This aura is deadly

Chapter 207 Split

"You can't lie to me, Ying Boyi, what you say is bullshit!" Diana was a little upset, Ying Boyi's words were weakening her persistence.

Throughout this crisis, Diana maintained her attitude and mentality as an agent of the Administration, an insider, and the strongest person.

Although she knew that her psychic powers had been eliminated, her mentality still occupied it.

She prides herself on being the one who knows the most among this group of people, and she is accompanied by the equally calm Chen Ke and the very capable Sam.

So even if she was injured and lost all her spiritual powers, she was not worried at all and had never been eroded by fear.

Her greatest reliance on staying calm and always believing that she can be rescued is the Authority.

If a subway disappears out of thin air, the railway transportation system will first conduct a search, and then the county police will intervene. When the situation develops beyond the control of ordinary people, the management authority will take over.

And when the Authority accepted it, Diana was convinced that they would be able to find a way to bring everyone back from this world.

But until she met Ying Boyi.

The other party is physically sound, has a higher level than her, and has psychic powers. He looks more like an agent than Diana.

Diana's position suddenly changed from "the person who knows the most" to "the person who knows more", and she began to feel a certain amount of psychological pressure.

Subsequently, Ying Boyi's statement, whether true or false, 100% refuted the hypothesis that this world is a great void. After leaving the great void, he entered Diana's information vacuum zone.

The confusing big black pillar, the departure of Chen Ke and Sam, and the strange monsters in the wild are all disintegrating Diana little by little.

In the end, Ying Boyi's speculation about time and the world completely shattered her final calmness.

No matter where this place is, Diana firmly believes that the Authority can find a way to save them. But if this is the past, then even the Psychic Research Institute is helpless.

When the psychological advantage was gradually dismantled, the non-existent physical advantage was also exposed, and Diana suddenly collapsed. It's already an amazing thing that he can still stand where he is.

Diana stared at Ying Baiyi, her eyes were a little red, and her whole body muscles were tense. She said the words just now through gritted teeth.

"I don't have to lie to you, Diana. I just told you all my guesses. You don't have to accept it, but if this is really the case... you know what I mean." Ying Baiyi said.

Diana was choked up and her hands were shaking slightly. She had a gun, but she didn't know who to shoot. The expressions on her face were mixed.

Knocking the opponent down is Diana's way of solving problems. But now, the enemy is the entire world.

She felt her fingers were cold, her brain was buzzing with noise, and piles of white noise appeared in her field of vision.

Diana knew that this was a decline in body function and vision caused by overwork and excessive mental stress, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the brain.

She was not an Agency agent on leave now, just a woman with a dislocated left shoulder.

"You need to have a good rest, Diana. After tonight, we will go find the subway. There will definitely be a way back then." Ying Baiyi said.

Ying Boyi reached out his hand to help Diana, because Diana was holding her forehead and looked like she was about to collapse. However, the other soldier didn't appreciate it and opened his hand.

"Don't treat me like a little girl." Diana stared at Ying Baiyi with a fierce look.

Ying Boyi made a surrender gesture and said with a smile, "You have the final say."

Diana held onto the wall, feeling her heart pounding. She took a deep breath, tried to calm down her emotions, and kept reciting the Agency's agent code silently.

Ying Boyi could see that Diana was in a bad state now, but he was not prepared to comfort her.

"There is an empty room at the end. I advise you to go and lie down in it. There are still a few hours until dawn." Ying Baiyi said.

Chen Ke and Sam have not returned after being away for 3 hours. Diana really wants to find them, but she also knows that there is nothing she can do.

Not only did she fail to persuade Ying Boyi to go out and help, but he confused her mind. Diana kept scolding herself in her heart. Now she had no choice but to go to her room to calm down and adjust her condition.

Diana snorted coldly, turned and walked towards the small room.

"I didn't compromise... I didn't compromise... Okay... I compromised... Damn..." She said to herself, holding on to the wall, feeling that her legs were trembling.

What if she really can't go back... What if Chen Ke and Sam die outside... Thoughts like these are lingering in her mind, and she doesn't want to stay here with Ying Boyi.

Diana just wanted to have a good sleep now, and it would be best if she could see the two people appearing in front of her carrying medicines when she opened her eyes. She held the doorknob and heard the woman's painful and helpless moans coming from the room.

