This aura is deadly

Chapter 49: Strange Costumes

The yellow-robed monster raised its arms, and its tentacles slowly retracted into the wide sleeves. The yellow sleeves suddenly became bulging, and a stream of purple poisonous juice poured from the sleeves to the ground. The juice spurted out faster and faster. After a while, a small river was created in the corridor.

The purple juice reached to their ankles and wet the socks of the six agents, but they didn't care at all. The water level of the purple creek is slowly rising, and in another minute or two, the entire aisle may be filled.

"Use that." Violet turned around and said.

The long-haired female agent stretched out her left arm, and her five fingers turned over a faint blue light, which gradually became transparent from the fingertips. A light blue light ball the size of a ping-pong ball rose in the palm of her hand. His thumb, index finger and middle finger went deep into the light group and snapped his fingers.

The light group immediately burst open, and a burst of bright white light exploded at the fingertips of the female agent. The psychic energy caused by the light explosion was like the flash of a camera, taking a snapshot of the entire aisle with one click.

After the flash, the purple poisonous juice stream and the strange tentacle-like plants clinging to the wall disappeared out of thin air, and a floating resentful spirit in white also appeared behind the yellow-robed monster.

Four white-robed monsters brandished steel knives and attacked the agents. They rotated their upper bodies, making the four knives spin like a meat grinder. However, their masks never rotated with their bodies, but straightened. looking ahead.

The black agent stepped forward, and a white light flashed in his right hand, revealing an extra logging axe. The wooden handle of this axe was incomplete, and the lower half seemed to have been hastily chopped off by something, so the end of the handle was shaped like broken sawdust, and the ax blade glowed coldly. , looks very sharp.

Then, blue light flowed on his body, and then four pieces of sacred equipment replaced his outfit. He wore a medieval knight's bucket helmet on his head, and a pair of long milky white carved gloves on his hands. The jacket on his body was replaced by an unknown oriental ancient style bright red robe, and on his feet were a pair of somewhat torn straw sandals.

The branch agent on the side also followed closely. A blue light flashed in his right hand, and a Victorian gentleman's walking stick with a silver body and a scarlet gemstone on the head was held in his hand. A white light flashed in his left hand, and a carved silver hand was transformed out of thin air. Antique revolver.

The black agent squatted on the spot, held the wood-cutting ax in both hands and roared angrily. An inner power burst out from his body, and a red cyclone wrapped around his body.

He rushed in front of the white-robed monster, ignoring the four steel knives cutting on his body. He charged up and slashed, smashing the monster to the ground with an axe. Then he hit the masked head with an axe. , chop it in half.

A separate agent swam in front of the white-robed monster, and when the monster's steel knife was about to swing down, he pulled the trigger.

The quaint and old revolver roared, and the orange-yellow psychic energy wave penetrated the monster's chest and abdomen just as the steel knife was about to hit him. The monster staggered and knelt on one knee in front of the separate agent.

The branch agent slid closer to the monster, the white light in his right hand flashed again, and the pistol disappeared, this time turning into an iron hook with blood stains.

They split up and put the iron hook into the monster's abdomen at once, and then pulled hard. The iron hook pulled the red and yellow intestines out of the monster's abdominal cavity, and a large group of scarlet flowers exploded.

The white-clothed monster didn't even have a chance to make a wailing sound before it was gutted out alive and died.

The ponytail punk female agent transformed into two kodachi in her left and right hands. The clothes on her upper body were replaced by a shabby Risei style kimono. There was a skull tattoo on her exposed right shoulder and a white headband on her head.

"Wild wind!"

She yelled and rushed towards the remaining two white-robed monsters. She waved her two swords alternately around her, spinning around her and creating a wave of air around her.

The air wave was like the embodiment of a knife, tearing the two monsters trapped into three pieces and leaving deep ravines on the walls on both sides of the aisle.

The yellow-robed monster stretched out its tentacles towards the pony-tailed punk female agent and wrapped it around her knife. The next second, a ball of flame suddenly passed over the female agent's head and landed on the tentacles. The flames burned more and more fiercely, and burned off the yellow-robed monster's tentacles. He also burned out the white-clothed resentful spirit that created the illusion.

