This aura is deadly

Chapter 48 The Expanded Door

Violet and six other CPA agents were crowded in the elevator, staring at the floor indicators quietly.

Xijin Building is a 15-year-old office building, so many facilities are too old and not as convenient as the newly built office buildings later.

The elevator space with a load of 450 kilograms was very small, and six agents were awkwardly squeezed together. As the elevator slowly ascended, they heard the battle taking place on the second floor.

"P.W.A.T. is engaged? How many monsters are there in this building?" an agent couldn't help but ask.

"There are definitely more than we expected. The sweep and rescue work will be left to P.W.A.T. Our most important task is to find the source of the abnormal energy fluctuations." Violet emphasized.

On the screen of her handheld psychic wave detection device, an extremely huge light spot was flashing, which meant that something had passed through the door from the great void and entered the black box space.

Although all the monsters classified by the Bureau came from the Great Void, the size of the light spot far exceeded historical records and was a scale that the Bureau had never detected.

Either the number of things coming through time is huge, or its strength is astonishing.

"Catch alive or kill?" asked a female agent.

"We still don't know what that thing is. First, follow the instructions in the Great Void Contact Manual. If you have spare power, give priority to controlling and containing it. If you can't, consider killing it. Finally, check your equipment." Violet said.

Upon hearing this, the five agents each inspected the sacred diamonds they carried with them.

Like Diana, they are all psykers of the second level of the Authority, and they have sets of sacred objects distributed by the Authority based on their missions.

Moreover, as a CPA agent, the main job of his department is to contain and manage sacred objects, so naturally the sacred objects that can be obtained are the best in terms of quality and special effects.

A bald male agent stretched out his left hand wearing a black leather glove, gently twisted his fingertips, and took off the glove. He saw five rings on the five fingers of his left hand. The rings were made of special materials, and each ring was inlaid with a sacred diamond, three white and two blue.

A female agent with long brown hair lifted her right arm and wrist, and saw a long silver bracelet wrapped several times around her right forearm, with four white and one blue sacred diamonds emblazoned in it.

A sturdy black male agent took out the necklace on his chest from his collar. The necklace was in the shape of a disc, inlaid with 4 blue and 1 white sacred diamonds.

The punk female agent wears a ponytail, discounted lip nails, and smoky makeup. An iron chain studded with five white diamonds hangs from her jeans.

The male agent standing next to her stuffed two blue and three white sacred diamonds into his wallet.

These relics are strictly documented by the CPA, and users must write reports for each issuance and use. Agents must return them in advance before they are drained. Because there is no way to manufacture or repair relic diamonds, each one is very precious.

When the floor indicator light showed "6", the elevator slowly stopped. As soon as the elevator door opened, six agents immediately poured out of the elevator, ready for battle.

The empty corridor seemed very quiet. Violet took out a handheld psychic wave detection device and began to search for the door.

"The psychic explosion effect occurred here just last night, and according to Diana's report, it was most likely artificially created using a blasphemous dagger. If you find any strange phenomena, remember to record it," Violet said.

The agents nodded. They had already learned about the black box space in the Bureau, and they also knew that Diana was following the case.

"Maybe we can help her figure out what happened here last night." The punk female agent smiled.

"It's best this way. Then she only has to do some paperwork." The branch agent took over.

"Concentrate." Violet frowned.

She looked at the four double glass doors in the passage, and then at the wall at the end of the passage.

"Where is the door?" the ponytail female agent asked.

"That's right."

Violet strode over and pressed her hand against the wall. The spiritual essence in her body spurted out from her palm along her nerves and seeped into the wall.

With her palm as the center, the wall cracked with blue light cracks, getting bigger and bigger, and more and more, and finally the entire wall was broken into stone fragments of different sizes, but they did not fall. On the ground, but frozen in the air.

Behind the wall is a white swirling hole, barely half a meter high.

But on the outside of the vortex, a huge red vortex enveloped it, with a height of about 3 meters. The two overlapped together, like a small door frame inserted into a large door frame.

This is the two-layer effect. At the same position in the black box space, the spiritual explosion effect broke out again from the side of the Great Void, causing the passage to expand and rendering the door made by P.W.A.T.'s convergence device useless.

The size of the psychic channel is not only in terms of area, but also related to the flow of psychic energy. The larger the channel, the greater the flow of psychic energy. A small channel will restrict the influx of monsters with excessive size and energy into the black box space. This is also the basis for why the Authority can rate black box spaces.

No matter how closed the black box space is, after the spiritual energy of various attributes in the Great Void flows into the black box through the spiritual energy channel, it will slowly spread in this world, and no physical means can stop it.

And now, the red whirlpool portal in front of Violet is big enough for any known monster to enter and exit freely. At least this is the largest door she has ever seen in her career. If it is not controlled, it will undoubtedly It will cause a disaster.

"This door is really big..." The agents were surprised. They had never seen such a huge door.

Inside the double vortex, or rather on the opposite side, is a white world. Looking from a distance, there is a large group of dilapidated medieval classical-style buildings with a majestic white church in the distance.

"Team stop...we need to conduct a mission assessment." Violet said. The door was so huge that she had to assume that the monster entering the black box from the void was the same height as the door.

Three meters high, the energy fluctuates hugely. In order not to cause unnecessary sacrifices, the administration will consider every action for a long time.

"So, where is the place on the other side of this black box?" Some agents looked out of the door curiously.

Each spiritual explosion space leads to a different great void, but what is certain is that if multiple doors are produced in a black box, then these doors must all lead to the same great void, but their destinations are different.

Violet took off the communicator from her waist bag and connected to the Special Operations Command of the Administration.

"This is Violet. She found the door. It's bigger than we expected. It's surprisingly big."

"Yeah, I'll take care of it."

"Okay, I will. I apply to upgrade black box No. 4679 to Rank: S immediately, and stop opening it to spiritual enterprises before Diana's investigation is completed."

"Okay, okay, got it."

"Violet, out."

Violet ended the communication, turned to the team members and said: "The mission continues, but after contact with the monster that caused the door to expand, if it exceeds our ability to respond, we will evacuate immediately." Violet

"So, it will be their turn then?" Someone laughed.

"Keep going. No matter what, you have to meet that kid first and see what it is." Violet said.

At this time, subtle footsteps came from the quiet passage.


Listen carefully, and there is the sound of the tip of the knife scraping across the ground.

"It seems like something doesn't want us to leave," the black agent said.

The agents looked at each other and adjusted their positions slightly.

The elevator door at the far end suddenly bulged, as if something wanted to come out. The double doors on both sides of the passage were slowly pushed open, and the fluorescent lights on the ceiling slowly dimmed.

Clusters of octopus tentacle-like plants squeezed through the cement wall, growing from the cracks and corners of the wall, and slowly moved towards the six agents along the climbable surface.

The entire elevator door bulged, and from the gap in the middle, a thick octopus tentacle squeezed out. Then, the door was completely destroyed, and a barefoot humanoid creature wearing a yellow hooded robe walked out of the elevator.

Its feet and calves were dark, and there was a rich darkness under the hood. Several octopus tentacles protruded from the wide sleeves, and purple juice flowed out of the suckers of each tentacle.

Humanoid creatures wearing masks and white robes also walked out of the four double glass doors at the same time. Each of the four arms held a steel knife. Each monster's mask had a different expression.

"Maybe they just want to go home, can we just give in?" the branch agent said.

The six agents laughed, their bodies flashing white and blue halos at the same time.

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