This aura is deadly

Chapter 458 Price

Chen Ke spent some time looking for the black stone before finally leaving.

Later that day, the fires that broke out in various parts of Langdon City became the talk of the town's citizens.

The number of customers in the cafe surged, and people were discussing the cause of the fire and speculating on conspiracy theories.

The police station kept silent about these fires, especially about the orphanage.

All the events seemed to be deliberately hidden by a mysterious force.

Ms. Maria stood under the clock tower with a silver cane, looking at the orphanage on the other side of the Thames.

At the same time, Dean William also sat on the balcony of his mansion, letting the rocking chair rock slowly, staring at the turbulent river in a daze.

"The moon knows everything, will it leak secrets?" William whispered, and then laughed self-deprecatingly.

At night, Chen Ke came to the Good Golden Cup Hospital and found Jacob's ward. He covered his eyes and was leaning quietly against the head of the bed, with little Jack by his side.

The wall clock was ticking, and it was 9:28 p.m.

"I failed, Jacob." Chen Ke said.

"What did you find there?" Jacob asked.

"I ran into some trouble, and it was already burned to ashes." Chen Ke walked to the window and said helplessly.

"At least you tried your best. There were many fires in the city, and there would be reasons for this. It seems that things are beyond my expectations..." Jacob sighed.

Jacob was powerless to touch the extraordinary level. He thought Chen Ke could help him, but it seemed that the danger of this matter was beyond his expectations.

The two fell into silence. Little Jack could not understand what they said, so he could only sit quietly in the chair.

Chen Ke looked at the wall clock. The minute hand just pointed to 6. It was 9:30 p.m. He also sighed, hugged his chest and stared at the moonlight outside the window in a daze.

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought, recalling the words left by another Chen Ke before leaving.

"...There are only red sand and the kingdom of God. There are only gods and their families on earth. There is no place for people. That is the end of mankind..." Chen Ke thought of the dream-like illusion again. A white creature riding a horse, leading a deformed army, confronted him on the red soil. "I am the beginning and the end. I will give sweet springs to those thirsty people for free..." Has the other Chen Ke also seen such a scene? What does it mean? Moreover, in that illusion, Chen Ke clearly saw that he was holding the black gun in his heart in his left hand, and six green holy diamonds were lying in the palm of his right hand. It was a destined war, like a fatal promise. The question is, where did that war take place...? When did it happen? Chen Ke closed his eyes and leaned against the wall. For a while, he felt sleepy again. Not only was he sleepy, but a strong feeling of suffocation came up, as if his lungs were filled with water, and he felt like he was soaked in water. He suddenly opened his eyes, trembled, and returned to reality. He felt his body was wet, and his shirt was inexplicably wet. He unbuttoned his collar and wiped his collarbone, and his hands were all wet.

"What did you find there?" Jacob asked.

"Ah?" Chen Ke was stunned and looked back at Jacob.

"Orphanage..." Jacob spread his hands.

"I... told you about it before, right?" Chen Ke asked.

"Did you?" Jacob asked back.

Little Jack looked at Chen Ke with a confused expression on his face.

Chen Ke looked at the wall clock for some reason, 9:28 pm...

He looked at the life countdown again, and did not make up for the two minutes that had passed because of this strange situation.

"Why are you wet?" Jack asked suddenly.

Chen Ke looked at Jack awkwardly, and then looked down at his feet. There was a water mark where he was standing, and the floor was wet, as if someone had urinated there.

"I have a sweaty physique..." Chen Ke explained.

"Oh." Little Jack nodded in relief, not knowing whether he really believed Chen Ke or didn't want to ask more.

"It's not over yet, Jacob. I need...your children to help me find someone." Chen Ke said.

"I hope the person you are looking for will not bring danger to them." Jacob said.

"An Asian, like me. He may be wearing a black suit, that's all I know." Chen Ke said.

Jacob was silent for a while.

The other Chen Ke asked Chen Ke to find him, but did not tell Chen Ke where he would appear, but since he said so, he would not hide himself.

They had a brief fight during the day, and in terms of pure combat power, the other Chen Ke could definitely beat him.

"Xu Jing's information is wrong, that Chen Ke...his combat power is not low, and he has many tricks..." Chen Ke said secretly.

And he was holding his own Moonlight Greatsword, which was very convenient to use.

"The Foundation has killed that Chen Ke many times before, it is impossible not to know his details, unless he accidentally gained some power this time..." Chen Ke thought.

"Chen Ke, my children can help you find him." Jacob said.

Chen Ke looked at Jacob and said nothing.

"You are right, Chen Ke. I can't defeat this era with a revolver. Maybe some things just don't have answers." Jacob sighed.

"You have only been blind for an afternoon, how come you have become a philosopher?" Chen Ke shook his head.

"Because I found that I have never been so arrogant, reflecting and thinking about myself in the dark." Jacob said.

"The Jacob I know is not like this." Little Jack jumped off the chair, somewhat unable to believe that his idol would actually say such a thing.

"I'm not afraid of those monsters, Jack, but if I just get close to them, before I have a chance to see them, I will be affected by their power and become like this. Maybe the best way is to stay away from them." Ya Each preaches.

"That's an extraordinary level of power. It doesn't need to do anything to you to defeat you... That's part of it." Chen Ke shrugged.

Alienated individuals with memetic infection capabilities and rational attack methods are opponents that ordinary people cannot match. Even an agent of the Authority like Diana would be infected without special protective equipment.

"You've never said anything like that before." Jack shook his head.

"That's because I've never encountered such a situation before..." Jacob sighed.

Jack had nothing to say, but Chen Ke could tell that he was a little unhappy.

"I just stepped through the iron gate, walked in, and then lost consciousness. If Chen Ke wasn't next to me at that time, maybe you would only see me in tomorrow's Longtown Morning News." Jacob said helplessly.

"But Chen Ke has that kind of power, doesn't he? There is always a way to make other people become like him, right?" Jack asked.

Jacob sighed. Children don't understand the adult world. Even if they do, how can others give it to you so easily?

"You don't know what price you have to pay to obtain this power." Chen Ke shook his head.

"I'm willing to pay any price." Jack said.

"I'll give you this power, but you can only live for 5 hours. Are you willing?" Chen Ke asked.

Jack was silent.

"Jack, don't pry into that kind of thing, we have our own way of survival." Jacob advised.

Jack didn't speak and sat back on the chair. Then, Jacob told Jack to follow Chen Ke's instructions and mobilize the children to take to the streets tomorrow morning to find the Asian man.

Jack nodded, glanced at Chen Ke again, and left the ward.

Watching Jack's leaving back, Chen Ke felt a little worried. He knew that Jack would not give up pursuing this kind of power, because Chen Ke had also seen Jack's power-hungry eyes in Badr's eyes.

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