This aura is deadly

Chapter 403 Cafe Anecdotes

"You just mentioned the academy, where is it?" Chen Ke interrupted at this time.

"Longtown University College, sir. Just off Gower Street," answered the coachman.

"Langdon University...? What is Chen Ke looking for in the university?" Chen Ke asked in confusion.

"We don't need to know what he is looking for, just make sure he doesn't find it, and grab it if he finds it." Xu Jing looked at Chen Ke with a non-negotiable expression.

"I have no other intention, I just want to make sure this thing won't cause trouble when I deal with him." Chen Ke leaned on the chair.

"I know, and I never thought about letting you face him alone. I will always follow you here." Xu Jing smiled.

"So... what should we call... this person?" The tall man looked at Chen Ke.

"His name is also Chen Ke, but in order not to cause misunderstandings in subsequent actions, I think we can give him a nickname." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke wanted to refute, after all, it was very unpleasant to have someone change his name, but Xu Jing's statement was reasonable, so he had to acquiesce.

"How about calling him Klein? It's easy to remember." A man wearing a gray sweater and a beard said.

Chen Ke shook his head and didn't like this name.

"I think Watt is good, and so is Newton." Another person disagreed.

"I can't afford it, I can't afford it..." Chen Ke waved his hand. These two names were too important. One started the era of industrial revolution, and the other was a physicist.

"Milton? Manchester? Chelsea? William?" Everyone was talking about it, and it really felt like a coffee shop.

"Okay, okay...just call me Lin Mo. I don't like Western names very much." Chen Ke sighed.

"Lin Mo? What does this name mean?" Xu Jing asked.

"No, it just happened randomly." Chen Ke spread his hands.

"Okay, let's call you Lin Mo so that you can be distinguished from Chen Ke." The boatman smiled.

Xu Jing looked at the carriage driver and nodded to him. The latter pulled out a cloth bag from under the table and placed it on the table. From the sound, he knew it contained an iron thing.

"What is this?" Chen Ke asked.

"This is your weapon in this reality." Xu Jing said.

She opened the cloth bag and took out four things from it. An iron-gray revolver, a small sheathed dagger, two small boxes of pistol bullets and a belt with a holster.

Xu Jing held the barrel of the gun and handed the handle of the gun to Chen Ke. Chen Ke took the revolver and tried to turn the magazine out to take a look, but found that the magazine was actually locked on the gun body.

"This is the 1842 military revolver. The standard weapon of Ingram's army. It can hold 5 rounds of bullets. Every time you change the bullet, you must peel off the shrapnel of the magazine guard and pour out the bullet shells one by one from the back." Xu Jing said.

"Fuck...this is too much trouble." Chen Ke complained while looking for the shield pick behind the magazine. He turned the magazine, but found that it was a little tight.

"You have to open the hammer first... before the magazine can rotate. Get used to it, killer." Xu Jing laughed.

The people on the side also laughed, probably because they didn't expect that Chen Ke didn't know how to play with this pistol.

"I have shot revolvers before, but I have never seen anything like this. After all the bullets have been used up, you have to pour them out one by one and then insert them again. How slow is this?" Chen Ke shook his head.

He held the revolver and aimed at the ceiling. He was surprised to find that the gun didn't even have a front sight or a rear sight. The barrel was just a bare iron pipe. It seemed that the gun was fired purely by feel.

"What do the guns you have there look like?" The boatman was a little curious.

"I have one on me, but Miss Xu Jing won't let me take it out, otherwise I really want you to see what a gun is." Chen Ke said with a smile.

Everyone was itching, but they knew the rules of the foundation, so they could only hold it in their hearts and sigh.

"This is nothing to brag about, Chen Ke. When this matter is finished, you can let me see any gun, but you must be clear. The rules I mentioned are very important." Xu Jing put one hand on the table , looked at Chen Ke forcefully.

"You have the final say." Chen Ke had no intention of arguing and picked up the belt and looked at it.

"Put your things on. Everyone, thank you for providing the information. Please continue the work at hand. Chen... Lin Mo and I are going to take a look at Longtown University College, hoping to find some clues." Xu Jing said.

Chen Ke tied his belt, opened the dial of the revolver's magazine, inserted five bullets, and then inserted the gun into the holster. This holster did not conflict with the holster he was carrying.

Finally, he put the remaining bullets into his pocket, put the small dagger into his pants pocket, and then stood up.

"Sir, sir! You can't go up there!"

At this time, the sound of footsteps came from the stairs, as well as the barista's panicked shouts.

"I like the window seat upstairs, Jonathan, and I don't think the second floor of your café is packed so early."

Following the voice, a vigorous old man walked upstairs holding a newspaper.

He has an exaggerated beard, a side-parted hairstyle, a regrettable hairline, and a sophisticated black dress. At first glance, he looks like a member of a class who is not worried about money.

Everyone on the second floor looked at the old man with tense expressions and their hands on the guy hiding behind his coat.

The old man was not alone, but also had four companions, some young and some as old as him, all of whom were rich and wealthy.

"Oh, look, there are really customers up there. Should we change to a different cafe?" When the young man saw Chen Ke and the others, he looked a little disgusted and said to the old man.

"Don't panic, little brother. Look what I found. There are eight people at the table, seven men and one woman, and two of them are Asian? Hmm... I didn't order any coffee, and there was an empty cloth bag on the table... "The old man pinched his beard, his expression looked like an incompetent police officer in some detective novels.

"Charles, can't you come at another time..." The barista also ran upstairs and looked at Xu Jing with a blushing face.

"Oh, my dear Jonathan, it seems that your cafe will not only host my little secret group, but maybe... it also hides a bigger secret!" The old man looked at the barista named Jonathan with a smile on his face. On his face was an expression of insight.

"Charles, it's not what you think, they are just talking about business." Jonathan explained.

"Oh, what kind of business needs to occupy the second floor of the cafe?" The old man named Charles looked at Chen Ke and smiled.

Why is this old guy looking at me? Chen Ke swallowed.

"Hello, everyone, what brings us to meet in this humble cafe on this pleasant morning? I'm curious..." Charles smiled.

"We don't have time to chat with an old man, so...since you want to drink coffee at this window seat, we'll just give in." Xu Jing said at this time, asking the person to get up and prepare to leave.

"Oh! What an impolite lady! How can you interrupt the other party so rudely when he is talking! He is talking to the man behind you!" the young man behind Charles exclaimed.

"Oh, Ender, there is no need to be so harsh on this lady. At least this lady decided to give up their position to us." Charles said.

Xu Jing was stunned.

"In fact...she is our leader." Chen Ke corrected.

"Hmm... So you have an employment relationship? I almost thought you were partners just now." Charles shrugged.

"Let's go, Chen...Lin Mo, we still have business to do." Xu Jing shook her head and dragged Chen Ke downstairs.

"If you're not in a hurry, I wouldn't mind buying you a cup of coffee, and maybe we can talk freely." Charles smiled.

Chen Ke and the others quickly walked out of the cafe without saying a word.

Charles opened the window on the second floor, watched the group leave, shook his head slightly, and then called his companions to sit at the table.

"Gentlemen, let us recover from the episode just now and share the recent weird rumors." Charles said.

"Yes, yes... there are enough rumors about Longtown University College... Do you think there are really supernatural events happening at Longtown University? Mr. Dickens?" An old man with a goatee looked towards Charles, took out a stack of briefing papers from his arms.

Charles Dickens separated the briefs on his desk, pieced them together in a certain order, and pinched his goatee.

"This matter deserves investigation, gentlemen. I know a brother and sister who may be willing to go in and have a look..." Charles Dickens said.

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