This aura is deadly

Chapter 47 P.W.A.T

Entering the familiar hall again, Morgan led the team to quickly occupy a favorable position and check every blind spot. The hall shone with an unnatural green light, caused by a "light deflection phenomenon" caused by the "hole punch" effect.

The 24 P.W.A.T members spread out, and after checking every pillar and every corner where people could hide, they gave a thumbs up to Morgan at the gate.

Morgan circled and punched, and the team slowly retreated, reuniting into two vertical lines. At this time, another team that entered from the back door also came to the lobby from the other side. They were located on one side of the elevator shaft. When they saw Morgan, they stretched out their hands and gave a thumbs up.

Morgan looked up at the two elevators in the side corridor of the lobby, and then at the safe passage on the right wall. His left hand pointed to the elevator shaft and then to the ground, making a grabbing gesture.

The backdoor team immediately dispersed, guarding every corner and passage leading upstairs.

Morgan raised his right hand and pointed to the safe passage, and the team followed him slowly forward.

Violet and the five agents were not so cautious. She took out a handheld device with a screen and stared at the interface that looked like a scanned picture. There was a large blue light spot in the center of the picture.

"The door is on the 6th floor. The singularity will move upwards. Chase it." Violet said.

"What to do with the surviving investigators?" a female agent asked.

"Leave it to P.W.A.T for evacuation." After Violet said that, she led the people towards the elevator.

Morgan planned to deal with the monsters layer by layer, and their work was divided into three steps. The first step is a thorough sweep to clear all floors. The second step is to evacuate the injured and establish a foothold. The third step is to control the door leaf and use the restrainer to create a larger door.

If everything goes well, everything can be done within 5 minutes. Of course, if you encounter something tricky, that's a different story.

In the dark corridor, something seemed to be crawling on the ceiling and walls. They climbed along the gaps in the stairs and attached to the railings.

It was a viscous gelatinous monster that was individually unconscious but capable of gathering together to produce simple intelligence.

"Enter the enemy."


"There's one on the right front, requesting permission to fire."

"With permission, let's start now and fight freely."

The dull sound of the silenced MP5 echoed in the corridor. Several flaming bullets tentatively shot down the monster stuck to the wall. When it fell to the ground, more than a dozen bullets were fired into its gelatinous body.

The metal bullet was wrapped in sticky gel and did not deform at all, but soon, the bullet slowly turned red and exploded with a burst of flames. At this time, the special power of the flame psychic bullet will spontaneously ignite after hitting the enemy.

The gelatinous substance made a "chirping" sound and burned from the inside. A disgusting smell spread out, like heated expired jelly.


"there are more."

More gels gathered from all over the corridor. Some of them fell directly from the sky and fell into a ball on the ground. Some of them flowed down from the gaps between the railings and the upper floors of the stairs and converged in one place.

They want to fit together.

"Enter the enemy."

The team members began to shoot indiscriminately. These sticky things were not difficult to deal with individually, and could even be said to be very weak. But if they come together, it's trickier.

There are a lot of viscous bodies in the corridor. After being attacked, they all flow towards the same place like crazy. All the behaviors of this unconscious monster come from the survival instinct. When a single body is attacked, other single bodies will seek to merge. to ward off threats.

The team fired rhythmically to ensure that the firepower could be sustained. The rhythm of changing magazines was perfectly controlled, and the bullet storm never stopped. Due to the firing of flaming bullets and the burning of the sticky monster, the entire corridor turned red.

The disgusting smell did not distract the team members. Their helmets inherited air filters that could deal with the invasion of various poisonous gases and pungent odors.

The slimy monsters were destroyed by the team members before they could be combined. Only seven or eight of them were successfully reunited, but even if they were combined, they would not pose much of a threat.

The team members changed their magazines and fired another volley, killing the last slimy monster. There were white spots of light all over the ground.

"Sacred object."

"Stay where you are and notify other teams to recover."

Morgan led the team to continue toward the exit on the second floor. The two team members inserted the scope under the door, observed the situation behind the door, and gave Morgan a thumbs up.

