous. They are a group of time bombs. It's not that I don't want to respect their curiosity, but... Often, ignorance is the best state." Ying Boyi said.

Diana didn't quite agree with this, but if it was only in the field of psychic energy, Ying Boyi's statement was correct.

Psychic energy is full of unknowns. Even though humans have been using and studying it for decades, the explanations of the Great Void, psychic properties, and holy objects are still ambiguous.

No one can explain why a small diamond can be transformed into various weapons and armor. They do not conform to the law of conservation of energy at all, and no one can give a final answer as to where the Great Void is.

The Administration has a team dedicated to exploring the Great Void. With the participation of the military and cooperation with the Institute, they enter the Great Void at least once a year to collect samples from it and analyze their composition.

Diana is not in that team. As far as she knows, Wang Ailin does not have the authority to join the three-party cooperative expedition team.

But she didn't feel sorry at all. The wormhole-like entrance to the Great Void in the present world always gave her the illusion that it would be closed immediately as soon as she entered.

Being trapped in the Great Void and unable to return is definitely a desperate experience, just like the current situation.

"You just said that the remaining people tried to restore order..." Diana said.

"Yes, that's us..." Ying Boyi said.

" I think it should be a large team." Diana commented.

"Yes, we originally had a lot of people, more than 20 agents from the Administration, more than 40 investigators, and a level 9 agent who was my partner. It also included S.W.A.T from the military and police departments, several buddies from P.W.A.T, and the Research Institute..." Ying Boyi shook his head.

Diana pursed her lips. Judging from his expression, these people should all be dead.

"We have never given up hope, Diana. Even though some of us know that there may be no hope at all, we still persist. But sometimes you will find that it is not natural disasters that defeat you, but man-made disasters." Ying Boyi looked at Diana, revealing a trace of resentment in his eyes.

"You mean, everything that happened in this world is man-made..." Diana frowned.

"I can't say it's all, but the current situation may also be caused by something we did. I don't know if the two are related, but I would rather believe that there is... Diana, I'll tell you straight now, the continuity of our world has been interrupted by some kind of interference." Ying Boyi said.

"I don't understand what this means. My authority in the Administration is not high enough. I'm just a level 3 CPA field officer." Diana shook her head.

"Well... that means your psychic level is at the second energy level..." Ying Boyi pondered.

The rank of the Administration's agents is linked to internal authority. Agents are only divided into field officers and internal officers, but the rank is shared, so this level does not represent their combat capabilities, but only how much confidential information they can obtain.

Internal agents don't need to fight, so they don't have psychic powers, but field agents are different. They will be issued various sets of holy objects and have second-level psychic powers, which are slightly higher than the psychic marines in the army.

As a level 3 field agent, Diana's main responsibility is only to track down crimes and emergencies related to psychic powers, such as smuggling of holy objects, handling of sudden psychic explosions, etc.

"Do you mean that we were originally from one world, but because of what some people did, this world became two...?" Diana asked.

"My guess is similar to what you said, but the concept may be different. The research on time continuity was mentioned in the 9th level archives of the Administration. During World War II, the United Federation once tried to study time observation technology in order to use this technology to win the war." Ying Boyi said.

"Time observation technology? Do you mean time travel?" Diana asked.

"No, it's not time travel. I don't know the specific details, but the research on time travel has been shelved. It must have encountered some insurmountable setbacks, and the principle of time observation technology is different from time travel. It's like opening a window in the present, allowing you to see the past and the future." Ying Baiyi explained.

"I understand, that is to say, with the help of this technology, you can predict the enemy's movements and study past behaviors..." Ying Baiyi nodded. If this technology can be actually used maturely, its potential value is immeasurable.

Moreover, changing current behavior only based on future results does not sound like a paradox. For the past, it was just observation, no interference, and there was no paradox.

"However, this technology did not succeed because they encountered a phenomenon similar to the electron double-slit observation experiment." Ying Baiyi said.

"I know that experiment, Wikipedia has it." Diana nodded.

The electron double-slit observation experiment is a classic quantum physics experiment, and it is also an experiment that humans have not been able to obtain accurate observation results so far. Its weirdness is that it presents two results based on whether the experimental process is observed or not.

In plain words, you did an experiment, and when you went to see the result, it gave A, but you didn't look at it, but used other means to perceive it, and it gave B.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, the result is not a constant, but two possibilities.

"In other words, they changed something by observing the past...?" A cold sweat broke out from Diana's back.

"Yes, you probably don't know what year it is now, right? Diana, tell me, what year is it over there?" Ying Baiyi said.

"2009..." Diana said. She didn't know why, but she felt her heartbeat increased.

"Very good, so you come from the future... Then I tell you now that this is 2006, do you believe it?" Ying Boyi asked.

Diana felt her head buzzing and went blank. She didn't know what she was afraid of. When deep-rooted common sense is broken by the current situation, people will feel fear.

The most ancient fear comes from the subversion of daily life.

"Impossible...Ying Baiyi, the world became like this in 2006, so what is the place where I am...?" Diana looked up at Ying Baiyi and questioned.

"This is what I'm worried about too, Diana. I just want to leave here, because I know there is continuity in time, but what I'm most afraid of is that this continuity is interrupted..." Ying Boyi shook his head.

Diana turned pale.

"If the world had become like this in 2006, would there still be 2009?" Ying Boyi asked with a smile.

Diana looked at Ying Boyi and felt that his smile was like some kind of judgment, rejecting her life, her past, and her future.

If Ying Boyi guessed correctly, it meant that there was no place to go back.

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