This aura is deadly

Chapter 464 White Knight

There was no emotion audible in Lin Yan's electronic voice, but his speaking speed was slower.

"But no matter how many times you restart, that world is not real, right? It is in the dream of the gods. Even if people find a way to kill the gods, they can't change the status quo." Chen Kebu Explain.

"The Dream of God interferes with the past time and forms a new timeline. When the time of that timeline reaches 2137, the subjective reality will have a superimposed effect on the objective reality." Lin Yan said.

"You mean, the dream world will replace reality?" Chen Ke asked.

" won't be a direct replacement. The superposition effect looks like the old world and the new world colliding together. The former is the phantom of the latter, like waves washing up on the beach. We call this effect Stranded for time," Lin Yan said.

"In 2137... how many times did time stranding occur in the 999 restarts?" Chen Ke asked.

"Not many... only 12 times." Lin Yan replied.

"After 999 restarts, only 12 worlds have reached 2137... Are you kidding me?" Chen Ke was a little surprised.

"In 2100, we first came into contact with the gods and began to study the use and harm of extraordinary powers. It was not until we lost control of them that we triggered the end of the world. In order to allow humans in the past a longer time to understand and study the powers of the gods, When the foundation restarted the world, it advanced the time when humans first came into contact with gods, which caused a series of problems," Lin Yan explained.

"The thirst for power, the abuse of extraordinary power... I understand that human beings always repeat the same mistakes. So what you want to tell me is that out of 999 restarts, only 12 worlds have resolved all disputes, and everyone has come together as one. Now, in this world, are all the other worlds trying to kill me?" Chen Ke asked.

"Most of them are like this." Lin Yan agreed.

"Most of it... and what's the small part?" Chen Ke smelled something ominous.

"There are still some parts of the world that have been invaded by gods... ushering in the end of the world ahead of schedule." Lin Yan said.

"Dreams can still be invaded..." Chen Ke was surprised.

"Those gods will not sit still and wait for death. They have been looking for and stopping the Foundation. This time I summoned you from subjective reality, which has led to the exposure here." Lin Yan said.

"Will they...come?" Chen Ke said.

"They are already on the way... But don't worry, your body is in subjective reality. You are just a frequency. He can't hurt you and can only drive you back to subjective reality." Lin Yan said.

"What about you?!" Chen Ke asked.

"There is no difference between me and death now." Lin Yan said.

"What if I fail you, what if I die before restarting the world?" Chen Ke asked.

"This is a big gamble, and you are my last bargaining chip. I have made the worst assumptions. What if the person who gets the power is still a child? What if he is a heinous gangster? What if he is dying. What should I do with the old man? Compared with those, the results for you in front of me are beyond good." Lin Yan said.

"I'm not as optimistic as you. abilities are all unlocked by stress. So far, I haven't been able to fully control this power...and the countdown to lifespan is constantly decreasing. If no one wants to kill me, I will die..." Chen Kedao.

"I know this god better than you do. Do you really think that is the countdown to your lifespan?" Lin Yan asked.

"At least that's what it says." Chen Ke said.

"You know that when gods communicate with people, they use some random words because they don't understand the multiple meanings of our language, right?" Lin Yan asked again.

Chen Ke thought about it, wasn't the black stone in his heart the same as urine?

"What does that countdown mean?"

"Why don't you try letting it go to 0?" Lin Yan said.

Chen Ke never thought of doing this.

"Time is your currency, use it well." Lin Yan said.

At this time, the huge iron door made a painful friction sound. Chen Ke turned around and saw a man about the same height as himself standing at the door, forcing the several-story door open with one hand.

Chen Ke stared at the man. Standing where the light source did not reach, he could only see a thick black shadow.

"Who are you..." Chen Ke asked.

The man didn't answer and walked quietly towards the white god lying on the ground.

"I am Alpha, I am Omega. I give the water of the fountain of life to the hungry and thirsty people on the earth to drink for free..." The man muttered and stood in the light source.

Chen Ke's heart sank, that was the figure he had glimpsed in his hallucination, a white thing riding a horse...

That man... can still be considered a human. He has a human body, and his whole body is covered with chitin-like shells. He is as muscular as a statue from the Roman era. Her long white hair fell to the ground, her face was handsome, with no emotions or sorrows visible, and her golden pupils shone brightly in the darkness.

"We...can cure you...we haven't given up on you yet." Lin Yan said.

"But we have given up on you." The man said.

He stretched out a hand and saw condensed golden particles in the air, which quickly condensed into a saber.

"I've seen you..." Chen Ke asked.

"I don't remember." The white thing said lightly. He stretched out his left hand and pulled the No. 999 can from the pipeline. With a fist, he squeezed the can into an iron ball.

Bai Wu let go of his hand, and the iron ball floating in the air fell to the ground with a thud.

Lin Yan was completely dead.

Chen Ke clenched his fists, but he did not exist here at this time. He had lost all his abilities and could not do anything.

"You are just an insect that has traveled through time and space. In the kingdom of God, there is no place for humans. Go back to your dreams and live your life through birth, old age, illness and death." Bai Wu said as he passed by Chen Ke. He went straight to the god lying on the ground.

"We will meet again, and when the time comes...damn, it will be an unforgettable battle for you." Chen Kedao.

"I'm waiting." Bai Wu looked back at Chen Ke, pierced the white god's head with a knife, and purple blood spurted out like a fountain.

Chen Ke's figure began to become blurry, and he felt a force pulling him, as if to tear him apart.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Chen Ke screamed in pain, his eyes went dark, and he heard a pop and fell into the deep dark sea.

The sound of gurgling water could be heard in his ears. He was rolling in the water, being caught by the rapid undercurrent and flowing in an unknown direction.

"Chen Ke?"

"Chen Ke?"

"Gulu gulu gulu..."


"Gulu gulu..."

"How come you...have so much water flowing out..."

"Uh huh..."

"Chen Ke!"

Chen Ke opened his eyes suddenly, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground. Xu Jing on the side grabbed his arm to prevent him from falling.

Chen Ke covered his forehead, took a swallow, and saw himself standing in front of a mirror.

He stood up and looked around. He was back. He was in the antique shop in Opportunity City, and Xu Jing was standing next to him.

Chen Ke was covered in water. He took out his phone and liquid dripped from the earphone hole.

"Chen Ke? You...what happened?" Xu Jing asked doubtfully.

Chen Ke calmed down and clutched his chest. He couldn't feel his heartbeat. In the corner of his eyes, the life countdown was still beating, with 19 hours and 20 minutes left.

"I heard that you are from 2137? Time is about to be stranded..." Chen Kedao.

"Ah?" Xu Jing was puzzled.

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