This aura is deadly

Chapter 243: Beyond Reason

The professor didn't show much surprise when he saw Chen Ke pushing in the door. Chen Ke dragged his gun and looked at the gray-haired professor in front of him.

The professor was wearing a black suit and a blue tie. A circle of sparse white hair avoided his forehead and the top of his head, only wrapping around his temples and the back of his head. Under the orange light, the professor's top and forehead were Illuminated.

The professor had his hands behind his back and was extremely calm. Considering his age, he might have seen this kind of scene a lot.

"You look very calm." Chen Ke couldn't help but say.

"The emotions of panic and confusion come from the unknown. The gun in your hand has already told me your purpose, so why should I panic?" the professor said coldly.

"It seems that many people want your life, professor." Chen Ke said.

"Then why do you want my life?" the professor asked.

Chen Ke was stunned and didn't answer. This was a question he didn't know the answer to.

"It seems that you are just a dog who gets paid to do things." The professor shook his head.

"At least I can decide your life or death, professor." Chen Ke said coldly, raising his gun and aiming it at the professor.

"Did you see any guards when you came in?" the professor asked with a smile.

"No, what's wrong?" Chen Ke said.

"Do you know why I don't need guards?" the professor asked.

Chen Ke's body sank, and his muscles tightened. He stared at the old man in front of him. Could he be a powerful psychic?

But he didn't feel any murderous intent. The professor was just scaring him?

"You seem to be trying to scare me...Professor, this is not wise." Chen Ke said, his index finger resting on the trigger, and he only had to pull it down, and the 9mm bullet would pierce a hole in the professor's head.

But Chen Ke hesitated for a moment and turned off the Glock's safety.

The professor also noticed Chen Ke's behavior, with an expression of confusion and interest on his face.

"Let me tell you, I am... inevitable. I will not die before I complete my mission." The professor smiled and said.

"The trigger is in my hand. If I want it, you will die in the next second." Chen Kedao.

"Some things are destined. You can't change what is destined to happen. Do you believe in fate?" the professor asked with a smile.

"You aroused my curiosity, professor, tell me, what is your fate?" Chen Ke asked back, but from the look of the professor, it didn't look like he was simply trying to scare people. He spoke with confidence and confidence. , seems to be fully confident.

Chen Ke activated his spiritual vision and scanned the area around the villa, but found no one who looked like reinforcements.

"Hmph...I am saving all you believe it?" the professor asked.

Chen Ke raised the corners of his mouth slightly and shook his head.

"You know nothing about the future, time, or the nature of this world. My destiny is that I will not be killed before I complete my mission." The professor was not angry at Chen Ke's ridicule.

Chen Ke didn't speak. He didn't know what the professor meant, so he waited quietly for the professor's explanation.

"Those who want to kill me will be eliminated before they take action. Your actions will be seen. The consequences of these actions are not allowed. You are not included in the future plan." The professor said.

"Are you so confident because of that woman just now? Who is she?" Chen Ke asked.

"You don't deserve to know that you are just a killer, and she and the organization behind her are the only guardians of mankind. You are just a sideshow in my mission. I advise you to put away your weapons and leave now, otherwise... you It will be wiped out," the professor said coldly.

"You mean, as long as I have the thought of pulling the trigger, I will die?" Chen Ke asked with a smile.

"That's right, the behavior you are about to commit has already been revealed to them. They will go back and kill you before you commit that behavior... Do you understand?" the professor said.

Chen Ke turned on the Glock's insurance. He didn't believe what the professor said, but it was not impossible.

It may be difficult for others to believe in the idea of ​​traveling through time, but now Chen Ke would not disbelieve it.

"Then let's try...Professor." Chen Ke aimed at the professor and pulled the trigger.


There was a crisp sound of jets of air in the room, which was the sound of a pistol with a silencer being fired.

The 9mm bullet passed through the professor's right chest without hesitation, and along with his imposing black suit, drilled a bloody hole in his aging body muscle tissue.

The bullet did not penetrate the body, but rolled around and remained in the professor's body, leaving a cavity in the chest.

The professor's face darkened, and he covered the bloody hole in his right chest. His body trembled with pain, his feet gave out, and he fell to the ground.

Chen Ke turned on his spiritual vision and always paid attention to the surrounding situation. If the woman had already seen all this, then she should have been here long ago.

"Uh... hiss... oh... this is how you feel after being shot..." the professor grumbled in pain.

"I hope the organization you are talking about has seen all this. Where are they?" Chen Ke asked.

"It shouldn't have been like this...I shouldn't have been shot...They should have put you..." The professor covered the wound and watched his blood spurt out, leaving a pool of blood on the floor.

At this moment, he no longer had the calmness he had before, and his face was filled with expressions of fear, pain, and confusion.

"It seems that your fate has abandoned you...Professor, I'm sorry." Chen Ke stepped forward and pointed his gun at the professor's head.

"No! That's not it... They should have come to me already... Just wait..." The professor grabbed Chen Ke's wrist.


The bullet penetrated the professor's head and hit the skull directly. A 9mm bullet could penetrate the skull and tear apart the brain tissue.

The professor's brain tissue spurted out from the opening on the back of his head and smeared on the ground in a pool of red and white. His body tilted and he lay on his side in a pool of blood, dying with his eyes open.

Chen Ke looked around. There was still no suspicious person approaching the villa. Besides, if the woman was coming, she would probably appear suddenly...

Chen Ke sighed and picked up the bullet casings on the ground. What the professor said was amazing, but in fact they were all bluffing... But the content of the conversation between the woman and the professor was indeed worth noting.

What kind of organization is the foundation they are talking about? What are they doing...? Chen Ke didn't know, but judging from Asra's body in the swimming pool downstairs, they should have a hostile relationship.

Mysteries came one after another. Even Chen Ke himself was a little numb. He didn't know what these things and these people meant, but it was not important to him.

Chen Ke left the villa area, hailed a taxi on the street, and rushed to Leicester's clothing store overnight.

In 2014, it was a midsummer afternoon in Newton City, United States.

A black-haired woman in red clothes stood on the balcony of the hotel. The white clouds on the horizon were billowing under the golden sunshine. Cars and people were coming and going downstairs, as usual.

She frowned, picked up her phone and dialed a number. A few seconds later, the call was answered.

"what happened……?"

"The professor was killed..."

"Impossible, there is no such foreshadowing on the timeline..."

"Is it possible that... some people behave in unpredictable ways that we only gain insight into when the consequences are revealed?"

"There is no such thing as someone who jumps out of things. They must have interfered."

"Oh...that's really troublesome..."

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