This aura is deadly

Chapter 448 The fourth random analysis

When the bell of Big Ben rang for the eighth time, more than a dozen boys and girls climbed out of the windows on the back side of the street, stretching out their hands vigorously.

Some of them climbed along the bulges in the wall to the roof, while others slid down the alley and then sneaked into the crowd on the street. The remaining children in the house started cleaning.

According to Jacobs, the children worked in separate shifts, rotating every three days and swapping blocks to avoid being targeted by the police station.

But even so, as long as they stay in Longtown City long enough, every child will eventually become a familiar face at the security station.

However, the Sheriff at the Security Station also knows very well that the little thieves all over Langtown are like little eyes inserted all over the Langtown map, able to see and hear many secrets.

Moreover, they will only steal small items such as change and pocket watches from pedestrians and will not cause much harm.

So with a little bribery and intelligence, Jacob and his children would be tolerated by Longtown's policing system.

Chen Ke followed Jacob out of the window. He watched Jacob climb onto the roof easily with his hands and feet, while he could only sit on the window sill and stare.

Jacob hung down a rope, and Chen Ke grabbed him and climbed up on the wall.

He was pulled up to the roof by Jacob. He stood on the edge of the roof and looked into the distance. The coolness in the air reached into his bones. Chen Ke saw Jacob exhale hot breath.

The Thames River was surging, and several steamships were swimming downstream. The gray-white chimneys began to emit harmful gases into the sky early in the morning. The streets were crowded with horse-drawn carriages that were unable to move forward due to road congestion.

Someone was yelling and cursing downstairs, and the horses were panting listlessly. It turned out that in the 19th century, there was already such a thing as traffic jams.

"I took a sharp breath, as if I was smoking a cigarette. Black charcoal ash could be seen dancing in the air. There must be many people in Longton City suffering from lung disease." Chen Ke said.

"Isn't it normal to have carbon ash in the air? After all, there are so many factories." Jacob was puzzled.

"So...what are we going to do now?" Chen Ke asked.

Jacob put two fingers into his mouth and blew. At the same time, the children who had climbed out of the window earlier appeared from the nearby roof.

He stretched out his palm to Chen Ke. Chen Ke suddenly understood, took out his wallet from his pocket, took out a blue holy diamond and put it in Jacob's hand.

Jacob picked up the holy diamond, raised it towards the children, and then made a gesture.

" this a thief's codeword?" Chen Ke thought to himself.

The children understood, retreated behind the roof chimneys and billboards, and ran away.

"Okay, I have told them all the necessary information, and then just wait quietly." Jacob said.

"Uh... what do those gestures mean?" Chen Ke asked.

"Mox, I know Edward, Orange, report back when you find him." Jacob said.

"I think the gesture you just made is not too complicated...can it contain so much information?" Chen Ke was a little surprised.

"I lied to you. I told them when you were sleeping. I just showed them the shape of the diamond and told them to be careful." Jacob patted Chen Ke on the shoulder and laughed.

Chen Ke shook his head. Jacob turned around and walked towards the edge of the eaves, and jumped down without saying anything.

"Fuck...Hey!" Chen Ke was startled. He quickly ran up and looked down, and found Jacob emerging from the haystack behind a carriage.

With nothing to do, Chen Ke and Jacob strolled around the streets. Jacob's purpose of shopping was actually to secretly protect his children, while Chen Ke was just rolling over the road.

There was not much to do on the streets in the 19th century, and he never understood why there were so many people on the streets of Longtown.

People are crowded shoulder to shoulder on the narrow sidewalk, and there are endless carriages beside them. Some horses defecate on the spot when they are stuck in traffic. The stench is mixed with coal residue in the air and damages the olfactory nerves. It also tortures the lungs.

Moreover, the sanitation situation of the people in Longtown is really worrying for Chen Ke. There are sewage flowing across the street, high-rise residents who throw feces and urine on the street whenever they disagree, and there is also a faint smell of shit coming from nowhere...

