This aura is deadly

Chapter 206 Transformation

When Sam heard what Chen Ke said, he realized that the elevator had indeed not moved for a long time. He pressed the floor button, but there was no response at all.

"How..." Sam had a bad feeling.

At this time, the lights in the elevator suddenly went out.

Chen Ke decisively turned on his spiritual vision to see what was happening around him. This corridor was less than 100 meters away, and within the range of his spiritual vision, he could see the movements of Dr. Jiulin.

In addition to Jiulin, the survivors in the ward are also outlined in blue, and they are still lying on the bed.

Jiu Lin's blue silhouette walked from one end of the room to the other and made an action of pulling the switch. This action made Chen Ke feel a hint of danger.

And the moment she pulled the switch, a series of electromagnetic sounds of the door lock opening came from the corridor. He knew that the door to the ward was opened.

Why did Jiulin open the door to the ward? Chen Ke focused his attention on the patient.

A strange thing happened. One of the patients slowly sat up. He covered his face with his hands and cried. Sharp protrusions slowly appeared on his back, and his limbs continued to grow.

Because the environment was too quiet, even Chen Ke and Sam in the elevator could hear the patient's cries and the sound of bone expansion caused by muscle hyperplasia.

It can be heard from the cry that the patient is a female. Her body twitched due to the abnormality in her back. A pair of huge wing-like things gradually took shape. Then, with a snap, the wing bones unfolded to form a pair of wings. .

"Uh oh... huh... uh huh..."

"Ahahaha... vomit..."

"Uh oh...oooo..."

The sobs slowly turned into painful whines. The length of the female patient's limbs had also exceeded the scope of human beings. She rolled out of the bed with a rolling sound and lay on the ground, her wings stretched out and flapping.

The outlines of the surrounding patients also changed at the same time, and they all became monsters like the female patient.

Chen Ke took a deep breath. He was right to be wary of Dr. Jiulin. That woman was really conducting human experiments in the underground space of the hospital.

Chen Ke didn't care why she did this, but he guessed that the ghost things flying in the sky might have been caused by this female doctor...

"What's the sound?" Sam asked nervously. He didn't have spiritual vision, so naturally he didn't know what was happening outside the elevator.

"We're going to have company." Chen Ke raised his finger and made a "shh" gesture.

It was not wise to fight them in this narrow space. Chen Ke looked up at the top of the elevator and found the entrance and exit for repairs.

Generally, elevators have openings that allow people to climb out of the elevator. However, in order to prevent ordinary people taking the elevator from opening it at will, many elevators will have a separate layer of partitions to cover the opening.

Chen Ke used the butt of his M14 to push open the partition, jumped up and pushed up the cover, and found that it was a little tight.

"I'll do it." Sam understood what Chen Ke meant and walked under the lid opening. He was much taller than Chen Ke, so he could reach the handle of the lid with one hand without jumping.

Sam pushed hard, and with a "bang" sound, the lid was pushed up. He jumped, grabbed the edge and sent his shirt out of the elevator.

Chen Ke supported his knees and calves below to help, and it didn't take long for Sam to climb out of the elevator and stand on the top of the elevator.

"Give me the gun first," Sam said.

Chen Ke handed over two M14s and a bag full of medicine, and then grabbed Sam's extended hand.

At this time, the elevator door opened.

"Ahahaha... vomit..."

Those mutated patients rushed to the elevator and flapped their newly born wings in the narrow corridor. It seemed that Dr. Jiulin did not want them to leave so simply.

With a strong effort, Sam pulled Chen Ke to the top of the elevator with one hand. Chen Ke felt like he was holding on to a handle that would rise automatically.

As the things rushed into the elevator, Sam snapped the lid back and turned the gate.

Now, Chen Ke and Sam were only a layer of iron away from the things below, and they could still hear the sound of their sharp claws gripping the roof of the elevator.

When closing the lid, Chen Ke took a quick look. The mutated appearance of the patients was exactly the same as that of the bird-men outside, except that their wings were white.

"What was that just now!?" Sam also saw those things and looked at Chen Ke in panic.

"I don't know, but it looks similar to what's flying outside." Chen Ke said. He walked to the elevator door on the upper floor and tried to open the door with both hands.

"What should we do now?" Sam was at a loss.

"Don't think too much, get out of this elevator, and then see if there is any way to get a car." Chen Ke gritted his teeth, exerted force, put on a philosophical and serious man's face, and opened the elevator door a small distance. seam.

"Car? You mean we are going out? Are you crazy? There are all those things outside!" Sam said in surprise.

"Do you still want to spend the night here? Besides, you heard what the doctor said, Diana might be in danger now." Chen Ke said as he used force to open the gap in the elevator door wider. some.

He jumped up and sat at the door, letting the thickness of his body jam the elevator door that was finally opened, and then pushed the door hard with both arms.

"You can do me a favor, Sam!" Chen Ke glanced at Sam and said.

Sam realized this and quickly helped Chen Ke push the door to both sides. The two of them worked hard together and finally pushed the door open. Chen took Sam's hand and dragged him to the elevator entrance.

Now, they are on the fourth floor underground. Chen Ke's spiritual vision could clearly see that the elevators and passages on the lower level were crowded with more than a dozen monsters. Jiu Lin, on the other hand, stayed safely in her office.

"Okay, let's see if we can find a way up, and then go around to the parking lot." Chen Ke whispered.

He put the medicine on his back and picked up the M14. He touched the spare magazines in his pocket and found that there were four more that could be used. In fact, he never fired a gun.

"Do you still have bullets, Chen Ke? Mine is all gone..." Sam asked.

Chen Ke took out three from his pocket and handed them to Sam. He had one stuck in his gun, and one more was enough.

Sam took the magazine, unloaded the magazine with two bullets left, loaded the new one, and took a deep breath. After having bullets, he felt much more at ease.

The two of them stopped talking and began to inspect the situation on this floor. They were not sure if there were any patients who had been transformed by Jiulin on this floor.

Chen Ke took a look with his spiritual vision and found that there was no living person on this floor. Like the five underground floors, there were wards on both sides of the corridor. He went to the window of one of them and looked in, and found a body lying on the bed.

"Look, there's someone..." Sam looked on the other side and whispered to Chen Ke.

"Dead." Chen Ke replied.

He suddenly wanted to go in and take a look, so he groped for the door handle on the door. However, this kind of door was controlled by an electronic lock and could not be opened manually.

"Sam, see if there is an office on this floor and find a way to open this door." Chen Kedao.

"Are you sure everyone inside is dead?" Sam asked while looking at the bodies in the door.

"Believe me Sam... they are dead, but they may find some clues... go quickly." Chen Ke said.

His eyes were attracted by something in the small room. Beside the deceased's bed, there was a vellum notebook.

1 update today, sorry, I’ll make it up on Sunday.

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