This aura is deadly

Chapter 447 Brain in a Vat

The surrounding walls peeled apart and bricks fell onto the bed and floor before dissipating into small, colorful particles.

The scene was shrouded in darkness, and Chen Ke fell downwards. Under the acceleration of gravity, Chen Ke fell faster and faster, and fell onto a flat surface with a bang.

His body trembled violently, his chest hit the ground first, and his head hit the ground. No sound was made, but a strong impact hit him from the inside, and he punched his chest hard.

Chen Ke groaned, "Pfft...", his throat felt hot and he spit out blood.

The darkness in front of him slowly dissipated, and Chen Ke couldn't feel his legs and left arm. He was lying on his stomach, his head tilted on the floor, and there was a pool of purple liquid in front of his eyes.

The floor is white, and the beep-de-de-de sounds from various electronic instruments can be heard in the ears. Opposite Chen Ke is a row of gray jars.

There are more than a dozen cables as thick as an adult's arm inserted into these jars and fixed on some iron shelves. The cables were dragged to the ground, wrapped up in a mess, stuffed into the corners of the wall, and extended to both sides along the base of the wall.

The jar is as tall as a person, with a circle of LED light strips on top and bottom. Some jars have red lights flashing on the light strips, and some are green.

"The homecoming effect has occurred...the return has begun..."

"Are you sure you want to start now? He vomited blood..."

Chen Ke heard a man and a woman talking. He couldn't turn his head and could only keep his face on the ground and his right arm spread out to the side.

A pair of legs wearing black stockings and red high heels appeared in front of his eyes. The woman squatted down and seemed to be stroking her face.

"Help us again..." she said, speaking in Chinese.

Chen Ke couldn't see above, and only the woman's lower body was in his field of vision. She was wearing a white scientific research coat, and the black stockings at her knees were a little white due to the bending of her limbs.

"Preparing for the 742nd restart..." the woman said.

"Gudong... Gudong..." Chen Ke felt that his heart was being hit by some kind of pulse, as if someone was beating him in his stomach.

"Hmm..." Chen Ke groaned inhumanly, as if he had been injected with anesthetic, and his whole body was once again pulled into darkness.

I don’t know how long it took.

"Chen Ke?"

Someone called his name softly and shook his shoulders.

"Chen Ke?"

A nauseating feeling surged into his chest. As soon as Chen Ke opened his eyes, he put his left hand on the ground and retched for a while. He felt a cramp in his stomach, which only lasted for a moment and then stopped. Bitter juice oozed from the walls of his mouth. He put his hand into his mouth and saw purple blood sticking to his fingers.

"Chen Ke? You don't look good..."

Chen Ke looked up and saw Jacob squatting next to him.

Outside the window, the early morning sunshine in Longtown swept across the Thames River and shone straight into the windows of the abandoned building, bringing some warmth to the cold foggy city.

The children had already woken up and were eating with hard bread and a little milk in their hands. Jacob also held half of the bread in his hand, as if he wanted to share it with Chen Ke.

"What time is it now?" Chen Ke tried to stand up while holding on to the wall, but found that his lower body was unconscious.

Cold sweat ran down his forehead. Damn... he wouldn't be disabled after sleeping all night, would he?

"At 7:14, I woke up in the morning and found that you were still dreaming, so I didn't disturb you. I went out to get some food and came back." Jacob explained.

"I...had a nightmare..." Chen Ke sighed, put his hands on the ground, and tried hard to feel his lower body.

"Oh... I can see that you looked bad that morning, and you were talking in your sleep, in a language I couldn't understand... Chen Ke, are you sure you're okay?" Jacob asked.

"I..." Chen Ke tried again and felt that his little toe could move, and then his entire left leg. Although it was still very stiff, it was better than not feeling anything.

"I'm fine. It's too cold. I'm just a little stiff. You go take care of the children and I'll be fine..." Chen Ke urged, not wanting Jacob to see his embarrassment.

"The children can take care of themselves. I will arrange for them to track down the four Edwards today." Jacob smiled.

"Very good. This way I can help you as soon as possible." Chen Ke nodded.

"Well... you'd better eat something. Although this bread is not very pleasant to chew, at least it will fill your stomach. I will help you get some milk..." Jacob stuffed the bread to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke waved his hand, pointed to a child under the diagonal wall, and said, "I'm not hungry. You can give it to the older boys. I saw a tall and thin guy who seemed to be quite hungry. He must have not eaten. full."

"That's Dayage. He always has a big appetite. Are you sure you don't want to eat?" Jacob asked again.

"I have no problem. Show these diamonds to the children, and then..." Chen Ke said as he took out the wallet in his pocket.

"Wait a minute... where is my holy diamond..." Chen Ke was stunned, his wallet was empty.

Jacob looked at Chen Ke, showed a helpless expression, clapped his hands towards the children, and then shouted: "Jack!"

A child of about 6 years old raised his head, looked at Jacob, and quickly put his hands behind his back.

"Come here, Jack." Jacob waved.

"Please, Jacob!" Jack sighed.

"Come here, quickly!" Jacob ordered.

The other children looked at Jack while eating bread, and they all smiled secretly.

Jack came to Chen Ke, his hands still behind his back. Jacob put one hand on his waist and the other on his forehead, and said, "Jack, return the things to this gentleman."

"Can I keep one?" Jack asked.

"No." Jacob shook his head.

"Just one!" Jack bargained.

"Give it all back to him, Jack! He's our guest!" Jacob urged with his fists clenched.

"Okay, okay..." Jack sighed and handed the five blue diamonds to Chen Ke.

Chen Ke took the diamonds and smiled, "Your name is Jack?"

"Yes, sir." Jack replied shyly.

"This kid always causes trouble for me. Your wallet and gun were stolen by him from the police station." Jacob shook his head and held his forehead.

Chen Ke held Jack's hand and smiled, "I don't have anything to give you, but I promise to bring you a souvenir next time we meet."

"Oh! Really? It's better to have something valuable!" Jack, who was originally depressed, suddenly became energetic and grabbed Chen Ke's wrist with his cold hand.

"I'll try my best, Jack..." Chen Ke glanced at Jacob and said. Jacob spread his hands, indicating that he had no way.

The perception of the whole body returned to normal. Chen Ke moved his shoulders and knees and stood up with the help of the wall. The short-term hemiplegia just now scared Chen Ke a lot.

Somehow, he felt that his physical condition seemed to have changed a lot recently. He never needed to sleep, but he actually fell asleep last night and returned to his college days.

Chen Ke didn't think it was just a dream... but it was hard to say whether it was a time travel... and the second dream was even stranger. He knew very well that he was there at the time.

What are the origins of those researchers who communicate in Chinese? Chen Ke couldn't tell whether that experience was a simple time travel or his own memory...

Chen Ke had a natural resistance to all research facilities and laboratories. He didn't want to become a human body material for scientific lunatics to slice and study.

Thinking of this, Chen Ke suddenly felt a lot of pressure. He had a bad premonition...

What if everything he experienced... was just the imagination of the brain in the vat?

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