This aura is deadly

Chapter 440 Awakening

Chen Ke quickly stepped forward and came to the door where the woman had just left. He gently turned the door handle, but it was unlocked.

The pupils of his eyes emitted blue light, and the range of his spiritual vision was extremely narrowed to only about 30 meters. No humanoid outline could be seen.

"Open the door! Open the door quickly! Catherine! Open the door! I beg you!" Baron Mox's voice suddenly sounded on the other side of the door. He kept banging on the door, making a bang-dong-dong sound.

Chen Ke felt a gust of wind blowing by, he frowned, looked back and found himself standing on the street.

"Why did I...teleport outside again?" Chen Ke was puzzled. Everything in this subjective world is illogical.

Chen Ke saw a small copper key stuck on the door handle. Someone had locked the door outside. He held the key and tentatively turned it to the left, and the lock made a clicking sound.

Click...the door lock opened.

With a bang, the door in front of him was pushed open, and a man wearing a white shirt and black trousers rushed out, almost throwing himself into Chen Ke's arms.

If the guess is correct, this should be Baron Meaux, exactly the same as the man Chen Ke saw in Mrs. Keizerlin's bedroom.

"Kaiser...who are you?" Baron Mox raised his head, with an expression of a lucky escape on his face. When he saw Chen Ke standing in front of him, he suddenly looked confused.

"Baron Mox. I am the secret keeper..." Chen Ke said.

"Shou...what? What is that?" Baron Mox asked in confusion.

"Ah..." Chen Ke raised his head and looked at the stars and moon in the sky. In this era, the Keepers were not an open organization like the Administration, and only a few people knew about it.

"I'm afraid you're in a place you shouldn't be, sir." Mox stood still, trying to hide his panic.

"I know, this is your wife's dream, if I guess correctly." Chen Kedao.

Baron Mox had a sparse head and wore a pair of round-rimmed glasses. His face looked quite funny. Seeing that Chen Ke was so calm and his equipment was a bit awesome, he asked cautiously: "You...are the keeper of the secret? The keeper of the secret." What is it?”

"An organization that specializes in dealing with situations like yours. Tell me, Mr. Mox, what is this? Where did you get it?" Chen Ke took out the bottle of blood from his arms.

"This is..." Mox took the blood bottle and his breathing became a little rapid.

"You are very nervous, Mr. Mox." Chen Ke said.

"William...this is what William provided to me!" Baron Mox said quickly.

"What does William do? What's in the bottle?" Chen Ke asked.

"Mr. William of King's College, Longtown...the dean of the college, I don't know how he got this thing. This bottle is filled with blood, but it is not human blood, nor is it the blood of chicken, cattle or sheep. I I swear, I'm a doctor." Baron Meaux said.

"Your wife injected a lot of this blood." Chen Ke took back the bottle of blood from Baron Mox.

"My Catherine...she is sick, and only this blood can alleviate her pain." Baron Mox said, grabbing his already thin hair.

"Nervous disease? Blood transfusion alone cannot cure such a disease. You are in big trouble." Chen Ke shook his head.

The negative effect in this dream seems to be a recurrence of Mrs. Catherine's illness. Her pain nerves are too sensitive, and the effect reflected in the dream is 4 times the damage.

"Your wife will change your house after her dream. Do you know this kind of thing?" Chen Ke asked.

"Of course I know...I've always been careful, but tonight I'm a little impatient." Baron Mox said embarrassedly.

"Impatient... By the way, let me ask you, did Mr. Sean give your wife some diamonds?" Chen Ke asked.

"Sean...the secret keeper's investigation is so detailed? It's true. I hope those diamonds are not stolen things. I asked people to make them into necklaces... Mr. Sean did it to thank me for opening it for him." The aphrodisiac just now..." said Baron Meaux.

"With all due respect, Mr. Mox, you have been trapped in this dream for more than a week. When we found you in the room, your body was already incontinent..." Chen Ke shook his head.

It also took him a week to resurrect and catch up on this matter.

"I...a week...?" Baron Mox asked in surprise.

"Have you made all those into necklaces? In addition to the five blue ones, there are also several orange ones and one purple one. Where did you put them?" Chen Ke approached Mok. In front of Baron Si, he couldn't wait to ask.

"Those diamonds...are they important? I...I only kept the blue ones, because Catherine likes blue the most, and I gave the rest to Mr. Edward." Baron Mox said nervously.

"What...? You actually gave them away as gifts?!" Chen Ke was disappointed and angry, grabbing Baron Mox's collar and yelled.

"I'm sorry, sir, I didn't know that thing was so important to you." Baron Mox whispered.

Chen Ke sighed and let go of Mox. The Lady Joan suit was actually of little value to him. Angel's Elegy and Moonlight were the things he wanted to get back most.

Don't enter the subjective world this time, it seems a bit of a loss.

"By the way, Mr. Mox, do you feel any physical discomfort?" Chen Ke asked. He wanted to confirm one thing and see if he was the only one who had to bear the punishment of many negative effects in this dream.

Mox entered the dream, but his body was still outside, and he was holding a blood bottle in his arms.

When Chen Ke enters the dreamland, will his true body stay outside? But he did bring Mox's blood bottle into his dream.

what does that mean? It probably means that Chen Ke came in directly as a whole person and did not leave his body outside.

"I don't know what you mean." Mox spread his hands.

Chen Ke kicked Mox.

"Aw. Sir, what are you doing?" Mox stood up immediately and took a few steps back.

"Does it hurt?" Chen Ke asked.

" doesn't hurt, but it's weird that you're doing this. Do you want to bully me?" Mox said.

"Tsk..." Chen Ke pinched his chin and started thinking. It seemed that his guess was right.

When an ordinary person like Mox is pulled into a dream, it is equivalent to an out-of-body experience, but Chen Ke comes directly in the physical body, and can also bring things from the outside in with him.

"Why is there such a difference?" Chen Ke said to himself.

"Sir, you look strange. I suggest we go our separate ways. What do you think?" Mox was a little afraid of Chen Ke, because Chen Ke was looking at him with strange eyes at this time.

Maria said that killing someone in a dream will wake them up.

"Mr. Mox, if you can wake up later, please change your pants first, and then tell Ms. Maria that I am still inside." Chen Ke said.

"What do you mean?" Mox asked.

Without saying a word, Chen Ke threw a psychic crystal gun at Mox.


The small blue spear penetrated his chest, poking a big hole in his sternum. Blood and flesh mixed with bone fragments spattered from the wound on his back to the wall.

"Goooo!! Ahem...uh oh oh..." Mox fell to the ground clutching his wound, and his body slowly became transparent.

"Ah...I...I'm going to wake up!" Mox's mouth was full of blood, but he seemed to have seen something, with an excited smile on his face, and finally disappeared completely from Chen Ke's eyes.

"Okay... Next one is you, Mrs. Catherine." Chen Ke said, walking into the Mox Mansion.

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