This aura is deadly

Chapter 205 Can’t leave

"We can't go back?" Sam gasped.

He looked at Chen Ke and felt that he was not panicking, but had a thoughtful expression, as if he was considering something.

Seeing that Chen Ke didn't want to talk at this time, he looked at Dr. Jiulin again.

"Doctor, how long have you been here? You must have found a way to leave, right?" Sam asked.

"Of course, but there is only one way to go to other timelines in theory. Time entanglement happens from time to time. Many people disappear for no reason every year around the world, and many people appear for no reason, all because they happen to be in the singularity of time entanglement at that time. But that singularity is not a door that can be opened whenever you want." Dr. Jiulin said.

"In other words, even if you find the subway, you don't expect to go back?" Sam was a little anxious. He held on until now only because the gun in his hand could distract his attention, and there was 100% hope that he could go back.

And now, Jiulin's words shattered this hope.

"You can't know when and where the time entanglement will occur, so even if you find the subway, it may not be of much use." Jiulin said it directly without considering Sam's mood.

"But you are the Psychic Research Institute, aren't you? You must have prepared for this! Don't say you haven't studied it!" Sam asked anxiously.

"The federal government's funding for the institute is not given in vain. Our research covers all aspects, but the top priority is still the military field. They can produce results immediately and become the combat power of the federal army. But time travel, although promising, has been shelved indefinitely because of a setback and the time to solve the problem is far away." Jiulin said.

"Setback... What setback?" Sam asked.

"It doesn't matter. I just want to tell you that the theory of time travel is feasible, but no one has ever succeeded. Our most advanced experiment is just to detect the electric signal wave of another timeline through the quantum channel and try to send the same frequency of radio waves to the other side." Jiulin shook his head.

Sam sighed and stood there with a gun, looking a little lost.

Chen Ke patted his shoulder and said, "You are not afraid of turning into ash, so what if you can't go back?"

"You are really good at comforting people, Chen Ke." Sam said.

Chen Ke smiled. He just wanted to go back to Rumi Hotel as soon as possible. Many injured people needed medicine, and Diana felt a little dangerous staying with Ying Baiyi alone.

"You said before that there was another level 9 agent. Did he die?" Chen Ke asked.

"Yes, but he didn't die at the hands of monsters." Jiulin said.

Chen Ke and Sam both guessed the answer more or less.

"Ying Baiyi killed him." Jiulin looked at the two and knew that they had guessed the answer.

"He killed his partner? Why?" Chen Ke was a little surprised. What would it be like if two level 9 agents fought? In a passionate PK in the wild, would the loser explode all the equipment?

"His spirit was crushed by the huge pressure. It's all my fault. I gave him unrealistic hope... I told him that there was a theoretically feasible way to leave this world, but he misinterpreted this theory into something specific... So he took a group of survivors and started an aimless search regardless of everyone's situation." Jiulin explained.

"Yes, he told us that he was going to find the subway we were taking..." Sam said.

"So, you happened to pass through the singularity while you were taking the subway..." Jiulin smiled and closed the notebook.

"You haven't told us why Ying Baiyi killed his partner." Chen Ke reminded.

"Because he tried to stop Ying Baiyi from taking the survivors. After I told him about the situation of the whole world, Ying Baiyi's mental condition has been very unstable." Jiulin shook his head.

Chen Ke took a deep breath. If Ying Baiyi fell into madness, everyone in the Rumi Hotel would be in danger.

Not to mention the civilians, Diana, the only one who could fight, not only lost her psychic power but also broke a hand. Ying Baiyi could kill them all effortlessly.

"It's safe here. If you meet other survivors, you can bring them here." Jiulin said.

"Hey, good idea, there's more wine here..." Sam said, but Chen Ke suddenly stood in front of him, turned his back to him, and stepped on his toes.

"If we find more people, we will bring them here, but now we should go." Chen Ke said.

"Go...? Now there are all demons dancing up there, and there are still more than ten hours before dawn." Jiulin frowned.

"Well... we can always find a way..." Chen Ke said, patting Sam and walking out the door.

Sam was a little confused. He didn't know why Chen Ke was wary of this female doctor, but he didn't say much, just followed Chen Ke out the door.

The two walked halfway in the corridor, and the sound of Jiulin closing the door came from behind them. The only light coming from the office also disappeared, and it became pitch dark.

"Are you really determined to go up?" Sam asked in a low voice.

"This hospital is very big, Sam. Let's go up to the fourth or third floor underground to clean up the medicines and go back in the morning." Chen Ke replied.

The two walked to the elevator door and pressed the button. In the silent environment, the elevator door made a gentle sound, and the white light from the elevator room shone into the dark corridor, making the two unable to open their eyes for a moment.

"I think there's nothing wrong with the female doctor. She told us a lot. I don't see any ill intentions on her part." Sam said.

The two walked into the elevator and the door slowly closed.

"Sam, she has no ill intentions towards us, but has a strong curiosity. If we don't leave, there is a high chance that we will become those people in the ward..." Chen Ke said solemnly.

"How mean she is experimenting on people?" Sam was surprised. He couldn't hear any signs in the conversation with Jiulin just now.

"I don't want to speculate like this, but she obviously underestimated our vigilance. In this world, a female doctor locks other people in the ward and monitors them with computers. Do you think this is the way to treat survivors?" Chen Ke explained.

"Maybe she just wanted to save them?" Sam asked.

"She just wanted to be alone. She used other people as materials to study the antidote and then healed herself. She said there were many people here before, but if you look around, they are all lifeless." Chen Ke said in a deep voice.

When Sam thought about it, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

"The world is over, Chen Ke. Even if she finds a cure, what can she do...?" Sam asked.

"Then you have to ask her in person... By the way, have you noticed...?" Chen Ke said, looking at the elevator's floor indicator.

"What did you find?" Sam wondered.

"We pressed the button, but the elevator didn't move." Chen Ke said.

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