This aura is deadly

Chapter 457 Chen Ke vs Chen Ke

In just an instant, the black mist rushed in front of Chen Ke and transformed into a human form again.

The other Chen Ke strangled Chen Ke's neck with one hand, pinched his right wrist holding the gun with the other hand, and with a force, actually lifted him up on the spot.

Chen Ke's Adam's apple was almost pinched by the other party. Even if he didn't need to breathe, he subconsciously stuck out his tongue.

Chen Ke's whole body flashed with orange light, and Angeli's armor quickly replaced his clothes. He grabbed the other Chen Ke's right wrist with his left hand, causing the armor to burst into red flames.

This armor has the ability to explode with flames, but Chen Ke has never used it. After all, he has Angele's Ash, which is much higher in temperature and power than the armor itself.

But considering that there were many people who were trapped in this building, Chen Ke didn't want to hurt innocent people.

The power of the flames was released instantly and washed out against the other Chen Ke's face. High-temperature flames burst out from Chen Ke's armor like an explosion, igniting the other person's clothes.


The flame wave swept away on the fourth floor of the orphanage, and the clothes of another Chen Ke burned, revealing his bronze skin.

Chen Ke was surprised to find that the flames could not hurt him at all. The flames moved around his body, as if they were one body with him.

The opponent's right hand used some more strength, and Chen Ke felt that his throat had been pinched, his thumb dug through the flesh of his neck, and he was pinching his spine hard.

Chen Ke stared at the other person, no longer caring about others. At this time, he could only fight with his life.

Another person, Chen Ke, was also surprised. He had never seen anyone still alive after his throat was pinched.

Chen Ke stretched out his left hand to grab the opponent's head. Angele's magic flame was released, and the entire left arm armor was burned into a hot orange-red by the sudden high temperature. This orange-red quickly spread from the left arm. , but the other party still didn't let go.

"What kind of trick is this?" Another Chen Ke said in a deep voice, feeling the difference in the flame.

"Burn you to death..." Chen Ke was speechless, hoping that the ashes of Angele could burn the opponent to death, just like how he dealt with the foundation's iron can in the Kingdom of Van Heder.

The high temperature caused all the flammable materials in the building to burst into flames, including those innocent people who did nothing wrong but met the wrong two people at the wrong time.

Flames were jumping up and down the walls, and the half-collapsed ceiling that had been shot down by the black gun was like the lid of a pot being opened, with flames and black smoke escaping toward the sky.

Although the opponent's skin still didn't burn, the magical flames had already taken effect. The other Chen Ke's bronze skin had been burned with red burns due to the high temperature, but he just grabbed his right wrist and refused to let the black gun go. aim.

The two sides wrestled with each other, both using their best strength. The strength of the two was not equal. As a family member, the other Chen Ke gave him an inhuman feeling.

He couldn't feel breathing, body temperature, or heartbeat. There was no pain on his face, only paranoia and hatred.

"Get out!" the other party yelled, letting go of Chen Ke and hitting Chen Ke's chest with his elbow. Although it couldn't hurt him, it knocked him back a few steps.

Chen Ke stepped firmly on his heels, steadied his body, seized this fleeting opportunity, and raised his hand to aim at the opponent with his black gun. I saw a flash of blue light in front of my eyes, and a sharp pain like tearing came from my right arm.

Moonlight Great Sword!

Chen Ke's right arm flew out along with the black gun, fell out of the window and downstairs. He groaned, and just as his throat recovered automatically, his right arm was removed by the other party. Chen Ke's right arm spurted out thick blood, and he half-knelt on the ground holding the wound.

The Moonlight Sword is a magical holy object, and Angeli's armor is like a layer of paper in front of it. The opponent didn't give him a chance to breathe, and struck hard with the giant sword in both hands.

Chen Ke recalled Angeli's armor and rolled back to avoid the pain. The high temperature burned his body. Then, he recalled Angeli's armor again.

Wearing heavy medieval armor, there is no way to roll over.

His right arm swelled out again, but the gun was indeed lost. The black stone did not return to his heart and must have fallen somewhere downstairs.

He stood up and snapped his fingers at the other Chen Ke, and the psychic burst blew him away. The other Chen Ke stabilized his body in the air and inserted the moonlight sword into the floor.

"You've been looking for one? Right?" Another Chen Ke challenged.

"You can't control him at all." Chen Ke said solemnly, his left hand flashed with a blue halo, he raised it above his head and threw it!

After the 100-hour psychic crystal gun left Chen Ke's hand, the narrow light spear gradually became thicker, like a giant stone pillar, shredding the windows on the wall together, and rushing toward the opponent like a torrent.

The other Chen Ke grasped the hilt of the Moonlight Sword with both hands, pulled out the sword suddenly, raised it high above his head, and slashed at the psychic crystal gun heading towards him.

The sword light condensed into blue air waves, roaring and splitting the power of the psychic crystal gun. It was the special power of the moonlight sword, the moonlight torrent.

The 100-hour psychic crystal gun was actually split apart by the Moonlight Torrent. It can only be said that either this skill is too basic and cannot be improved to 100 hours, or another Chen Ke has an extraordinary IQ and increases the power of the Moonlight Torrent. To the extreme, just like Wang Aileen.

Chen Ke snorted coldly, it must be because the skill of the psychic crystal gun is too rubbish!

The other Chen Ke turned into a ball of black mist and merged into the thick smoke in the room. Chen Ke could not catch his trace, but the killer's consciousness told him that the other party would definitely attack from behind.

With a hey, he summoned Angele's armor, quickly ran forward, gritted his teeth, and jumped out of the window. He only heard the sound of breaking through the air, and a blue air wave passed by, almost killing him. Cut off his own legs.

Chen Ke fell from the fourth floor and fell to the ground. He broke his collarbone, shoulder blade, sixteen ribs, and his spine. He lay on the ground and choked out a mouthful of blood. Two seconds later, his body immediately recovery.

Another Chen Ke fell from the sky, grabbed the moonlight with one hand and stabbed him down. As soon as Chen Ke turned over, the place where he had just been lying exploded. The moonlight sword bloomed with blue light, even in the burning flames. It can't hide its unique light.

Chen Ke stood up, took a few steps back, and faced him, preparing to throw the psychic crystal gun with both hands while looking for traces of the black stone.

At the same time, the fire alerted the nearby security station, and the fire-fighting insurance company team had already arrived with water tankers.

"I know what mankind will face. I have been to a time and space where there was only red sand and the kingdom of gods. There were only gods and their families on the earth. There was no place for humans. That was the end of mankind." Another Chen Keyao He shook his head, looked at Chen Ke and said solemnly.

"If you want Xu Jing, come to me." After he said that, he turned into a ball of black smoke and disappeared, leaving only Chen Ke and this mess.

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