He was glad that at least he didn't need to go to the sewers on this errand. He might have been disgusting in there, definitely worse than the sewers in Opportunity City.

While Jacob was busy with his own affairs, Chen Ke leaned against the wall leisurely and observed the people of this era. He had no interest in consumption and was too lazy to wander into the store. The two dreams last night made him a little confused.

After a rare moment of leisure, Chen Ke finally began his fourth thought to clarify his situation and goals.

First of all, he lost Xu Jing. Without Xu Jing, Chen Ke would not be able to return to the 21st century United States Federation in 2009.

The thing Xu Jing entrusted Chen Ke to do was small, and there was no way to go back to 2009. Diana and Wang Ailin were afraid that they would die at the hands of Lin Yayin's assassins. This was not what Chen Ke wanted to happen.

But without Angel's Elegy, the power of Angel's Ashes cannot be fully exerted. After all, there is no fire immunity. Chen Ke will be burned to death before the temperature of Chen Ke's palm reaches 1000 degrees.

As long as he can retrieve the Holy Diamond and cooperate with so many souls obtained in the last battle, he feels that he is still capable of fighting against another Chen Ke.

And Xu Jing is very likely to be in the hands of another Chen Ke. After all, with Xu Jing’s foundation agent skills, there are not many things in this world that can trap her. Even if she and the secret keeper meet face to face, she will not suffer. .

But the question is, what if things are more complicated than that...?

Maybe another Chen Ke has left this era with Xu Jing?

Thinking of this, Chen Ke became very anxious and strongly denied this hypothesis.

The cycle of the Van Hed Great Void has been completed. Chen Ke's life portal can no longer enter there, and he cannot jump back to the United Federation of Nations in 2009 from there.

Even if he uses his own ability to go back, based on past experience, he will lose at least half a month. This will undoubtedly make Wang Aileen's situation dangerous.

Diana is a member of the Administration. Even if Lin Yayin's people don't take this into consideration, Diana still has a certain ability to protect herself after being injected with psychic energy, but Wang Aileen is just a scientific researcher...

Only Xu Jing can take him back to the moment when they set out.

This is obviously what he needs to deal with now, but it is not the point. What confuses him most now is the two dreams last night.

Is this world real? Chen Ke stretched out his right hand and looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar palm and fingerprints.

He can feel that his body is working, but as we all know, without the heart as a muscle pump, blood cannot circulate in the body. Without eating and excretion, the human body cannot metabolize.

This state of death will cause the body to accumulate corpse spots and worry about rotting. Then the muscles will become wretched, the skin will wither, and finally the whole person will become a mummy.

But Chen Ke's state is extremely unreasonable.

He has no heart, and his blood does not circulate, but the places that should be filled with blood can still be filled with blood. His face will still turn red when he is angry, and he can feel changes in cold and warm, but he has lost his response to cold and warm.

Chen Ke can live without breathing, but he can still breathe on his own, eat various things, and become unresponsive after swallowing them below the throat. However, judging from the experience of repeated trauma, Chen Ke still has internal organs.

After thinking so much, Chen Ke himself wanted to cut himself open to see what was inside his body. Not only was he filled with irrationality, but this magically modified world also made him feel like a joke.

This life countdown, on the one hand, helped Chen Ke a lot, but on the other hand, without it, Chen Ke would not have experienced these things.

"The 742nd restart." Chen Ke said to himself.

All questions hit this sentence. What does this sentence mean? Chen Ke not only fantasized.

If I really only exist in a dream, will it be my dream that restarts?

But when you think about it, it's unlikely. After all, restarting is an operation of clearing everything and starting over, unless the people in the dream give restart a new meaning.

But after the dream ended, I returned to Longtown in the 19th century, and everything continued as usual.

Chen Ke looked at the gray-white sky. It would be great if Wang Aileen was here.

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