This aura is deadly

Chapter 442 Disintegration

The blood-condensed small awl came towards him, and Chen Ke rolled back to avoid it. The warmth under his feet and the smell of fetal fluid poured into his collar.

Chen Ke didn't have time to pay attention to these discomforts. Kayserlin's next wave of attacks followed. She formed two bloody blades with her hands and rushed towards Chen Ke with a sharp scream.

Chen Ke condensed the spiritual energy crystal gun in his right hand, and wanted to use it as a melee weapon to block. He saw the red blood blade and the blue spiritual energy beam complement each other, and they collided with each other.

To Chen Ke's expectation, his hand was cut off.

When the psychic crystal gun is not thrown, it is just a beam of energy that shines with blue light. It will crystallize when it is thrown.

Kaiserlin's other bloody blade slammed into Chen Ke's lower abdomen.

Although Florence's clothes cannot be destroyed, they can be broken by attacks. Although the clothes will automatically recover after the attack, not everyone wearing it can automatically recover like Chen Ke.

A stream of warm liquid surged into Chen Ke's mouth. At this moment, Katherine was only half an arm's length away from him. He took advantage of this and reached out with his left hand to grab Katherine's hair, spraying a mouthful of blood on her face.

"Sun Beach!" Chen Ke yelled angrily.

Catherine screamed in pain when a mouthful of blood was sprayed on her face by Chen Ke. She quickly let go of Chen Ke and wiped the blood on her face with both hands. She screamed as she wiped it, as if someone had poured sulfuric acid on her face.

When she let go, Chen Ke saw that half of Katherine's face had fallen off, the upper part was red, and her two big eyes were embedded in the blood-red muscle tissue.

"Do you feel good!" Chen Ke covered the wound on his abdomen. The bloody blade inserted into his liver had turned into a pool of blood.

He condensed the spiritual energy crystal gun again and kept throwing it at Katherine. This time he would not miss again. From a distance of less than 2 meters, it penetrated Katherine's thigh before she could turn into blood and escape.


Chen Ke dodged, aimed at her chest, and fired another shot, making a hole in her upper body.

The psychic crystal gun did not disappear immediately after penetrating Katherine. Instead, it turned into a long strip of light and stayed on her body, and then formed a psychic explosion, blowing her body to pieces of flesh and blood.

Katherine's body, which was originally full of hormones, became like a zombie. There were bloody mouths everywhere with the skin and flesh everted out. Muscle tissue and broken bones were exposed from the wounds. It was heart-stopping to watch.

If it weren't for the 70% damage penalty in the subjective world, Chen Ke would have killed Kayserlin long ago.

Chen Ke took advantage of the victory to pursue, avoiding the bloody blades she swung in confusion, looking for opportunities to get close, and controlling the distance to about 2 meters. Kayserlin did not have time to completely turn into blood and merge into the ground. This move can be interrupted.

He jumped to the right, bent down suddenly, and dodged a sweep of the blood-turned sickle. A psychic crystal gun pierced Katherine's head, cutting off the entire upper half of her head.

Katherine tightened her body and her brain tissue was instantly lost. Her whole body was like a door panel, and she suddenly lay flat in the blood pool, causing a bloody splash.

Chen Ke looked at Catherine's body nervously and let out a sigh of relief. He finally got it done. When he went out later, he would pull the holy diamond from her neck, and then find an excuse to prevaricate Maria and Jacob. Cloth meeting and.

Chen Ke patted the blood on his coat. Although everyone knew that blood could not be patted off with his right hand, he still patted it habitually, waiting for Katherine's body to disappear like Baron Meaux.

However, after waiting for more than ten seconds, not only did Kathleen's body not disappear, but Chen Ke himself showed no signs of going out.

"Tsk...what went wrong?" Chen Ke frowned and cautiously approached Kaiserlin's body, his right hand ready to summon the soul gun.

Seeing Catherine's body emitting a blue shimmer, Chen Ke was stunned for a moment. He felt that this halo was very familiar. Then he suddenly remembered, isn't this the light emitted when summoning a sacred object?

Katherine's tattered white nightgown was suddenly replaced by a set of sacred objects. The black 404 suit wrapped her mutilated body, leaving only the lower half of her head.

Chen Ke suddenly felt something bad. Something seemed to have happened to the blood pool under his feet, and it began to boil restlessly. From the black abyss above his head, there was a burst of insect chirping.

The insect's cry is like that of a newborn baby, and its fragility can be felt just from the sound.

At this time, blood rained from above. Blood raindrops fell on Chen Ke's face, warm and sticky.

He was stunned, and when he looked at Katherine again, she had already stood up. The missing half of his head was covered with bug-eye structures, and there were bubbles between the eyes.

Two insect wings stretched out from her back and fluttered, making a disgusting sound of flapping wings and shooting out bursts of blood mist.

The boiling blood became extremely viscous, like super glue, sticking his feet to the ground, and Katherine simply flew up and slowly disappeared into the darkness above.

Chen Ke raised his head and glanced into the darkness. Kayserlin was at least still in human form, so her red outline could still be easily seen.

The sparse sound of raindrops and the flapping of wings that came and went in the distance made Chen Ke irritated. An inhuman humming came from above, followed by a rain of blood-red spikes.

The length of the spikes was similar to that of the soul crystal gun, but it was newer. They slanted down from the darkness and turned Chen Ke on the ground into a hedgehog.

Chen Ke's feet were stuck to the ground. He could only protect his head with his hands and squatted to resist. More than a dozen spikes were inserted into Chen Ke's arms, back, shoulders and thighs, causing blood to ooze out.

He stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers, only to hear a bang, and the spikes bounced halfway back into the black abyss like No. 12 buckshot from a shotgun.

Katherine screamed and fell to the ground from the darkness. More than a dozen bullets were inserted into her chest, abdomen and face. Half of the wings on the back were broken.

Chen Ke pulled the sharp thorn out of his body and took a closer look. It looked like a bee sting. He didn't know if it was poisonous or not.

When Katherine fell, she landed on her head. The eyes in half of her head were like lychees bursting from the courier box. The juice mixed with the blood pool, forming an indescribable color. She was lying motionless on the ground at this moment. My butt feels high.

Chen Ke was worried and threw another psychic spear at Katherine. The psychic spear pierced her body and exploded her belly. A large ball of beige maggots the size of rice grains collapsed. Look. It looks like the larvae of a cockroach.

Katherine's body slowly disappeared, and the blood pool at Chen Ke's feet began to dry up. At this time, a line of blood-red words appeared in the corner of his eyes: The subjective world collapsed.

One more update

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