This aura is deadly

Chapter 404 There is something down here

Longtown University College is the G5 elite university in London, England in the world that Chen Ke knows.

This university was founded in early 1836. At first, it had only two subordinate schools. In the next two centuries, it became a comprehensive university with 19 schools.

This school has trained 12 monarchs and royals, 52 heads of government and 84 Nobel Prize winners. In the distant future, it will be one of the most important universities in the world.

But in Longtown in 1859, the university was just an ordinary university. It has only one campus, which is called "King's College" by locals.

Chen Ke and Xu Jing walked along the street towards the college. There were more and more people and carriages passing by on the street, and the sound of work whistles came from the factories on the street.

There were people around who were coughing and coughing loudly on the street. A loud shout came from above, and someone upstairs threw a bucket of washing water into the street, "Wow!"

The driver carefully drove the carriage to transport barrels of wine to the tavern. The wheels of the carriage ran over the puddles on the street, and the horseshoes made a crisp sound on the concrete floor.

The towering chimneys of the factory in the distance are like forests made of concrete, spewing thick black smoke into the sky, smearing the clear sky into a dark color.

This is the epitome of the first industrial revolution era. This was the center of the world in the 19th century. Whoever controls Longton can own the entire future.

Xu Jing has long been accustomed to this world, and was not slowed down by the scene on the street. She just silently led the way.

But this is the first time that Chen Ke has truly traveled through time and space to the past. Unlike Van Heder, this place is full of living people who live, work and die in this world.

Everything in front of me is of great significance.

If, Chen Ke imagined, if he did not travel to the Opportunity City in 2009 that night, but came here, what would his experience be like?

Is there a master behind all these mysterious things?

However, even in such a busy and industrial street scene, Chen Ke still vaguely felt something abnormal.

The smell of coal in the air was mixed with the fragrance of earth, but there was also a hint of blood in it.

Blood has a smell. If I had to describe the smell, it would be like rust.

Maybe he was a killer, so he was too sensitive to this smell. Chen Ke didn't tell Xu Jing about it. Xu Jing must have smelled it too, but didn't say it out loud, right?

But the next moment, Chen Ke felt that the black stone in his heart was restless, and at the same time he felt a surge of excitement and joy. Unconsciously, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"Well..." Chen Ke covered his chest and suppressed his smile. The black stone was affecting his emotions.

"Former competitors, lose their jobs/die." Na Heishi conveyed this thought to Chen Ke.

"What?" Chen Ke said involuntarily.

"What are you doing?" Xu Jing suddenly turned around and glanced at Chen Ke.

"Nothing." Chen Ke coughed twice and said.

"Just get used to it. Every 100 steps you take here is a factory. The air quality cannot be improved," Xu Jing said.

"I'll try my best," Chen Ke said.

He pressed his chest and thought, did the stone just mean that a god died here? Do gods leave corpses behind?

The smell of blood was slowly getting stronger, and it seemed that only Chen Ke could smell it. What was even more exaggerated was that he could even vaguely see the red blood mist filling the air.

"Have you seen anything strange?" Chen Ke patted Xu Jing and asked with a frown.

"No, what did you see?" Xu Jing stopped, she attached great importance to what Chen Ke said.

"I don't know what those things are, but they are floating in the air...thin and wisps swaying, as if they are floating from that direction." Chen Ke raised his head and pointed with his chin in the direction of the street in front of him.

"That's the direction of the college..." Xu Jing frowned, her pupils turned blue, and she looked around.

Chen Ke knew that it was a spiritual vision skill, and Xu Jing also had it.

"I didn't see anything." Xu Jing observed for a while and found nothing.

"I don't know why you can't see that I can even lift away the red mist with my hands..." Chen Ke said, stretching out his fingers and shaking them in the air.

A thin layer of red mist slipped between his fingers, and he took a deep breath subconsciously. He felt a chill pouring into his body, and his throat felt itchy, making him choke.

"What...are you doing...? Do you want to make me laugh?" Xu Jing covered her mouth and was amused by Chen Ke.

"I'm not kidding you. Did you really see nothing?" Chen Ke asked.

"Maybe HCP0001 saw it for you... Maybe Chen Ke is in the college now, and he is responsible for all this!" Xu Jing said in a deep voice.

"Meaningless logic/guess, I didn't tell/share it." Chen Ke came up with such an idea.

"Why don't we take a carriage to the academy?" Chen Ke suddenly asked.

"Because it's not far to walk there, hurry up and follow!" After Xu Jing said that, she turned around and walked forward. Chen Ke could only follow behind.

The two of them walked without saying a word for about ten minutes. The closer they got to Longtown University, the thicker the red mist became and the stronger the smell of blood became.

When Chen Ke and Xu Jing stood at the gate of Longtown University College, Chen Ke found that the entire school building was shrouded in red mist. The pungent smell of blood made him frown and he couldn't help but want to cover his nose.

From the outside, Longtown University looks like a church. It is a very large, square-shaped Gothic building with a huge lawn inside.

Looking through the gate, you can see a white statue in the center of the lawn. It is class time and there are not many teachers and students walking around the school.

The two of them were about to go in, but were stopped by the guard at the door. The guard was short and fat, wearing a brown uniform and a blue soft hat on his head.

"Sir, do you have your student ID card?" The guard frowned and sounded like he was questioning.

"" Chen Ke shook his head.

"So, madam, where are you?" The guard looked at Xu Jing again.

At this time, two white men passed by them and walked into the campus.

"I noticed that you didn't check their IDs." Xu Jing said with a smile.

"I usually only check suspicious characters. As we all know, most of you barbarians from the east can only do railway repair work, and it is unlikely that you will have the opportunity to study at Kingdom College." The guard said sarcastically.

"We can not only repair the railway, but we can also repair you." Chen Kedao.

The guard was shorter than Chen Ke, but he raised his head with a proud look. He wanted to choke back, but after looking at Chen Ke's eyes, he gave up.

"If you don't have documents, I'm sorry, but I can't let you in." The guard said coldly, with an expression that said there was no room for negotiation.

"Have any Asians been in during this time?" Xu Jing asked.

"No comment." The guard shook his head.

Xu Jing sighed. She looked at Chen Ke, who was staring at the ground intently. Xu Jing knew that Chen Ke was spying with his spiritual vision.

Chen Ke raised his head and signaled with his eyes, and Xu Jing understood.

"It's a pity that you missed some fun things. We will come again." Xu Jing smiled, took Chen Ke's arm, and left the college.

"What did you see just now?" Xu Jing asked.

"There is something underneath this academy." Chen Ke replied.

I originally wrote a bunch of descriptions of British street scenes during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th century, but later deleted 95% of it, leaving only three sentences, so I decided to just focus on the plot. Please recommend votes and monthly votes. This month, I am ranked outside the 2,700+... I'm at least 1,000...

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