This aura is deadly

Chapter 462 Three Things

Chen Ke walked down the stairs and entered the three-person-wide passage. Judging from the length of the stairs extending downward, the space below was very huge.

Chen Ke walked down for more than half an hour before the road began to become smoother. The wide corridor led to several walkways. The space became larger as he walked in. The echoes from his footsteps distracted Chen Ke.

"Is there anyone there? Hello?" Chen Ke tried to call.

His husky voice carried down the corridor before being swallowed by darkness. As he moved forward, the small lights on both sides of the passage lit up with his steps. On the walls on both sides of the passage, the words "Emergency Escape Passage" were written in Chinese characters, with red background and white letters, which looked particularly friendly.

There was no one in the passage. It seemed that this passage did not play any emergency evacuation role. Many of the rooms on both sides of these passages are locked with electronic doors of various levels. The structure is like some kind of science laboratory. But judging from the machine gun turrets hanging on the walls, its security level is much higher than that of an ordinary laboratory.

Chen Ke could only rely on the small lamp attached to the corner of the corridor for illumination. He did not dare to go any further for fear of getting lost in this dark underground passage. If he was completely lost, he, a mortal, would die of hunger and thirst. in.

Just as he paused, an electronic synthesized sound came from the speakers embedded in the wall.

"Please follow the light."

As soon as he finished speaking, the small lights in the other corridors went out, leaving only the corridor where Chen Ke was standing with the small lights still on.

"Who are you? Where are you?" Chen Ke looked up and looked around, trying to see if there were any cameras or anything like that.

"Follow the light, the answer you want is at the end." The electronic synthesized voice said.

Chen Ke hesitated for a moment, followed the instructions of the electronic synthesized voice, and walked along the lighted corridor. After a while, he came to an open underground space similar to a hangar.

To put it bluntly, this place is as big as an underground airport, and there are actually several sci-fi-looking airplanes parked there, as well as several vehicles similar to chariots parked in the middle of the road, with the doors still open.

In the distant darkness of this space, a six-story restraint rack could be vaguely seen, standing silently in the distant darkness. This reminded him of the racks where robots are parked in mecha cartoons.

The indicator light on the ground turned into a small orange light embedded in the ground, extending to the opposite side. Like an ant crossing a flying pancake, Chen Ke walked through this wide and huge underground space and came to a huge iron gate. .

The height of the iron door was much higher than the restraint rack. Fortunately, he didn't need to find any way to open the door, because the iron door was not closed firmly, leaving a gap big enough for one person to enter.

Chen Ke walked into the iron gate, and it was pitch dark inside. He just took a few steps forward when a light suddenly came on on the ground.

White light illuminated the corner of the room. To his right, rows of round jars were hung on the wall through a mechanical structure, accumulating upwards. The jars were filled with thick black cables, just like what he saw in his dream. Arriving exactly the same.

Then, another light was turned on, and the same scene happened on the wall on the left. The lights were turned on one by one. The walls on both sides of the room were covered with these large iron cans.

Each jar has a three-digit number, and underneath the number, the letters H.C.P are engraved.

"The this a Foundation facility?" Chen Ke said in surprise.

What surprised him even more was what came next.

In the innermost part of this huge space, there is also a restraint rack with a huge thing hanging on it.

The light source kept turning on, and Chen Ke saw clearly what was hanging on the restraint rack. It was a huge pile of shriveled internal organs. The upper part was a heart-stopping blood-red color, and the lower part had turned black, with a thick The fleshy penis protruded from the organ and was connected to the navel of a huge humanoid lying on the ground below.

Chen Ke was shaking all over. He didn't know what was lying in front of him. That thing occupied a large area. If it stood up, it would probably be one-third of the height of the restraint frame. However, it couldn't stand up because this thing only had Upper body.

"What is this..." Chen Ke carefully observed the giant thing lying on the ground. It had its face turned sideways, one arm stretched forward, and there were seven closed eyes on its face, three on the right cheek, and one on the left. Four cheeks.

On the floor in front of the giant thing, there was a pool of purple dried blood, and the number on the nearest iron can was 999.

"You're finally here." The electronically synthesized voice said.

" this one?" Chen Ke pointed at the lying giant and looked into the darkness around him and asked.

"No, I am just an ordinary human being like you." The electronic synthesized voice said.

"Then why don't you come out and talk to me face to face? Do you have water and food?" Chen Ke asked again.

"You must have suffered a lot to get here." The electronic synthesized voice said.

"Don't say something I don't understand. Who are you?" Chen Ke asked.

"I am Lin Yan, a member of the All-powerful Council of the Cradle of Humanity Project." Lin Yan said.

"The foundation...did you ask Xu Jing to send me here?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, I don't know Xu Jing." Lin Yan said calmly.

"Then..." Chen Ke was confused.

"I know you have a lot of questions, but I also know that you are unlikely to know how to ask. I don't have much time. Next, I will tell you three things. Whether you accept it or not, believe it or not, this is a given. reality." Lin Yan said.

"I...listen." Chen Ke didn't know where to look, so he could only stare at the huge object in front of him.

"The first thing is that humans are extinct and you are the only human here." Lin Yan wrote lightly.

"What the hell... you...? Damn it. Wait a minute..." Chen Ke felt that his world view was impacted.

"The second thing is that you do not really exist here, but exist in the form of a quantum superposition state. From a scientific point of view, you are just a kind of music, a visual signal in a specific frequency band."

"I...I just..." Chen Ke pinched his body, not feeling that he was unreal.

"The third thing is that the human world has been restarted 999 times. The purpose is to give humans another chance to develop a more advanced civilization beyond our current level and win the war with the gods. The world you are in, This is the world after the 999th restart." Lin Yan ignored Chen Ke's surprise and then said the third thing.

"Are you kidding me?" Chen Ke quickly recalled the three things Lin Yan said and couldn't believe it at all.

"This is true. The world you are in now is the basic reality, the true appearance of the world. And the place you were in before, no matter what you have experienced, is in subjective reality, and it is our ability to use the descendants of gods. The timeline created by interfering with time." Lin Yan said.

"I've heard different versions of this statement. The three of you said completely different things. Who should I believe?" Chen Ke asked.

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