In the distance, the bald agent had just put on a glove on his left hand, which was covered with rings. The leather glove on his right hand turned into a worn linen fingerless glove, and an eternal flame ignited in the palm of his hand.

"Plate it." Violet said.

The five agents slowly approached the yellow-robed monster. At this moment, there was a noise from the safe passage.

Several P.W.A.T members kicked open the door, and several HK416s vented their anger at the yellow-robed monster. The bullets were like a heavy rain, beating it back repeatedly. Purple juice splashed out from the bullet holes in the yellow robe. Soon, it He fell to the ground, with a large pool of purple juice gathering under his body.

The illusion disintegrated instantly, and large areas of blood stains suddenly appeared on the surrounding walls. There were also many corpses of investigators on the ground. Some had no heads, and some were chopped into two parts. The scene was very tragic.

Morgan came to the aisle to meet Violet. Some P.W.A.T members couldn't help but shake their heads when they saw the bloody scene.

"Oh my god, these investigators died so tragically..." Some people couldn't help but whisper.

"They are not lucky enough. The second stack effect occurs on this floor. Look at the door behind us." Violet pointed at the huge crack behind her, leaning on her waist.

"Damn it, it seems this written report will be very complicated..." Morgan looked at the huge door with a very complicated expression.

"Have you found any survivors?" Violet asked.

Morgan shook his head and turned to look at the dead yellow-robed monster on the ground. "Is this what you are looking for?" he asked, kicking the monster's body.

"Of course not, the target has moved. It is... going up, as if it is chasing something..." Violet took out the handheld device, as if she was answering Morgan, or talking to herself.

"No matter where that bastard goes, it's dead. I still have a team rappelling on the top floor, and they are on guard on the 11th floor." Morgan smiled.

"Don't blame me for not warning you, Lieutenant, the size of this door has exceeded my expectations. We now have to assume that this threat is difficult for us to deal with..." Violet said.

"I never make assumptions, seeing is believing." Morgan interrupted Violet.

"By the way... I suggest that you don't just care about the combination of effects of holy objects in the future, but at least choose something that doesn't look weird when worn together..." Morgan looked at the black agent again and added.

After Morgan finished speaking, the P.W.A.T members also laughed softly.

The black agent was wearing a medieval bucket helmet, a huge oriental-style red robe, and a pair of straw sandals on his feet. He felt a little embarrassed at the moment, so he immediately put away the sacred object.

The holy objects come from an unknown ancient era, seemingly close to various eras such as the Middle Ages or the Victorian period, so each sacred object has the characteristic appearance of a different era, but in fact these holy objects have nothing to do with known human history. relation.

Sometimes, for the purpose of combining some useful special effects with specific extraordinary skills, it will lead to a situation like a black agent, wearing a powerful holy object but looking stupid.

There is no way to have both effect and beauty.

"We will pay attention to it in the future. Maybe the sacred object management department of the Administration will eventually find a way to help agents re-customize the appearance of sacred objects according to the appearance of VOGUE fashion magazines or superhero comics." The ponytail punk female agent said sarcastically, She also collected holy objects.

"That's enough, that's enough. It's time to get down to business. Can you handle this door now?" Violet pulled her head back.

"The door-building team will not come in until the black box space is cleared. But... where is the opposite side this time?" Morgan spread his hands and looked inside the door curiously.

"Considering the size of this door... Lieutenant, I suggest you send someone to guard this place and set up necessary obstacles." Violet said.

"Team Delta, this is Lieutenant Morgan. I need you to go to the sixth floor of the building to guard the door. Over." Morgan contacted the team on standby downstairs through the radio.

"Okay, let's keep going up. That thing can't go far." Violet turned back and said to the agents.

"My people will come up right away. You just go find what you want. We'll still clean it up layer by layer. That's it," Morgan said.

"I agree." Violet did not object.

Among the corpses on the ground, several bright spots flickered, which were the lights of the holy objects, two blue and one white.

Now is not the time to collect holy objects. Moreover, she does not carry a holy object identification device with her. Even if she extracts the holy objects, she cannot check the special effects. She should wait until everything is over before dealing with it.

Violet took the agents and walked into the safe passage with Morgan's team.

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