This aura is deadly

Chapter 439 Mrs. Joan

Chen Ke has never experienced anything like this before. The Great Void, Time Travel, and now a God's Dream. What is going on in this world?

He looked at Maria and said, "What will happen if we go in?"

Maria shook her head slightly and replied: "You will fall into her nightmare. In that subjective world, experience everything she has experienced and endure everything she has endured. Unless you can finally hunt her down, you will Never wake up like... Baron Meaux."

Chen Ke looked at Baron Mox. It turned out that this guy was not dead, but just asleep.

Perhaps when he was changing the blood bottle for his wife, he accidentally touched her and was pulled into Katherine's dream, right?

"If I kill her in my dream, will she die?" Chen Ke asked.

"Normally, she will wake up. But if...Ms. Kayserlin transfuses too much blood, I'm afraid she will pass away along with the dream." Ms. Maria shook her head.

Chen Ke's hand trembled slightly, and the tip of his index finger was only two centimeters away from Katherine's neck. He suddenly hesitated.

"What on earth is this blood...?" Chen Ke asked.

"I knew you were not the secret keeper. Tell me, Mr. Ludwig, where are you from?" Maria said.

"I come from far away, Ms. Maria, farther away than you know." Chen Ke took back his hand, undecided whether to enter Katherine's nightmare.

"You are not someone who desires divine blood, and you don't seem to know Dean William. I'm curious, what do you want?" Maria asked.

"I want to get my things back, that's all. I'm not interested in your divine blood." Chen Kedao.

There is a bottle hidden in his arms. Although he doesn't know the specific function of this divine blood, but judging from the current situation, it is not a good thing.

If the blood dripped on the weapon by the Keeper is the same thing as the blood injected by Keizerlin, then obviously this blood is just a thing that was used to deal with psychic monsters in the 19th century and had great side effects.

In 2009, the Authority had more convenient and safer technology to replace it, not to mention the Foundation in 2137.

And since this 19th century is the established history of mankind, then governments of various countries must also be aware of the existence of divine blood. As for why it has not been used in later generations, there must be a reason.

"Your thing? Is it that whole set of shameful clothes?" Maria smiled softly.

Chen Ke was stunned. He could see from Maria's eyes that Maria knew that those holy diamonds could be turned into equipment.

"You... can you see it?" Chen Ke asked.

"I can see what they look like, Mr. Ludwig, but I can't use them. It seems that you are also a strange person." Maria said lightly.

"Ms. Maria..." Chen Ke didn't know how to answer the question.

"I'm very curious, Mr. Ludwig. I don't feel any resonance with you, but I am sure that you also have great blood flowing in your body. Are you from another blood clan?" Maria slowly approached Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took a half step back, not understanding what Maria's words meant, but he vaguely guessed that Maria should have had a blood transfusion, and the amount should be quite large.

Perhaps, after a blood transfusion, they can gain powers similar to those of psykers? However, Chen Ke still couldn't find an explanation for the inability to use the holy objects.

"I hope your tribe has not been found by the secret keeper, Mr. Ludwig, do what you should do, and then tell me Florence's last words." Maria said coldly, turning around.

Chen Ke sighed softly, turned around and looked at Katherine, who was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly. He didn't think any more and reached out to grab the holy diamond necklace around Katherine's neck, trying to pull it off.

At this moment, Katherine's closed eyes suddenly opened!

There were a pair of blue eyes in the whites of her blood-red eyes. She moved her exposed left arm and grabbed Chen Ke's wrist tightly.

"Ha!" Chen Ke was startled. He felt his surroundings fall into darkness, and a strong smell of blood hit his nostrils. With a flash of red light, he found that he was still standing in the bedroom just now, but it was different.

Organs like internal tumors formed on the floor and walls, and continued to bulge. Under the red halo, everything in the room looked so ominous.

Mrs. Catharine disappeared from the bed, leaving only the quilt stained by a puddle of thick blood, and the floor was littered with inhuman corpses like babies that had died in infancy.

At this time, several lines of small words appeared in the upper left corner of Chen Ke's field of vision:

Subjective World: Catherine's Nightmare


Damage taken increased by 400%

All extraordinary skills have -70% power

Use of relics is prohibited


Life countdown paused

Chen Ke took a deep breath, rolled his eyes, and looked at the upper right corner of his field of vision. He stopped and counted silently, only to see that the countdown that originally jumped and jumped no longer moved.

The countdown to life has indeed been suspended!

He calmed down for a moment, because there were three extremely deadly DeBuffs above him. Now he had to bear 4 times the damage, and the power of extraordinary skills such as Psychic Crystal Gun and Psychic Burst had been reduced by 70%.

What's even worse is that Angel's Ashes no longer exists at all.

Chen Ke tried to summon Angeli's ashes with his right hand, but nothing happened.

What exactly is the subjective world? Chen Ke felt that this place was different from the Great Void. It felt completely different.

At this time, the stone in his heart suddenly transmitted thoughts.

“The gods sleep/dream, and the version of reality does not match.”

This stone is also a god. It is trying to use human vocabulary to communicate with Chen Ke, but it has not learned grammar well, so the words it picks out sound very awkward.

Combining what Maria and Stone said, the subjective world is the dream of gods?

Catherine is actually a god? !

"Negative/No." The stone conveyed another thought.

"Then why can she have dreams that only gods can have? I understand... blood transfusions are given by blood transfusions from gods. When they sleep, are they dreaming with gods? Gods' dreams can affect and interfere with reality. People who have too much blood transfusions According to Maria, if you kill them in your dreams, they will die in reality too..." Chen Ke calmed down his thoughts.

Subjective reality, objective reality, basic reality, the Great Void, the world of death, time travel... Now here comes another subjective world.

Chen Ke has a big brain. How complicated is this world?

Chen Ke was unarmed, and his only means of attack were the psychic crystal gun with only 30% power left and the fighting skills he had mastered. If Katherine really turns into something extraordinary, it will be more difficult to defeat it.

"Katherine! Katherine! My dear... help me! Katherine!"

At this time, Chen Ke heard a person's voice asking for help, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the door. He quickly walked to the bedroom door, pushed it open slightly, and peered into the hallway.

Baron Meaux was seen lying in front of the door of the hall, beating the door glass with his fists, and still crying.

The Baron was sucked into his wife's dream, and must have been locked up for a long time. This subjective world should be like the Great Void, and time should not pass. Otherwise, Baron Meaux would have died of thirst and starvation.

Do you want to go say hello to him?

Chen Ke narrowed his eyes and hesitated. At this time, he heard the sound of high heels walking behind him.

Almost at the same time, Chen Ke immediately turned around with a flash of blue light in his right hand, grabbing a soul gun and raising it above his head. He suddenly found that he was no longer in the bedroom, but in the living room. A blond lady wearing a shameful and revealing outfit had just Walk along the right side of the hall and into a door.

That woman was wearing exactly what Mrs. Joan was wearing.

Chen Ke took a deep breath, put away the soul gun, and turned around to see that he was standing where Baron Mox had just knocked on the door. It was indeed a dream...everything was so chaotic.

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