This aura is deadly

Chapter 401 Antique Shop

"What are you doing standing around? Go in." Xu Jing said to Chen Ke, who was standing by the window.

Chen Ke gently opened the door, and the wind chimes on the corridor dinged, and the quiet atmosphere in the antique store was suddenly broken.

The room was a little dark, with no lights on. There were too many things piled up in the room, blocking the light coming in from the window.

He saw ceramic products as tall as a person placed in the corner. The cabinets were filled with all kinds of unnamed bits and pieces. There was actually a jade inkstone on the table next to it.

Chen Ke was surprised to find that this green inkstone was changing shape all the time. As long as he moved his eyes away from it, its color would change.

And the peripheral shape will change slightly.

The old man who was napping was also an Asian. He was awakened by the sound of wind chimes. He looked up at Chen Ke, his eyes showing the intention of chasing away guests.

"This store is closed today, please come back." He said with a thick northern accent.

"We are not here to buy anything, Mr. Pu. Have you prepared the clothes I want?" Xu Jing walked past Chen Ke and approached the counter.

"Ah, it's Miss Xu!" Mr. Pu stood up quickly and bowed slightly towards Xu Jing.

Chen Ke looked at them strangely, not knowing what the previous conversation was about.

"Is this...?" Mr. Pu looked at Chen Ke.

"Yes, I hope there will be no mistake in the size." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke didn't speak. He leaned against the counter and watched the old man take out a large paper bag from under the counter.

Xu Jing didn't even look at it. She pushed the paper bag in front of Chen Ke and said, "Put it on."

"What kind of clothes are these?" Chen Ke wondered. He looked inside the paper bag and found that it was a dark blue retro windbreaker.

Not only does he have clothes, he also wears black suit pants, a white shirt, a dark red jacket and vest, and dark brown leather shoes, all of which are very old-fashioned.

He suddenly had a sense of déjà vu and remembered that he had used a sacred object before, which looked very similar to the costume in the paper bag...

Chen Ke remembered that it was the doctor's old trench coat with a Victorian style.

Chen Ke already knew where Xu Jing was taking him.

"By the way, Chen Ke, give me everything you have on you." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke was stunned, how could this happen?

He didn't have many things on him, including a special Type 67 pistol, an iPhone 3G, and a small wallet full of cash and holy diamonds. No matter which one he had, it was impossible to hand it over to others casually.

"I'm afraid I can't agree to this." Chen Ke shook his head.

"I hope you know that nothing on you has any appeal to me. I just want to make sure that when we go there, we won't be carrying anything that shouldn't be there," Xu Jing said.

"They are very important to me. If you don't let me take them, I won't go." Chen Kedao.

Xu Jing looked at Chen Ke, frowned, and finally had to compromise, saying: "Okay Chen Ke... but you must not take out your mobile phone or gun over there."

"What will happen if you take it out?" Chen Ke asked.

"The development of the times has its own context. I don't want you to prematurely reveal future creations and bring unnecessary enlightenment to them." Xu Jing explained.

"I'll try my best," Chen Kedao said, then looked at the old man beside him and said, "It seems he is also from the foundation?"

"Yes, do you think I would talk about this kind of thing in front of anyone at will? Go change clothes now!" Xu Jing said.

Under the leadership of the old man, Chen Ke came to an unused room and put on a full set of clothes. Although they didn't know how they knew his measurements, they could only say that the clothes fit him perfectly.

When he walked out of the room, Xu Jing was talking to a black cat.

"...Yes, have they all gone? I will go find them as soon as possible." Xu Jing said to the cat.

"Be careful, Miss Xu, we don't know what Chen Ke's purpose is yet." The black cat said. As soon as he finished speaking, he looked at Chen Ke who had just walked out of the inner room, meowed, and jumped into the piles of antiques. In the cracks of the jar.

Xu Jing turned around, looked at Chen Ke, and said, "It looks like a good fit, but it feels like there's something missing."

Mr. Pu on the side conjured up a black gentleman's hat from nowhere and handed it to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took the hat, hesitated, and put it on his head.

"It's all done now." Xu Jing smiled.

"It's raining over there, so be prepared to bring your umbrellas." Mr. Pu reminded, walked into the counter and took out two more umbrellas.

Chen Ke took the umbrella and found that the handle was made very carefully. He immediately saw the mystery inside, twisted it, pulled it, and pulled out a sharp dagger.

"Is it necessary?" Chen Ke asked. He knew that Xu Jing must be carrying a sacred object. It was much faster to summon the sacred object with bare hands than to take out a hidden weapon from the umbrella handle.

"Chen Ke, the place we are going to is Langdon City in 1859. Before 1910, humans had not discovered the existence of psychic energy, let alone the supernatural. If it is not absolutely necessary, please do not use extraordinary power wantonly. Okay. "?" Xu Jing said.

"Whatever you say, I hope I don't even have to use this thing." Chen Ke inserted the dagger into the umbrella.

Longtown is London... The names of cities in this world are all mixed up...

In 1859, at the peak of the first industrial revolution, mankind entered the steam age, which was also an important stage in the history of capitalist development.

Machines replaced handicrafts, and factory assembly lines created huge productivity, which also brought about drastic changes in social relations. Since then, the industrial bourgeoisie and the industrial proletariat were born.

The entire world has entered an era of urbanization and industrialization, which has also brought severe pollution, extreme exploitation and oppression, and various absurd cannibalism stories.

The city of Longtown is the center of all these changes.

"Wait a minute...are we...going to travel through time and space...?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

"It's jumping between beads...Chen Ke, time doesn't exist. Are you nervous? I thought you were used to it." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke is not nervous about traveling through time and space. Based on his previous experience of traveling through the Void of Van Hede and the 2006 Death World, every time he enters and exits and returns to the City of Opportunity, a long time has passed... …

It didn't matter in the past, but Diana and Wang Aileen were still on Lin Yayin's list. He didn't want to wait until he came back to find that he couldn't even keep up with the top seven of the two girls...

Besides...he still has a bunch of contracts on his back, and he must get the Symbiosis Stone.

"What are you hesitating about? Chen Ke?" Xu Jing saw Chen Ke's thoughts.

"When we come back, I don't want it to have been too long..." Chen Ke pinched the brim of his hat and looked at Xu Jing.

"Well... I thought you didn't dare to face that Chen Ke." Xu Jing smiled.

"Nothing to be afraid of." Chen Ke snorted.

"It is... June 19, 2009, 14:22." Xu Jing took out a silver pocket watch from her pocket.

She showed the dial to Chen Ke, and Chen Ke saw that the second hand on the watch did not move.

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