This aura is deadly

Chapter 438 God's Dream

"I can still continue to fight." Chen Ke took a step forward.

"You have no weapons or blood collection bottles. What do you want to use to fight those things? Mr. Ludwig?" Maria shook her head.

"My fists." Chen Ke raised his fists.

"Are you trying to make me laugh? Why are you so determined?" A smile appeared on Maria's frosty face.

"I want..." Chen Ke's mind was racing with thoughts, and he was thinking quickly about what kind of reason he could use to convince Maria.

He looked back at the bones on the ground.

"For Parker and Sam, I must avenge them." Chen Ke said firmly.

Maria was thoughtful. At this time, there was a gurgling sound behind Chen Ke, and two more broken bones slid out from the holes in the flesh wall.

"The first team we sent out was composed of three people. Mr. Ludwig." Maria said.

She put her hand on the handle of the saber, looked at Chen Ke with a pair of blue pupils, and walked around Chen Ke.

"I am the only one here now, Ms. Maria. Mrs. Catherine is very important to me. You don't want the secrets kept by the secret keeper to be spread, right?" Chen Kedao.

"I can kill you. Dead people don't tell secrets." Maria wrote lightly, using her thumb to push the saber out of the scabbard, and walked slowly towards Chen Ke.

"+100 hours"

"+100 hours"

"+100 hours"

"+100 hours"

"+100 hours"

Fuck...this girl is no ordinary person...A drop of cold sweat fell from Chen Ke's forehead.

"Then you will never hear the words Florence left for you before she died." Chen Ke shook his index finger and smiled.

Maria stopped, her expression hesitant.

"You just said that he didn't leave a single word." Maria said coldly.

"That's a lie. Look, I'm wearing his clothes. Don't you think it means something?" Chen Ke asked.

Maybe, maybe the other person did say something when he killed Florence, but he no longer remembers it.

Maria frowned, staring at Chen Ke, then moved away and looked at the ground aside.

After a few seconds, she sheathed the half-drawn saber and turned around.

"Then come with me, Mr. Ludwig. Do what you want to do." She said lightly. After saying that, Maria turned her head, with endless anger burning in her eyes.

"But if you dare to lie to me, Mr. Ludwig, I swear to the moon, my saber will taste every muscle on your body, every inch of skin, let them soak in the blood of filth, and let your sanity be tortured and destroyed." Drowning in despair." Maria's words were cold, but very decisive.

Chen Ke nodded, made an OK gesture, and said: "Deal."

Maria didn't say any more nonsense. She took out the blood bottle from her waist and poured it on the ground. The red viscous liquid instantly gathered into a small pool of blood on the ground.

Chen Ke didn't speak, just stood aside and watched quietly. The secret keepers of this era used this strange blood to fight against the extraordinary power. Blood was a necessity for them.

That also means that the consumption of this kind of blood must be very large. If it is not human blood, what kind of blood is it? animal? Chen Ke shook his head. If ordinary blood could restrain the extraordinary, then 2009 would not be like that.

After all the blood in the bottle was poured out, Maria hung the small blood bottle back on her waist, and then stopped to watch, as if waiting for something to happen.

Chen Ke could only stand aside and wait, looking at the small pool of blood on the ground with Maria.

This small pool of blood slowly changed, and a blood stream half a finger thick separated from the blood pool and slowly flowed towards the opposite wall.

This was really interesting. Chen Ke couldn't help but move closer, wanting to take a closer look.

Without saying a word, Maria followed the blood flow to the wall, took out her saber and stabbed it into the wall.

There was just a pop sound, and the saber penetrated the wall. The original masonry seemed to be disintegrating and began to peel off, revealing the fleshy wall inside.

This looks very similar to an illusion, but it is more like a "hidden reality". Maybe this is what Maria calls a "dream that extends to reality"?

As if it had sentience, the flesh wall actually opened a gap and retreated from both sides, revealing a door.

"Come with me Mr. Ludwig, Mrs. Keizerlin is inside."

Maria said, pushing open the wooden door and walking straight in. Chen Ke quickly followed, and the two of them arrived at a gorgeous bedroom.

This is the physical bedroom in this house, surrounded by extensions of the dream. On the double bed in the middle, a beautiful lady is sleeping.

She is Katherine, about 40 years old, with fair skin, slightly red neck and collarbone, covered with a thin blanket, her long golden hair falling on her chest, and she is falling into a deep sleep.

On her forearm exposed by the blanket, there was a rubber needle inserted, and a glass bottle was hung on the bedside. It contained a red viscous liquid, and the water line had dropped to the mouth of the bottle.

"Mrs. Catherine." Maria called softly.

Katherine did not wake up and fell into a deep sleep, but then again, it was indeed time to sleep at this point.

"That's... Baron Mox?" Chen Ke looked at the man lying on the floor beside him.

Maria nodded, sheathed the sword, walked to the glass bottle filled with blood, and bent down to look at it.

Chen Ke squatted next to Baron Mox and found a pool of blood on the floor.

"Dead?" Chen Ke muttered to himself and pushed Baron Mox gently.

It was as if the bones had been removed from the Baron's body. He changed from a face-down position with his butt stuck out to a position lying on his side. A brand new blood bottle rolled out of his arms.

The baron was pale and looked like he had been dead for several days. His lower body exuded a stench, which was a sign of incontinence after death.

"What are they injecting?" Chen Ke couldn't help but ask.

"It's completely different from the blood we use," Maria said.

Chen Ke picked up the blood bottle, which was about the same size as a small Coke worth 2 yuan a bottle. Without saying a word, he put it in his pocket. Maybe I can find Wang Aileen to study it if I have time in the future.

When I think of Wang Aileen, I think of Diana. When I think of Diana, I suddenly remember Lin Yayin's assassination list.

Chen Ke can't go back to 2009 by himself now, and judging from his past experience of time travel, if he uses his own ability to go back, it is estimated that a few weeks or even a month will have passed by then.

I'm afraid I can't even keep up with the heads of those two girls.

He still had to find Xu Jing. After all, Xu Jing could take him back to the moment when he passed through Opportunity City, which meant no time was wasted.

"What are you going to do? Mr. Ludwig?" Maria asked at this time.

All Chen Ke wants is the Holy Diamond. He doesn't know if Sean is telling the truth, but he still wants to find out.

He stood up and went to the bedside, looked at Katherine, and found that she had a necklace around her neck...

" holy diamond..." Chen Ke swallowed his saliva. He immediately recognized his own thing. Five blue holy diamonds were strung into a necklace and hung on Mrs. Catherine's white neck. superior.

"No... it's not Angel's Elegy... it's Lady Joan's suit." Chen Ke was slightly disappointed. The five sacred diamonds in Angel's armor are orange, while the Moonlight Sword is purple...

Although holy diamonds cannot be processed and destroyed, there is still a way to make them into necklaces. Just make a frame to frame them, and then thread a string on the frame...

Chen Ke didn't know where the remaining holy diamonds were, but at least he could recover some of them now. He reached out to pull the necklace around Katherine's neck.

"Wait a minute, do you want to touch her?" Maria suddenly stopped Chen Ke.

"It's different from what you think, Ms. Maria." Chen Ke said.

"She is dreaming. If you touch her now, you will be dragged into her nightmare." Maria warned.

Today's update, it's too late to work overtime.

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