Morgan and another teammate stood on both sides and gently opened the door. A dozen team members rushed in and quickly occupied the aisle.

Morgan was the last one to enter. The white lights in the corridor were very dazzling, and the double glass doors on both sides of the corridor gave him a strange feeling. He sensed something was wrong and looked back at the unclosed safety passage door.

Inside the door frame is a wall made of red bricks.

Morgan came into the hallway with his gun in hand, pressed against the wall, and motioned for the team to check the four opposite glass doors. Several team members hid by the door and inserted the detector into the crack of the door, but the screen was completely black.

"Illusion." The team member reported.

Morgan nodded and signaled a team member holding HK416 to come behind him. He hid behind the door and gently opened the glass door a crack.

There was a scanner hung under the team member's HK416. He put the muzzle of the gun slightly into the door, and the retinal projection of the helmet immediately transmitted back the image.

A black anthropomorphic creature stood at the end of the illusion corridor, about 3 meters tall, with a scarlet body, a crow's head, claws like six daggers, skinny but full of strength.

"AB2C9T70219." The team member said softly.

Morgan signaled the team members at the other three doors to conduct reconnaissance, and the helmet connected to the LAN transmitted the projection to Morgan's helmet.

In addition to his own door, there were S-level monsters behind the other three doors.

A 1-meter-tall dog, with six tentacle-like vines splitting out of its back, with sharp bone knives at the tip.

A milky white humanoid creature, 2 meters tall, wearing a white silk robe, holding four steel knives in each of its four arms, and a white ceramic mourning mask on its face.

A centipede curled up on the ceiling, about the thickness of an adult's arm, with green juice dripping from its mouthparts.

"Five." Morgan signaled.

The team members nodded.

Morgan took two small black boxes from his waist, stuck one of them on the wall next to the glass double door, and threw the other to his companion at the door, who also stuck the black box on the wall on his side.

Morgan then took out a white psychic blocking grenade from behind his waist, pulled the string, and rolled to the end of the corridor.

Almost at the same time, the helmet eyepieces of all the team members turned black instantly. The next second, white flashes filled the entire corridor, followed by a violent thunder.

"Ah ... The sharp-clawed crow-headed monster ran toward the door. Just as it passed the door, a white cable suddenly formed between the two small black boxes. It was tripped and flew out.

Almost at the same time, several HK416s poured psychic punishment bullets at it, shooting the scarlet body into pieces.

Morgan walked forward, stepped on its spine, and pulled the trigger at its ugly face. The head of the sharp-clawed crow-headed monster was like a tomato that was crushed and shattered all over the ground.

The centipede monster climbed along the ceiling and walls, and was soon covered by the rain of bullets. Its body was broken into five or six sections and scattered on the ground, and green water flowed all over the ground.

The masked monster wielding four steel knives rushed out of the door, but what greeted him was the No. 12 flame attribute buck bullet. Its mask was shattered, revealing a face without facial features.

Before it could chop the knife at the enemy, the firepower net formed by three psychic calf shotguns shot it into a sieve. Three of its four arms were broken. The steel knife fell to the ground with a white flash and then disappeared. Its body was still burning until it died.

Finally, the dog curled up in the corner of the room, wailing, its flesh vines wrapped around its body and motionless. A No. 12 punishment attribute buck bullet hit its side face, the bullet exploded, and the white light beam scattered forward, blowing the dog's entire head into meat residue and sticking it to the wall.


Five monsters were confirmed to be killed, and none of the 24 team members were injured. Morgan made a gesture, and the team gathered in the aisle and piled the monster corpses in the middle of the aisle.

They will clean up layer by layer until all floors are clear.

Morgan looked back at the monster corpse on the ground. The blue light spot floated on the corpse. He knew that it was a rarer holy object, but as non-psychics, these team members, including him, could not extract the holy object from the light spot.

He pushed open the double door of the emergency passage and led the team into the dark corridor, leaving the holy objects where they were.

Let that bitch CPA worry about the holy objects.

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