This aura is deadly

Chapter 443 True Lie

As the surrounding scenes began to disappear, Chen Ke's vision gradually blurred. When he closed his eyes and then opened them, he found himself squatting on the wooden floor.

"Huh..." He gasped and looked around vigilantly, and found that Baron Mox, who had changed his clothes, was looking at the bed in surprise, while Maria had just put the saber back into its sheath.

Chen Ke stood up holding on to the bed and saw Ms. Katherine lying on the bed. Her entire abdomen exploded, and blood and intestines sprayed all over the bed sheet.

"What the hell...dead?" Chen Ke looked at Maria with a look like Erha.

Maria sighed softly, while Baron Mox was filled with sadness and anger.

"You...what did you do? Did you kill my wife?" Mox came over and picked up Chen Ke's collar.

In fact, Mox couldn't touch the holy object. The collar he was carrying was the collar of ordinary clothes worn by Chen Ke. In other words, if he was naked to summon the holy object, he wouldn't be able to touch it without a collar. Carry.

"Mr. Mox, please calm down! I did what I should do." Chen Ke said.

"Why did you kill him?! Huh?!" Mox said angrily.

"You probably forgot how you came back." Chen Ke said calmly.

Baron Mox looked into Chen Ke's eyes, his anger slowly subsided, and sadness took over.

" Catherine..." He let go of Chen Ke and knelt in front of the bed and whispered.

"I'm afraid he is right, Baron Mox. He did what he could, but Ms. Keizeren transfused too much blood..." Maria said lightly.

"I'm sorry, sir... It was precisely because you killed me there that I could return to reality... I was so excited just now." Mox sighed.

"Your wife has a really nice figure." Chen Ke thought to himself.

Then he said to Mox: "My condolences."

He walked up to Katherine and gently took off the necklace from her neck. The five blue holy diamonds returned to their original owners, although for Chen Ke, these things would never be used in his life.

After returning to Opportunity City, Chen Ke made up his mind to find some way to sell it to Pihom.

"Our work is done, Mr. Meaux. I hope you will keep silent about everything you have experienced and the changes that happened to Mrs. Katherine." Maria said.

"What? After all these things happened, you still expect me to keep secret? I will practice with the head of the security station tomorrow, and then go with them to find William!" Baron Mox looked at Maria, confused and angry.

"We will deal with the relevant matters. You just need to stay at home and keep silent about everything." Maria shook her head and said.

"Impossible! William killed my Catherine! I must sigh!"

Before Mox finished speaking, his head flew out like a football, hit the wardrobe on the side, made a banging sound, and then rolled several times on the floor, stopping at Chen Ke's feet.

"Hmm...did your hand slip just now or did you do it on purpose?" Chen Ke looked at Maria. She threw the blood on the blade on the floor and slowly put it into the sheath.

"The secret keeper's accusation is to protect secrets, not to protect the people." Maria looked at Chen Ke.

"It doesn't matter, I'm leaving, you won't stop me, right?" Chen Kedao.

"Did you forget something? Mr. Ludwig?" Maria stared at Chen Ke, her eyes like two lights.

Chen Ke was silent for two seconds, remembering Maria's previous request. She wanted to know the last words Florence left after her death.

"What did he say? Mr. Ludwig? Can you tell me now?" Maria said while gently stroking the handle of the saber with her five fingers, pressing her thumb on top and dragging her four fingers underneath. Lift it from bottom to top, and slide it from top to bottom.

"Of course, Ms. Maria." Chen Ke nodded and smiled.

Think quickly! Think quickly! Think quickly! Think quickly! Think quickly!

"His meaning couldn't be more obvious." Chen Ke smiled lightly.

Maria listened quietly, looking very serious.

Make one up! Make one up! Make one up! Make one up! Make one up!

"Even an outsider like me..." Chen Ke raised the corners of his mouth slightly, put his hands on his hips, and shook his head.

Maria opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to spit out the tip of her tongue, and a blush appeared on her frosty cheeks.

Think quickly! Think quickly! Think quickly! Think quickly! Think quickly!

"He said..." Chen Ke

Maria looked at Chen Ke, breathing rapidly, her body trembling slightly, and her feet unconsciously turned into pigeon-toed.

"Please let Maria forget me." Chen Ke said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Ke stared at Maria, his muscles all over his body tensed, and his right hand was ready.

Maria was silent for a while, her emotions could not be seen from her expression, but Chen Ke could still see her disappointment from her body posture and small movements. His right hand that was originally resting on the handle of the saber seemed to be concealing his mood, and he moved the knife Hold the handle tightly.

"Ms. Maria?" Chen Ke asked tentatively.

"I understand... Mr. Ludwig, let's go. The secret keeper will take care of it." Maria shook her head and looked out the window.

Chen Ke bowed slightly, stepped over Baron Mox's head, and exited through the door behind him.

"You're leaving? How is Baron Mox?" Outside the door, the security guard stationed at the door saw Chen Ke coming out and asked quickly.

"Don't go in." Chen Ke pretended to be mysterious and whispered.

The security guard nodded and let Chen Ke leave without saying anything. Seeing how smart this security officer is, he should be one of the few high-ranking officials who knows about the existence of the Secret Keeper organization.

But none of this has anything to do with Chen Ke. It's a pity that not all the holy diamonds were found, but at least it's a good start...

In the alley across the street, Chen Ke found Jacob. He returned to his normal clothes, with ten holy diamonds in his pocket. He put them in his hands to cushion them, and they were still a little heavy.

"You've been in there for a long time... I thought you died in there..." Jacob sat on the steps in the corner, playing with his revolver in his hand.

"There were some accidents, Jacob, but I got it done." Chen Ke said.

"Did you find your stuff?" Jacob asked.

"Unfortunately, only part of it was found... Baron Mox gave the rest to a man named Edward." Chen Ke said.

"Edward... As Baron Mox's identity, he may know four Edwards... Have you asked him?" Jacob asked again.

"I really want to ask... But something went wrong, and he died." Chen Ke shook his head.

Maria acted too quickly, without any signs. He really treated the Keeper as an organization like the Administration. However, it seemed that the Keeper did not care about the casualties of ordinary people at all, and would even kill people to keep the secrets.

"I roughly understand what you mean... but I don't recommend continuing to make trouble tonight, Chen Ke. After 2 a.m., even the curfew patrol will be withdrawn, and the whole city will have to close its doors at that time." Jacob took out his pocket watch and looked at it.

Chen Ke looked at Jacob, not understanding what the meaning of after 2 o'clock was.

"After 2 o'clock until dawn, it is the hunters' time. We should not disturb them." Jacob said.

He stood up, patted Chen Ke, and motioned him to follow.

"Where are we going?" Chen Ke asked.

"I guess you have nowhere to stay. I'll take you to a place where you can sleep safely for a night." Jacob said.

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