"Hey! Ying Baiyi! There is someone in this room. It sounds like he was seriously injured." Diana frowned and looked at Ying Baiyi, her brows regaining some momentum.

"It's impossible...wait a minute...don't open the door!" Ying Boyi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly understood something and shouted to stop.

But before he could say the second half of the sentence, Diana had already opened the door.

Something white flashed in front of her eyes, and Diana felt a sudden chill in her waist and abdomen. She found that her jacket and vest had been cut in four slits, and her pale flesh was exposed. The next moment, blood filled the spaces between her muscles. Gap.

"How..." Diana was shocked when her neck was tightly clamped by some kind of wax claws. The sentence she was about to blurt out was abruptly interrupted after just one word.

A monster with black wings suddenly appeared in front of him. Its slender limbs and humanoid body seemed to be made of wax. It had no facial features on its face and looked very strange.

It kept making sad and painful groans, and clawed at Diana's body crazily with its claws. Diana's clothes and muscles were torn apart by the claws, and she was scratched all over in just a few seconds.

Diana kicked the monster in the abdomen, but she felt as if she had kicked a huge candle. The monster remained motionless, and a claw scratched randomly on her chest and abdominal muscles, causing blood and flesh to fly.

"Don't be afraid of Diana! Don't be afraid!" Ying Baiyi's right hand flashed with purple light, and a spear appeared in his hand. He rushed forward with a lunge and sent the spear towards the monster's body.

I saw that the spear was like piercing a piece of tofu, piercing the monster easily.

He held the monster with his spear and ran towards the end of the corridor, gritting his teeth and stabbing it hard to pin it to the wall.

The monster struggled, trying to pull out the spear embedded in its body, and its waist and abdomen began to recombine at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, the spear was still in its body, and it could not fully recover.

Diana was lying on the ground covered in blood. Her chest and abdomen were covered with deep bloody wounds. The dark red blood stuck her black vest to the wounds. A small pool of blood had gathered under her body.

"How are you doing? Diana? Can you still stand up?" Ying Boyi looked back at Diana.

"'s just a flesh wound...but it really hurts..." Diana raised her upper body with her right arm and endured the pain.

She felt like her body was about to be torn apart, and her abdominal muscles ached terribly.

She lifted up her black vest, and her six toned abdominal muscles were slashed diagonally with eight bloody incisions by the monster's claws, like six pieces of tofu that had been cut randomly.

A bloody opening ran from her left collarbone to her right chest, like the Great Rift Valley in Colorado, and blood was still pouring out.

"Stand up Diana, we are in trouble... We don't have time to take care of you now." Ying Boyi said, summoning a mace and hitting the monster nailed to the wall.

The hammer's head glowed with red fire, and with each heavy blow, the wax on the monster's body was instantly dissolved. The monster flapped its wings and kept wailing, trying to attack Ying Baiyi with its claws, but Ying Baiyi hammered off its limbs.

Diana stood up against the wall like a mop, her blood leaving a trail of blood on the wall.

She took a deep breath, endured the pain, took out the Ruger revolver, and looked at the room just now. The window inside was open, and this monster came in through the window...

She looked back at the other side of the aisle and saw some survivors sticking their heads out of the room, looking at herself covered in blood in horror.

"Close the doors and windows...don't come out!" Diana said. After hearing this, the survivors hurriedly hid in the room.

She looked back at Ying Baiyi. The monster had been destroyed by the mace. Only its head and torso had been dissolved, and its wings had been burned into a skeleton.

"It's not easy to kill them. I don't have fire skills or a flamethrower, so I can only use this stupid method..." Ying Baiyi gasped.

As soon as he finished speaking, Ying Boyi suddenly felt something hit him from behind. He was knocked away more than two meters and rolled twice on the ground before he stopped.

Diana looked behind Ying Boyi with disbelief, because when Ying Boyi was talking to her, she saw something that she couldn't understand.

The monster that was nailed to the wall had an afterimage on its mutilated body, as if the camera was constantly shaking during the filming process, causing the subject to be distorted.

And after the afterimage shook for a dozen times, it suddenly split from the monster's body, forming a new, intact, and identical monster!

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