This aura is deadly

Chapter 463 The last firewood

"You have seen what the world has become. Who do you think you should believe?" Lin Yan asked.

"Maybe this is just another world of death, or some great void. Who knows, I've been through many battles. I haven't seen any scenes before." Chen Ke said angrily.

Chen Ke found a big box and sat on it. His mouth was dry, his head was buzzing, and he no longer had the energy to argue anymore.

"It can be seen that you have experienced a lot, but do you really think that this is just another abandoned time and space?" Lin Yan continued to ask.

Chen Ke didn't answer. He was now an ordinary person, without any abilities and unarmed.

"You already have the answer in your heart. You just don't want to face it. This is the basic reality, the end of time, and you are just the remnant from a restarted world. So your abilities and your equipment no longer exist. Lin Yan said again.

"If this is what this world really looks like, then what else can you do? I am the only unreal human being left in the world, and this is what you can do after restarting the timeline? What do you want me to do for you? ? Rushing out to fight with the gods with bare hands? Why am I here? I ate hot pot and sang songs, and then traveled through time after sleeping. How did you think I survived these past few months? There is no way to kill him, and now he still wants to kill God?" Chen Ke sighed.

"Just because we can't do it, it doesn't mean that humans can't do it. That's why we use the power of gods to interfere with the timeline. In its dreams, it replays the history of Homo sapiens over and over again, hoping that there will always be a time when humans can Find a way to kill the gods. But every time, human beings will collapse themselves due to internal problems." Lin Yan said.

"It sounds like you are just hiding in your bunker to buy lottery tickets. Since you can't kill God, what is this thing?" Chen Ke looked at the giant white thing and asked.

"It was in a near-death state when it was born. We just happened to get it. It is numbered HCP0001. It is an extraordinary means of the Foundation. We call it a deus ex machina. Its dreams can form rhythms that interfere with the timeline, and can control the relationship between reality and Traveling between dreams, but when the lingering sound of the dream travels into reality, its existence is only a superposition state, so you both exist and do not exist, and you have lost all abilities in the dream.

"You mean, I have been living in a dream... I can't accept it. That feeling... is so real, how could it be a dream?" Chen Kedao.

"God's Dream is just a name given by the Foundation to this ability. We still cannot explain the principle of this kind of dream in a scientific way, but it is feasible to use it to reverse time. Your life has really existed, but it has already It’s the past tense. We just restarted this period of time with the help of the power of the gods and gave it factors that only exist in the distant future. We hope that humans can contact and use that inhuman power as soon as possible to find a way to defeat the gods.” Lin Yan explained.

"Every time there is a restart, there will be slight deviations in the historical development process of mankind. The historical milestones of every country and every nation will be advanced or postponed, and the names will look different, but without exception, they will all be there. He was exposed to inhuman forces in the early years, and at the same time, two opposing organizations, the Foundation and the Seancer Sect, were born." Lin Yan continued.

"This is why the United States is not called the United States...and in that history, humans officially disclosed the power of psychic energy in 1910...why every time it is restarted, the two organizations, the Foundation and the Seance, are still haunted. Dispersed?" Chen Ke asked.

"Because it represents the two views of human beings on extraordinary power, a struggle between rationality and sensibility. But neither of them can find the answer to the problem, so they are not important." Lin Yan said.

"Then the country and era I live in...are also part of the restart?" Chen Ke asked.

"No, you come from the history of our world. In that era, inhuman forces did not exist. If I remember correctly, this year should be 2137, and you come from 2018." Lin Yan said.

"The god is dying. It was already a deformed fetus when it was delivered, and every time it restarts, the cost is life. You just said that our foundation only hides in the bunker to buy lottery tickets, but let me ask you, you Have you seen anyone alive?" Lin Yan asked.

"There's not even a body." Chen Ke answered truthfully.

"They, including me, are all in this jar. The price for the gods to restart the world is a human life, and the requirements for brain neuroactivity are extremely high. The foundation has brought together the world's top scientists and scholars, all of whom If you lie here and restart the world, one of you will die. I am the last one. I am in the 999th jar. Do you want to see me?" Lin Yan said.

Chen Ke jumped down from the box, walked to the right side of the white giant, and stopped in front of jar No. 999. He stroked the jar, and with a snap, the jar's shell came loose, and he opened the front shield, revealing the The glass bottle inside.

This glass bottle is filled with green liquid. A bald woman huddled inside, her body reduced to skin and bones, living only on nutrient solution. Her eyes were closed tightly, like a fetus still in amniotic fluid, motionless, and her body was covered with various tubes.

"What...are you talking to me through?" Chen Ke asked.

"I connected my brain to the computer to form a stream of consciousness. After restarting the world, my life force was exhausted. Now I am afraid I can only live for more than a week. By then, the power supply and life of this underground shelter will be The maintenance devices will all stop, and by then, humanity will truly be history." Lin Yan said.

"After 999 restarts, the Foundation will not have the power to restart the next time. This is why I want to call you from the subjective reality to the basic reality. When I restart the world, I will launch the power of this god together. In that new world, when a soul from the basic reality combines with a body in the subjective reality, he will become a god among humans and lead humans through a new childhood... Obviously, I succeeded, and you are that As the incarnation of a god, you will walk in time and space and become the guardian of mankind," Lin Yan continued.

"Why me...? Don't say that I am the reincarnation of that white thing." Chen Kedao.

"No reason, this is just one in 7 billion chance. I don't know who this power will end up in. I don't know if that person can hold on until the moment I call him to come here. You are An ordinary man and woman gave birth to an ordinary person, but from now on, you will become special. This is the mission I impose on you...observe the human world for the 999th time, if you think they don't have it either. I hope, just give them the 1,000th chance..." Lin Yan said.

"For the 1,000th asked me...what would happen to me if I did this? What about restarting the world before? What would happen?" Chen Ke breathed rapidly and asked.

"Disappear." Lin Yan said simply.

Chen Ke was silent.

"This is our sacrifice, this is the determination of mankind." Lin Yan said.

"You want me to drag everyone in the world to die together..." Chen Kedao.

"We... are already dead. You are the last chance for mankind to pass on the fire of mankind and let them find a way to kill the gods and avenge us!"

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