This aura is deadly

Chapter 449 Black Knight Armor

Time passed slowly, and throughout the day, Chen Ke followed Jacob around the streets of Longton, and finally understood how his small band of thieves continued to operate.

Since time travel, Chen Ke has never had such a long period of leisure. In addition, the countdown to life is like a watch, imprinted in his field of vision and counting seconds continuously. Chen Ke feels very uncomfortable with this sudden leisure. adapt.

Longtown is a big city. Even if you want to drive a carriage from east to west, you have to run for several hours. Throughout the whole day, Chen Ke and Jacob basically wandered around North Longtown.

He saw many new bourgeoisie entering theaters and salons. Drunkards who had no money to pay for drinks were thrown out of taverns by thugs. In the afternoon, people from different classes gathered in cafes to talk.

In the 19th century, the aristocracy had become history and the monarchy had gone bankrupt. However, the poor people who had been exploited by the aristocratic rentier class did not cheer for long before ushering in the era of capitalism.

Chen Ke knows how the world will change in the next 200 years. Labor income will continue to decrease, but asset appreciation income will steadily increase. In the end, the rich will become richer, and the poor will become poorer.

The greatest wealth in this world is not money, but the power to control other people's time and skills, and to occupy the value of other people's labor. Money is just a meaningless symbol, a perfect lie.

"Hey. What are you thinking about?" Jacob patted Chen Ke and handed him a bottle of beer.

It was already 6 p.m., and Chen Ke and Jacob were sitting on a bench in a small park, staring at the lake in front of them in a daze.

Chen Ke took the dark green beer bottle, raised his head and took a sip. The wine completely disappeared after passing through his throat.

Jacob picked up a stone and threw it towards the lake. The small stone bounced three times on the lake before sinking into the water.

"Don't worry Chen Ke. It takes time to collect intelligence. Sometimes you may have to wait for many days." Jacob turned back and looked at Chen Ke.

Chen Ke didn't answer. He just nodded symbolically and sighed deeply. Jacob would not understand the importance of time to Chen Ke.

Although waiting a few more days will not cause Chen Ke to die suddenly, based on the current development of the situation, the longer he waits, the lower the chance that Chen Ke will find Xu Jing, and the greater the chance that another Chen Ke will leave this era.

"Your children, can you help me pay more attention partner?" Chen Ke asked.

"It's not difficult to find people from Phoenix Republic in Longtown. If they find them, they will tell me. In fact...why do you think Mr. Dickens met you for the second time in the coffee shop by chance? ?" Jacob laughed.

"Are you following me?" Chen Ke was stunned.

"Not really, but you know, it's rare for the face of the Scarlet Phoenix Republic to appear in Longtown, and not as a laborer. And Dickens said that his curiosity was aroused when he first met you. ." Jacob explained.

"His curiosity is too strong, it will kill him." Chen Ke said. Suddenly, he seemed to feel something was wrong, and turned his head suddenly to look at Jacob.

"Huh? What did you think of?" Jacob asked.

"Feihuang...republic? In 1859, they became a republic?" Chen Ke asked.

"You're asking me this. The place you came from is...not quite the same as us, right?" Jacob asked back.

"This is hard to explain to you." Chen Ke took a deep breath.

"I can probably tell that you are not from here." Jacob gestured. He should mean that the two people are not in the same time and space, but his cultural level is too low, and it is still difficult to describe this kind of thing.

"Jacob, knowing too much is not a good thing. You live a happy life...I think this is good." Chen Ke shook his head, not wanting to tell him about time.

"I'm more broad-minded. In fact, I'm not that surprised. After all, there are a lot of weird things in this world." Jacob spread his hands.

He stepped on the bench, sat on the back of the chair, took out the top hat from his arms and put it on. He stopped talking to Chen Ke and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Jacob! Jacob!"

At the park gate, a child shouted and ran towards Chen Ke and Jacob.

Jacob jumped off the bench, and Chen Ke turned his head to look at the child.

"Did you find anything? Robert?" Jacob asked, squatting in front of the child.

"We followed your instructions and went to the city to observe for a day. Two of the four Mr. Edwards were not in Longtown." Robert shook his head.

"Four Edwards, which four are they?" Chen Ke asked curiously.

"Baron Meaux's social circle is not small, but he has a relatively private circle of friends. Maybe I haven't told you about it... Mr. Sean, Meaux, and several other gentlemen, they... established a Wife swapping club." Jacob said, hugging his chest.

"These jazz guys are really good at playing. No wonder Sean gave the diamond to Mox..." Chen Ke shook his head.

"Not all the four Edwards that Baron Meaux knows are doctors. The only ones currently in the city are Mr. Edward Howard and Mr. Edward Norton." Robert added.

"Why are the other two not in the city?" Chen Ke asked. If the two men left Longton with the diamonds, things would be a little complicated.

"The other two Mr. Edwards left Longtown two weeks ago, seemingly to deal with business matters." Robert answered.

"It seems you don't have to worry anymore, you understand what I mean." Jacob said.

Chen Ke nodded. It was a week after his death. If they left two weeks ago, it had nothing to do with him.

"Where are the other two? What did you find?" Chen Ke asked again.

"Tonight, Sir Edward Norton is holding a small private party at his home and has invited many diamond tasters. Maybe your diamond is at his place." Robert said.

"You see, Chen Ke, we are lucky. Since he invited the diamond taster to his private party, it is obvious that your diamond must be in his hands." Jacob smiled.

"Wait... where is the other Mr. Edward?" Chen Ke asked.

"Mr. Howard has not done much recently, but we all know that he likes Baron Meaux's wife very much." Robert said.

"Perhaps they were planning to swap wives for fun? Isn't there anything noteworthy about Howard this week?" Chen Ke asked again.

"Hmm... let me think about it, the newsboy on North Street seemed to have told me that Mr. Howard likes to collect antiques. He got a set of black knight armor a few days ago and has been staying behind closed doors recently..." Robert said.

"Let's go to Howard's house tonight." Chen Ke stood up and decided immediately.

"Are you sure? Aren't you looking" Jacob said in surprise.

"Maybe we can find something more interesting in Sir Howard's house." Chen Ke said.

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