This aura is deadly

Chapter 244 Help

Chen Ke took a taxi and rushed to Lafite Road. The car radio broadcast late-night news, which probably focused on the recent impact of overseas consortiums on the U.S. federal stock market and business community.

Half an hour later, Chen Ke arrived at the door of Leicester's clothing store.

It is already early in the morning, but the commercial street of Lafite Road is still crowded with people. It is the only lively place in Opportunity City.

Lester did not expect Chen Ke to come. When he saw Chen Ke standing at the door, there was a surprised expression on his face. He closed the shop, took Chen Ke to the back room, and made two cups of coffee.

"That professor is no longer a problem." Chen Ke took the coffee and sat on the chair.

" you talked to him?" Lester sat opposite Chen Ke.

"When I found him, he was talking to a woman. The woman called him professor, and she seemed to be from an organization called the Foundation..." Chen Kedao.

Lester groaned, taking a sip of coffee.

"Do you know anything?" Chen Ke asked tentatively.

"Chen Ke...even I don't know too much about some things. And knowing too much is not a good thing..." Lester warned.

"You always say this, but I feel that this concealment has put me in some kind of danger. That woman doesn't seem to be a fuel-efficient lamp. I saw three corpses in the swimming pool of the villa... The woman looked I got up to protect the professor," Chen Kedao.

"I... don't deny this. Our information sources are limited and there are too many interference factors. We don't know what you will encounter..." Lester said.

"At least let me know who I am killing for and who I am killing..." Chen Kedao.

Lester was silent for a while, his hand holding the coffee cup trembling slightly. After thinking for a long time, he finally raised his head and looked at Chen Ke.

"Well, I shouldn't have told you originally, but given the negative consequences this behavior will have on your actions, it is very likely to lead to a failed assassination... I don't think the employer will complain..." Lester said.

Chen Ke leaned back in his chair, holding coffee in both hands, and narrowed his eyes.

"We are not employed by a certain employer. The assassination deals for the first three targets came from the Spirit Enterprise Alliance of the United Federation of States. The employers of the three targets this time are from the Phoenix Republic and are the CEOs of a large industrial consortium. You don’t need to know the name,” Lester said.

Chen Ke listened quietly. The information Lester told him answered his question, but it was of no use. The spiritual enterprises of the United Federation are like crucian carp crossing the river, and who knows which enterprise alliance it is.

The targets of the assassination are not directly related, so why would Lingqi assassinate them? Leicester certainly doesn't know this either. After all, the killer only needs to know the purpose; the employer's motives are always a secret.

The second employer turned out to be from the Phoenix Republic... Chen Ke suddenly remembered the conversation between the woman and the professor. They had mentioned an industrial consortium CEO named Li Moyang... and in the last assassination mission, a certain target also had an affair with a man named Li. of people on the phone...

Could it be such a coincidence that they are the same person? Chen Ke tried to connect the meager information he had with each other.

Professor, save the world, foundation, founder...the source of this string of information comes from the mysterious woman.

On the other hand, there is a man named Li who hired killers to kill the professor and two other targets. Will the three of them be inaccessible people in the foundation's plan?

What role did the consortium CEO who was on the phone with the man named Li play in the whole thing...? The three corpses Asra left in the villa swimming pool proved that they were also hostile to the Foundation...

Several major forces emerged in Chen Ke's mind, including the company, Asra, the foundation, and the person named Li. All things have their purpose.

As a part of the company, what kind of responsibilities does the Si Group bear? What is the Dreadful Lash exploring beneath the sea? What is green gemstone? What are they exploring in the Great Void?

Chen Ke felt that he was one step closer. Although he still didn't know the purpose of these organizations, at least he now understood their relationship clearly.

Asra cooperated with the Si's Consortium openly, but in fact they also made some moves in private. It was obvious that they were trying to grab the gems that the company had placed in the hands of the Si's Consortium.

The foundation and Asra should have a hostile relationship, and the specific details are unknown, but judging from the conversation between the mysterious woman and the professor, the foundation is now looking for a key figure called the founder, and Asra wants Kill Foundation informants who have this information.

As a force from the Feihuang Republic, what is the purpose of the man named Li? It seems that the company is getting rid of people who have connections with him, and the man named Li is also working against the foundation.

This guy is working on both sides, which is a bit reckless. Maybe there is a bigger force behind him supporting him...

"The other two targets... I will try my best to help you get more information to prevent you from encountering uncontrollable situations again. Chen Ke, look... I don't want these episodes to affect our cooperative relationship." Lester said.

Lester didn't know what Chen Ke was thinking at the moment. Seeing his uncertain expression, he thought Chen Ke was dissatisfied with him.

"Huh?" Chen Ke suddenly pulled away from his thoughts and took a sip of coffee.

"'s nothing." Lester noticed that Chen Ke was distracted just now, so he didn't say anything more and took a sip of coffee.

Chen Ke put down his coffee cup. He originally wanted to ask Lester if he had any way to get psychic bullets, but he held back because it would undoubtedly expose the secret that he had a psychic pistol and was also a psychic.

His relationship with Lester was only at the PY transaction level. Lester was an assassin middleman, and Chen Ke himself was a trigger puller, nothing more.

As long as someone is willing to pay, human life can also have a price tag.

At this time, his phone vibrated briefly. Who would send me a message so late? Could it be Lucina?

Chen Ke put the mug on the table, took out his iPhone and looked at it. It turned out to be Shreli.

It was the woman he met after entering the black-boxed Xijin Building. He also met her by chance the day he robbed the bank. If I remember correctly, her full name was Shrilie Miles, and she was a very rich girl.

Slaili wanted to hook up with Chen Ke, and it seemed that she was not particularly polite, so Chen Ke didn't want to deal with her. It was so late, and you would know what she wanted to do by sending a text message at this late hour.

Unlike Sam, Diana and Lucina, these people know their secrets, but Chen Ke believes that they will keep their secrets for themselves, but Shreli is different...

She knew a lot. She saw with her own eyes that she and the contract demon fell into the light gate and came back alive. Keeping this girl was an uncertainty for her. Chen Ke's eyes turned cold and he had murderous intentions.

He unlocked his phone and opened the text message interface, only to see that the text message sent by Shreli only contained one simple line:

"Tulip Apartment No. 1708, help!"

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